Why do so many people feel unable to be sexually expressive? Freya Mc Farlane, Tantra Facilitator and ex-midwife, talks about the inhibitions she witnessed at numerous births, and how this is linked to sexual expression. She goes on to talk about how playing with archetypes can free us from our limitations. www.livetantra.com
Published 12/29/23
Published 12/29/23
Do we currently have a porn problem? According to Tyson Adam's estimation, this problem is biggest than we estimate, and is causing havoc to men's sexuality and couple's relationships, as well as being a huge loss of life force energy, Join Shashi Solluna in this interview to explore the issue and how to move out of the grips of an addiction, and towards buukding a healthier sexuality.
Published 12/29/23
It is a common phenomenon that many women do not enjoy sex as much as they would like to. Many suffer from numbness or pain, and do not know why, nor how to heal themselves. As a result, there are women who just endure intimacy as a way to connect with their partner, and others who just avoid it. Laura Walter is an expert in this topic, because she herself used to suffer from numbness and pain. Through Tao Tantra tools she began to heal and turn around her situation. Now she coaches many...
Published 02/19/23
This episode is exploring the field of Conscious BDSM, renamed BDSI (bondage, domination, submission and impact) by Jonathan Beger. This field of exploration is becoming increasingly popular, even in mainstream society, and yet still the depths of which are often misunderstood or indeed misused. Several facilitators have been creating a new field, they call Tantric BDSM/BDSI, which works with trauma healing, shadow work, energy awareness and cultivating higher states of consciousness. I chat...
Published 10/12/22
https://live-tantra-academy.teachable.com/p/tantric-massage-for-couples Tantric Massage is a way for couples to enter into deep intimacy and union together, as well as a way to totally transform their love life. I chat with Maria Sky about how a couple can use Tantric Massage, what it is, the difference between healing and pleasure, the triggers that can arise and how they can enter this world together.
Published 08/26/22
BUSTER AND SHASHI ARE NOW PLANNING A TRAUMA TRAINING FOR TANTRA TEACHERS...coming soon! ****Both classical tantra and neo tantra have always been known as being controversial paths, diving shamelessly into shadows such as desire, lust and longing. Recently there has been a growing awareness around trauma, and participants are often looking to Tantra as a place to heal traumas. Others report that the Tantra field re-traumatized them with its confrontational practices, or questionable...
Published 07/22/22
Tantra is sometimes seen as a pretty heteronormative field, with its teachings on masculine and feminine energy. But once you start to dive into it, it becomes clear that these terms are about how energy flows, and is not limited to the physical body or gender. In fact, we could rename masculine and feminine energy as "Yang" and "Yin", or as penetrative energy and receptive energy. What we can see then, is that the way we channel energy can be a choice. A choice that is open to everyone,...
Published 07/11/22
Margot Anand was very much at the beginnings of Neo Tantra, as she was asked to teacher Tantra by the mystic Osho. She has been a huge part of the development of the modern Tantra scene. In this interview she chats about the changes she has seen in this scene and the future of Tantra in the world. Hear her juicy stories and an incredible perspective on the evolution of Neo Tantra. For the training she refers to: CLICK HERE.
Published 01/14/22
We are drawn to relating so that we can enjoy giving and receiving...the very foundation of what makes a relationship. And yet, these are areas that we are not taught about in our education, and indeed there is a lot of confusion about it all. One of the leading voices on this topic is Betty Martin, who created the Wheel of Consent. This is a practice and a model for exploring the intricacies of true giving receiving, both as the "doer" and being "done to". Once we start to takes these...
Published 10/18/21
Tibetan Tantra is probably the path least known by Westerners. Most of us in the modern Western world follow NeoTantra and dive into Taoist Sexual Arts and some classical Indian Tantra. This might be partly due to the fact that Tibetan Tantra is much a monastic path, practised largely by monks. This may be one of the reasons it is not so seen in Western culture. Also many of the teachings are secret and not revealed until the practitioner has attained a certain level of personal...
Published 06/25/21
What is the connection between kundalini rising, the energy body, energetic sex and astral sex? Perhaps one of the few people on this planet who can talk with confidence on these topics is Michael Winn, founder of Healing Tao USA, who has been facilitating the Taoist Sexual Arts and Inner Alchemy for over 40 years. Following on from his class in the LiveTantra Kundalini Symposium, I chat with Michael about his own first experiences with astral sex and what he learned from it.  In this...
Published 04/25/21
Dating is something that is constantly evolving. It used to be picking her up and taking her for dinner. Over the last decades we have seen online dating simply soar in popularity, and speed dating and other such live events to facilitate connections.  But what about in the world of Tantra? Surely a field so focused on sex, love and connection should be full of dating options. And how do facilitators merge tantric practices together with dating? Plus, with recent lockdowns, how can Tantra...
Published 01/21/21
This is an unusual episode, because I am interviewing my own partner! I wanted him to share how he chose me. Because this man has impressed me deeply since I met him, and the process of being "wooed" by him was extraordinary.  I know that I can be intimidating to men, purely because I am a well-known Tantra teacher. That in itself can be enticing, but also intimidating. In the past I had men approach me to get something from me, or there was a power struggle there. But with Shahid, he stood...
Published 09/22/20
How is a man to find a healthy way to be in his masculine in today's world? When we hear so much about the "toxic masculine", the backlash of the #metoo movement paints a very dismal picture of men and masculine energy. So what is a man to do? Ignore the feedback and label it all as projection? Crumple in guilt and give up all trance of masculinity? How is a man to date in a post-#metoo era? Can a man still approach a woman and ask her for a drink without being the "toxic masculine"? Is it...
Published 09/03/20
Many women find that their libido diminishes after they have a baby, and it can be a struggle to get it back. As well, a partner may have various struggles with knowing how to relate intimately with her once they become parents. Of course, there are hormonal changes, there are late nights with crying babies, but it IS also possible to bring the intimacy back. Amanda Ananda is a Tantra Facilitator who is also a mum of two. She realized that there is a lot from the tantric wisdom that could...
Published 04/23/20
Power dynamics can be one of the biggest causes of conflict and harm in a relationship. Commonly, women give their power away to men in various ways, although this can also be the other way around. In this podcast, I talk with Sonja Shradha Devi about unhealthy power dynamics that result in a woman devaluing her own experience. This might be a personal relationship but is also seen in student-guru relationships. We will talk about: - physical abuse, emotional abuse and even spiritual...
Published 04/23/20
Something that I feel we all need to learn about if we want to have harmonious relationships is trauma healing. Most of us have had more trauma than we realize, and right now we are in times of mass collective trauma (trauma is defined as anything that is overwhelming for our system to process). It affects our emotions, our nervous system our ability to relate with others...and this all comes out in our interpersonal relationships. Add to that the amount of sexual trauma and abuse that many...
Published 03/23/20
So many men carry shame around issues such as premature ejaculation and impotence. And to make matters worse, many carry this shame alone as they do not know where to go for guidance and support. Meet Taylor. He is offering support for men in the form of articles, videos and courses to guide them through a process that he himself went through. With his experience of Tantra, Taoist Sexual Arts and his own explorations, he has been putting together a toolkit for men to shift their...
Published 01/29/20
Published 01/27/20
Many religions teach that in order to be truly spiritual, you must suppress sexuality and destroy your sexual urges. Tantra is one rare exception, that instead invites you to enter sexuality but with full awareness and consciousness.   Ohad Ezrahi is part of the lead faculty of ISTA, leading conscious sexuality trainings around the world. However, in his early days he was immersed into Orthodox Judaism and was even ordained as a Rabbi. This came from his deep yearnings to find more to life...
Published 09/13/19
For centuries mankind has been struggling with the differential between the spiritual desire for non-attachment and the human desire for building relationships.  Many have felt forced to choose...those who took the spiritual path renounced all worldly desires with celibacy, monkhood and other austere practices, giving up all the basic human desires (at least on the surface, as we now know many failed and just pushed their desires into shadowy behaviours).. Those who chose humanity may have...
Published 08/17/19
Ma Ananda Sarita is one of the world's leading authorities on Tantra. She lived for 26 years in the Osho community, and 16 years in Osho's presence, receiving teachings and transmissions on the teachings and meditations of Tantra. We chat together about how sex can become a spiritual experience, and how a couple can transform an ordinary relationship into a tantric relationship. At the end of this podcast, Sarita shares step-by-step guidance for a couple's practice in spiritual sex.  In this...
Published 07/30/19
How to deal with conflict in your relationship? For many people, arguing takes the fun out of being in a relationship, and can even be the cause for the whole relationship to fail. Marriage Meditator, Max Rivers, explains that although conflict can ruin relationships, it also can actually take your relationship deeper. You simply need to know how to transform it. His explanation is that we argue on one level, but resolve on another. Trying to resolve an issue at the level at which is causes...
Published 07/15/19