It ain't over till the fat lady sings. So... This one is all about the music!
Published 04/01/19
Getting creative with AI can take many forms. AI helps make life easier in many ways, but can it make life sound better?
Published 04/01/19
When the future is only 6 years old, how does that future from 2013 looks like now?
Published 03/18/19
A local operated but global enterprise. Naspers is a worldwide operating company, with strong local entrepreneurs. Where they look for local strength and growth, AI makes it possible to combine all that knowledge and make it global.
Published 03/18/19
We've been on the front lines of AI education for years. The master education machine learning is at its most popular. So much so, universities are turning down students. A lot of them.
Published 02/25/19
Michael Crichton really loves theme parks!
Published 02/25/19
For some people AI is like Lego; building blocks, which you can stake together, and solve real problems. AI as Lego looks like a box with apparently the same blocks, but when put together, you get different buildings, solving different problems. Bruno Jakic, co-founder of AI Applied and KeenCorp makes artificial intelligence and all its possibilities look real easy.
Published 02/04/19
Let me tell you a story about storytelling. And how Ai tells us the real story.
Published 02/04/19
Before you can analyze someones resume, you have to put their words into math. So where do you start when building a dataset to help you match vacancies with applicants? At Target Holding, a spin-off of the Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, they specialize in better matching of job postings and resumes, based on artificial intelligence.
Published 01/13/19
Isaac Asimov the father of science fiction? Nah... He gets beat by a 200 year old story which is still relevant today. Come and take a look at the herstory of the mother of science fiction: Mary Shelley.
Published 01/13/19
Cambridge Analytica, deepfake, biases in facial recognitions - like for any technology, with great power comes great responsibility. How do we ensure AI is being used for good, and that its doing good for all of humanity?
Published 12/24/18
You want to feel something? In popular fiction AI wants feelings as bad as most of us want to get rid of them. In the future 2005, which is our past now, Robin Williams, who knows all too much about feelings, makes us care about robot feelings.
Published 12/24/18
Don't let bad technology prevent good journalism. The data scientists are here!
Published 12/10/18
Ever considered that whatever is helping you might need help? And maybe by helping, youre getting the help you need. So how wonderful if your helping hand is Ai, functional but not emotional. Right?
Published 12/10/18
We're all hungry for information, more knowledge, more entertainment. We can put in our own search queries, scan the five best read articles, or just look to that one subject we're interested in.
Published 11/26/18
AI as a fairy tale. No matter what you think of the 2001 Steven Spielberg movie AI: Artificial Intelligence, this story makes it a whole lot better.
Published 11/26/18
To ensure were healthy we monitor, measure and record our vital signs. For patients with a chronic medical condition, these measurements can mean the difference between being able to live life at home or a stay in the hospital.
Published 11/12/18
Ai for good, we like that. And it could do so much good for example in healthcare. Feel more secure and looked after... and be a super hero!
Published 11/12/18
We protect our personal and business data with passwords, verification codes, fingerprints, facial recognition. But still hackers can find their way in. Its not just an outside threat; businesses, specially banks are highly fraud sensitive. So what if you could protect your valuable data with... your body. And you dont even have to be The Rock.
Published 11/05/18
That password isn't safe! You should use 12 characters, with at least one capital, one special character and please don't use the same password for every place you need to login. We don't want our company, or your data to become available to everyone. Until the dinosaurs escape that is...
Published 11/05/18
How can an AI startup improve the way we navigate or investigate what it is we actually see on aerial images?
Published 10/29/18
Man has to work, man don't want to. Man makes robots to do the work... robots don't want to. Step into the 1920's novel 'R.U.R. - Rossums Universal Robots' and see where the robot comes from.
Published 10/29/18
Is AI better than humans when it comes to teaching our children? Many of us will recognize the periods in school spent not learning - is there a better way with the help of AI?
Published 10/22/18
Read the book! Go see the 1981 TV series! Watch the 2005 movie! Read the comics! Play the video game! Just read The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy... And let me introduce to you: Deep Thought.
Published 10/22/18