The difference between beliefs and facts (1:57) What are limiting beliefs? (2:36) How limiting beliefs are typically formed (3:40) How beliefs hold you back in life (5:08) Ways to deal with limiting beliefs (6:16) The 3-stage process of crushing your limiting beliefs (7:30) Validating your beliefs (12:24) How other people's words, thoughts and beliefs can affect your perspective (16:36) Finding the freedom to choose your own beliefs (17:49) Resources: Crushing Your Limiting Beliefs Worksheet...
Published 08/04/20
Fifi’s perspective on being an introvert (5:10) How introverts deal with problems or difficulties in life (7:15) How to work out if you’re an introvert (8:10) The difference between being shy and introvert (11:31) The process of accepting and embracing the introversion (13:52) Dealing with loud people (16:24) Fifi's journey of embracing herself and self discovery (18:20) How Fifi coped up with the daily basis of being an introvert (20:45) The first step towards making the most...
Published 07/28/20
The biggest thing that stops you having a successful and happier life (3:13) The symptoms that you’re currently not in control of your life (4:34) How to start taking action and starting with your goals (6:20) Why ‘sales’ is the primary skill that is undervalued but everyone should master (9:50) Core elements of sales that can be applied to everyday life (14:09) The true basis of happiness and satisfaction (16:45) Actionable steps from this episode...
Published 07/15/20
The secret of getting away from it all and finding freedom. (3:57) How to avoid getting stressed about things that you just can’t control. (6:28) Why breathing differently will help you to relax and unwind (9:38) Realising that most things actually don’t matter all that much (and it’s better to just let it go). (11:43) Taking time for yourself (14:00) The importance of ‘keeping it clean’ (15:30) Using music to unwind and destress (17:22) How to reduce your stress, even with your...
Published 07/07/20
Getting to know more about Alfie (4:38) What Alfie believes that it takes to be successful (7:53) Alfie's experience of ‘changing lanes’ through life (9:55) The reasons behind making the big lane shifts (14:25) Alfie's plans and strategies for changing lanes (16:35) Alfie's motivational tips to push and inspire people (18:51) The first step if you'd like to change lanes or directions in your life (21:19) Resources: Alfie Joey social media accounts: Instagram...
Published 07/01/20
Why you are your single biggest obstacle (03:48) The first step towards having an amazing life (5:28) The importance of giving yourself permission to change (6:04) The reason why wanting change is not enough (6:43) Accept failure and learn to fail forward (10:38) Start taking chances and risks (11:38) The secret to designing your own life (14:50) Why it is never too late to change (16:58) How to free yourself and transform your life (18:42) Become the very best that you can be...
Published 06/24/20
Holly’s Definition Of Success: Success should not be defined by popularity, or by Instagram or by hashtags. Success for me is feeling connected to family and friends. From my work point of view, I will feel truly successful when I will be the go-to self development person in the UK and then the world. TV, shows, books, workshops, events -- that would be me at my pinnacle of success. Success for me is being happy all throughout the journey. Show notes: What does success mean for Holly -...
Published 06/17/20
The importance of defining what success looks like to you? (2:54) How to step back and work ON your life (3:05) Have an inspection on what success really means to you (6:20) The secret to living your life by design, not by default (8:39) Why success is totally different for everyone (11:54) The steps towards defining your own version of success (12:55) Using your past to improve your future (22:20) Using your strengths and weaknesses to build success...
Published 06/10/20
Simon's definition of 'character' - 4:02 The difference between character and personality - 6:33 How can we find the areas of our character that need to be worked on -8:04 The advantages of being accountable and being responsible when building a characteristic - 14:03 What are the different 'World Class' characteristics you discovered - 15:31 The 3 components of mental toughness - 17:30 What makes World Class people different from others - 17:51 Simon's definition of 'identity'...
Published 06/02/20
Success Unlocked is launching on Wednesday, 3rd June 2020... followed by a brand new episode every week. Beamed directly into your earholes (via your favourite podcast player), tune in each week for stories, advice and inspiration to help you create your perfect life. If you've ever stopped and thought, 'There must be something more out there for me!', then you're right - and this podcast will help you move closer to it. Don't forget to subscribe and stop by over at SuccessUnlocked.com...
Published 05/23/20