Hit home/episode 4 cant play for some reason!
This really helped me realize how much it really never had anything to with us as a person. The narc just wants to be able to freely love and feel truly satisfied in life but aren't capable of this without help or change and looking within themselves so the inward matches the outward. But your points about everything really hit home to me and what I went through. Things with them are so selfish and turn so one sided over time. They take and take until we as empaths have nothing left to give. I got used for my resources and then judged for when I was struggling. All the critical assumptions about my past and life all I was at the end of it was truly just a emotional punching bag for the narc. They slowly drop the mask while your so invested so you get confused and try to save what you think you want when your just trapped in a vicious cycle that is not who you are at all and its a hard core ending of just constant arguing and trying to stick up for yourself when you didn't do anything wrong but have boundaries and limits! Normal people argue and say sorry and realize whats important but a relationship with a narc is just fighting to hold on and let go and they justify themselves about everything each and every day. My long distance ex narc made me believe in him so much that when we first met we were soul mates like you said it was just a mirror of loving myself the whole time but he also made me see a bright future together. Once he moved to me I thought having each other back in each others lives was more than enough to start building and letting go of the pain of being apart. We had everything set up from a nice apartment and my supportive loving family and friends around us. But lets just say narcs do not know what its like to live in calm and beautiful mind state. His chaotic inner world became more and more unstable. Like you said in the podcast would never wish for this pain upon anyone. As empaths you want to believe in your significant other and that they will match your loyalty and always choose you no matter what. You want to become one and be a power couple and flourish. But with a narc they are souless and cruel. At the end of the day the things that helped me move forward to seeing any light in the darkest tunnel I’ve ever been through was: Yoga for one day a week last few months. Get yourself a creative side job helps you get back to your roots! Let family and friends be supportive You get to see who really is there for you and who isn't not just the good times but in hard times! Narc youtube channel Positive affirmations while sleeping Be selfish for now on for who gets your energy and attention Small trips to visit friends other places Make a list of future goals Like you said one day at a time You seem to be doing so well then it builds up how devastated and broken after all the sacrifices you made for the narc but you need to release it in healthy ways! Some healthy affirmations: You arent put on this earth to fix or heal ppl thats what God is for. Love yourself again Understand narcs and narcismm so you can filter better Not your fault!! Let the emotions release! They can destroy others while you recover Stop investing in ppl who aren’t investing in you! Stop distancing and excluding yourself .. put yourself out there and filter better! Self discovery is the hardest part ✨ Your only truly grounded when your living in reality as your true self Do what you really want not what everyone else wants or what your supposed to do ! Its your life ! Understand there will be people who want to change your souls makeup because they cant change your inner revolutions Understand there will be people who applaud your healing in person but secretly hope you never evolve past their comfort zone. Understand that peoples intentions will not always match their actions, but you don’t owe your loyalty to anyone who doesn’t value your energy. Always remember were more than enough its always gonna be their loss. I thought of my ex narc as my world and love of my life the person I wanted to marry and I don't regret anything but wasting my efforts and love and giving my trust to someone who never even existed. Its a ongoing healing process. But I’ve learned a lot and continue to learn and take full responsibility for my own healing. Its been now 5 months no contact since I figured him out. He was no longer fed supply to his false self and the mask completely dropped and he could not face his true self. Sad but true they know what they are doing and I hope one day they will look inward only way to change anything. True love will never hurt you the ways narcs do! True love doesn't hurt you people who don't know how to love do!!! Embrace new chances at happiness! Forgive yourself Forgive the narc Forgive the situation Forgive, accept and let go and move forward Take FULL responsibility for your own healing Want happiness for yourself and for them with or without you! Thats a true lover who is not easily replaced! Sending love!!! Also episode 4 says error and cant play which I would love to hear it! Thanks again!!! ⬆️❤️Read full review »
Survior PA via Apple Podcasts · United States of America · 01/08/20
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I love this podcast! It helps me to have someone who understands where I am coming from. His story is my story. I got soooooooo hurt by my ex husband; so much gaslighting and lies. It helps to have someone who understands.
Benita042577 via Apple Podcasts · United States of America · 06/03/20
Thank you.
Carin Charlotte via Apple Podcasts · Sweden · 07/15/20
Your podcasts are clear and really helped me see the truth.
thisnicknamewastakentoo via Apple Podcasts · Canada · 04/04/20
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