For the last episode of SystemShift season 2, we are joined by Helena Norberg-Hodge, pioneer of the new economy movement, who delves into the far-reaching consequences of the prevailing economic model on local economies and ecosystems. Through her experiences in Ladakh, she describes the erosion of traditional values and community cohesion in the face of modernisation and consumerism. Helena advocates for a movement towards localisation, stressing the importance of decentralised,...
Published 03/29/24
María Llanos del Corral, a pioneer in community-driven development and the visionary behind the Eroles and La Bolina projects, shares her wealth of experience in fostering cooperative power through grassroots organising and groundbreaking project implementation. Listeners will discover the profound impact of radical friendship as a cornerstone of trust-building within projects aimed at social regeneration and repopulation. María delves into the imperative of challenging market-driven...
Published 03/22/24
Published 03/22/24
Millionaire businessman, João Paulo Pacifico, challenges the very foundations of conventional economic wisdom in this captivating episode. Unveiling the hidden facets of financial markets, João Paulo shares firsthand experiences from the tumultuous 2008 crisis, highlighting the dehumanisation within the system. He recounts a pivotal moment during the crisis, leading him to question the ethics of capitalism, and create Gaia, a venture founded on principles of empathy and sustainability, aiming...
Published 03/15/24
Ashish Kothari draws on his experience in the areas of wildlife and biodiversity to explore the profound consequences of human disconnection from nature. From bonding with a baby monkey in Kerala to discussing the impact of farmer protests in North India, we navigate through the interconnected realms of psychology, economics, and ecology. The conversation delves into personal anecdotes, societal implications, and potential alternatives to our modern, urbanised lifestyles and looks at various...
Published 03/08/24
Peter Victor, Professor Emeritus and Senior Scholar at York University, Canada and author of Escape from Overshoot. Economics for a Planet in Peril (2023), looks at the intersection of ecology, economics, and sustainable living, diving deep into the historical roots of our current environmental dilemmas. Peter explores the impacts of economic growth and the concept of overshoot, delving into the complexities of 'green growth,' and grappling with the hurdles of achieving net-zero emissions on...
Published 03/01/24
In this episode of the SystemShift podcast, Tove Maria Ryding from the European Network on Debt and Development (Eurodad) joins us for a thought-provoking discussion on the crucial need for a UN tax convention. Delving into the intersection of tax and environmental issues, Tove looks at the principles that should guide the establishment of a fair global tax system. She emphasises the importance of preventing countries from becoming tax havens, ensuring accountability in tax spending, and...
Published 02/23/24
Nicholas Shaxson, author and expert on the global economic system, looks at the intricate web of global finance, exploring the unseen forces shaping our economies and societies and exposing the hidden impacts of tax deregulation and monopolistic market practices. From the United Kingdom's economic struggles to the pervasiveness of big tech firms, this episode unveils the hidden mechanisms of monopolistic power, particularly in the energy and financial sectors, and shows how their immense...
Published 02/16/24
Amanda Janoo, Economics and Policy Lead at the Wellbeing Economy Alliance, looks at how we can reshape economic models to align with both ecological preservation and human flourishing. Amanda takes us on a journey through the wellbeing economy movement, scrutinising how the conventional emphasis on growth and wealth maximisation has exacerbated crises like climate change, inequality, and mental health issues. She dissects the impact of the current failing economic and financial systems on the...
Published 02/09/24
Slovenian philosopher, sociologist and legal theorist, Renata Salecl, lays bare the fraying fabric of our communities, worn thin by corruption and apathy and she examines corporate exploitation, the unchecked dominance of technology behemoths, and the unsettling rise of new authoritarianism. Renata explores societal inertia, uncovering how feelings of helplessness and disenchantment often render individuals passive and how authoritarian forces capitalise on societal disconnection. She...
Published 02/01/24
Our podcast, SystemShift, returns for a second season where we look beyond the problems of our economic system and take you on a quest to piece together what a wellbeing economy could look like and how we can get there. We’ll delve into the shadows to reveal the myths and disinformation that shroud our understanding of the current failing economic and financial systems that drive the exploitation of people and the planet. Ordinary people in many countries are feeling besieged by a...
Published 01/26/24
In our season finale, we're diving deep into the myths surrounding neoliberalism with leading economists Kate Pickett and Richard Wilkinson - two of the brightest minds in the field. Brace yourself for a compelling discussion on how inequality takes a toll on physical health, relationships, and emotions. Chronic stress, accelerated ageing, increased rates of bullying and homicide, and even lower life expectancy all intertwine with the disparity. Pickett and Wilkinson will also look at...
Published 06/08/23
Ariane König shares her work on studying complex systems, as well as practical advice for creating a regenerative society. She dives deep into defining what a system is in complex social-ecological-technological systems and stresses the significance of collective intelligence and transdisciplinary approaches in her research. Ariane discusses the work of political economist Elinor Ostrom on social coordination and the mechanisms that govern it, with examples of how market competition and...
Published 06/01/23
Guy Standing, economist and author, looks at the current economic system and its impact on labour and society as a whole. Standing is a campaigning economist responsible for some of the most innovative solutions to inequality of recent times and he calls on us to wake up to the threat posed by capitalism's violent policies for extraction, exploitation and depletion of that which is both common to us all, but also vital to our survival. Austerity and neoliberal policies have depleted our...
Published 05/25/23
The renowned development economist, Jayati Ghosh, offers an eye-opening perspective on the different facets of inequality and the need for systemic change to address them, bringing together her interests in international trade and finance, employment patterns in developing countries, as well as issues related to gender and development. Ghosh argues for the need to redress the power imbalances which are reinforcing socially irrational and unjust policies. Through the prisms of gender...
Published 05/18/23
Kojo Koram sheds light on the impacts of Britain's colonial past on our current economic model. He explains how the legacies of the British empire are not just symbolic or cultural, but are deeply connected to our economy, legal system, and political structure. Kojo looks beyond the mainstream culture wars debate around Empire and emphasises the material motivations behind imperialism - the extraction of resources from across the world to benefit the home territory of the empire. He...
Published 05/11/23
In this episode, Eva von Redecker, applies the lens of critical theory and feminist philosophy to challenge the notion that the current economic system is inevitable and offers insights into how we can begin to change it and build something new in its place. Redecker calls for a reevaluation of our assumptions about work, value, and care, and advocates for prioritising the needs of the most vulnerable in society. She envisions a world where the current system, built on a foundation of...
Published 05/04/23
Indy Johar, an architect who specialises in re-imagining institutions and envisioning different economies and relationships, argues that we are vastly underestimating the scale of the challenges we face. According to Indy, the next few decades will completely redesign everything around us, including our material world such as our clothes, food, and furniture, as well as some of our concepts, including those of value, pricing, ownership, and work. He sees us on the threshold of a structural...
Published 04/27/23
Juliet Schor explores the urgent need to address the ecological crisis by fundamentally shifting our economic focus from growth to sustainability. Schor sheds light on the relationship between extreme inequality and climate breakdown, highlighting how unequal power structures prevent climate action. Drawing from her research, Schor argues for reduced work hours, increased leisure time, and a focus on community well-being as a practical and realistic alternative to the unsustainable...
Published 04/17/23
Ann Pettifor demystifies the complex concept of money creation in modern economies, which is no longer backed by gold reserves held by central banks. Pettifor uses accessible imagery and language to explain how money, history's most misunderstood invention, was created and sets out her diagnosis of the problems plaguing the world's monetary system. She also offers a prescription for how these issues can be fixed. Pettifor discusses how commercial bankers can create credit without limit and...
Published 04/17/23
Tim Jackson delivers a thought-provoking exploration of the urgent need to redefine and measure progress in a different way, given that our current economic system is clearly unsustainable and toxic. Jackson challenges the myth of eternal economic growth and its impact on our finite resources and a rapidly warming planet. He questions the predominant measure of progress across the world, Gross Domestic Product, and the popular belief that governments need to continually increase production...
Published 04/17/23