Published 03/06/17
Join the Personal Battle Buddy this Monday to talk about the tools and knowledge that Veterans need in order to successfully transition out of the military to civilian life.  Many servicemembers either do not know what to do, how to do it, or when to do it.  They also do not properly utilize the transition programs that are in place to assist in a smooth transition.  This show will also focus on the gaps in the transition process and ways and tips to either narrow the gap or close the gap...
Published 03/06/17
Are you one of those individuals that is constantly trying to be better, do better, have better?  You are probably always buying personal develpment materials to either read or listen to, or maybe both.  If that is you, you need to listen in today!  We are going to talk about the proper ways to go about personal development so that you are not spending a lot of money and time on things that do not add value!
Published 02/18/16
As always, most of my shows have to do with experiences that I have dealt with.  Recently, I had a close friend who had a situation occur between her and someone that she trusted.  This individual was someone that she looked up to and also felt as if they were a mentor.  This is the very individual that let her down.  How do you recognize these individuals.  What to do to minimize these types of people in your life.  Does it mean you have to get rid of them or can they still serve a purpose?...
Published 02/17/16
Our fur babies mean the world to us and are just like family in most cases...sometimes they mean more than family, lol!  Nevertheless, they are a big responsibility and take time, love and attention in order for them to thrive in the home environment.  Recently we brought home two 8week old King Charles Cavaliers...why on earth did we think having two puppies at the same time as a good idea.  Needless to say, nights have been really short around our house and the days really long.  Listen in...
Published 02/16/16
February is Black History month.  As the month begins to move forward...I was recently asked a question of whether or not we are making in strides in expanding the knowledge base on Black History?  Are we better or worse off than we have been in the past?  Do we need to make changes...and, if so, what changes and how can they be made?  With the current state of race relations in our society...is this even a feasible idea?  If you have a perspective...call in and share!
Published 02/12/16
So many groups claim that they are networking when in reality....they are generally just trying to work over the other people in the group.  Are you one of the worked or the workers or are you truly operating in the spirit of what networking is all about?
Published 02/11/16
So many times we give up on our dreams and many times it's because there are people out there in our circles that are convincing you to do so.  Do you have someone (or someones, lol) that are feeding you negative information on why you should give up on those dreams that you've had for so long?  Then it's time to do something about it.  First, you actually have to recognize what these people look like and develp ways on how to deal with them.
Published 02/09/16
Today, join us as we discuss the weekend events and whatever else we come up with on this Manic Monday!
Published 02/08/16
Today we are going to be talking about what it means to pay now for a greater reward later.  Some of us are so caught up on the here and now that we miss the prviliege of the journey and therefore we miss out on what life has to offer.  Our culture and society has been conditioned to look for instant gratification and I will tell you that in most cases...that means stagnation.  When we do not look to the future we can get caught not preparing for it and thus not having one.  Yes, it is...
Published 02/05/16
Have you ever wondered why you keep ending up in the same circumstance?  Why you can never seem to get past a certain point?  The reason could be the circle of friends that you find yourself in.  Often times, your situation or predicament is a direct reflection of the individuals that you surround yourself with.  Find out how changing your circle can begin to change your life.
Published 02/04/16
Tune in today as we talk about the Iowa Caucus, what happened over the weekend and much more!  It's Manic Monday and we are going to be talking about any and everything to get your week started off right!
Published 02/01/16
Have you ever done business with another business and found the interation was less than desirable.  Have you been the one on the giving end of this bad behavior.  Learn how to interact with other businesses when conducting your day to day operations and learn why it is so important to treat other businesses just as well as your customers...why?  Well, they ARE your customers too
Published 01/29/16
Today's topic came about because I had a conversation with a friend yesterday and her question to me was "Can I do this, it seems like a lot".  Well, listen in and find out what this question was in reference to, why she was feeling doubt in herself and her abilities and what my advice and recommendation is to anyone who is questioning their own abilities to "do" something, "be" something, "make" something happen.  
Published 01/28/16
Today we will be talking everything business.  How to get started.  Things to think about.  Pitfalls.  You don't want to miss this show.  
Published 01/26/16
As the first month of January begins to come to a close.  I've been asking myself..am I living my purpose...do I know what that is?  Or, am I just aimlessly wandering around...or am I trying to fit something into my life that was not destined for me.  Today, we are going to talk about how to determine what your purpose is and how to live purposely.  Plus, lots of great music and talk.  Don't miss it!
Published 01/25/16
Have you ever wanted to change your life and just commit to living a healthy lifestyle but instead decided that jumping on the bandwagon of fad options is better.  Did you find lasting results?  Did you find that you felt worse instead of better?  How has your thinking about health changed since your decision?  Were/are/have you been succesful?  Do you believe that the choices you make in an effort to be healthy is a component of how you feel about yourself?  Let's talk about it today on this...
Published 01/21/16
Today, I will share my personal story of how my life has most recently been affected by this horrible thing called Cancer.  Why don't we have a fix for this yet?  What can we do as individuals to reduce our chances?  Why do some people get Cancer for no apparent reason?  We are going to explore this topic in detail today.  If you, or you know anyone that has been affected and you want to share your story or experience, listen in and call in to share.
Published 01/20/16
Are you one of those ladies that waits until the last minute to get prepared for your pageant.  Well, take it from two pageant Queens...we can give you some really helpful tips and information to make your pageant week a little less stressful.  These are also tips that you can transition over into your daily lives so everyone can tune in to listen how to keep yourself a little more organized when preparing for that major event!
Published 01/19/16
As we recognize MLK Jr. on this day, we would like to ask the question of what would people say you contributed to society after you die?  Have you made an impact in people's lives?  If you had to tell the story about yourself to the next generation, what would you say?  As we know, Martin Luther King, Jr. made a hue impact in history and whether people agree with his actions or not, supported him or not, it remains that years later, he is recognized for his accomplishments.  Will you be...
Published 01/18/16
Since the recent release of the Oscar nominations, there has been an outcry by the Black community and the rehashing of the #Oscarsowhite hashtag.  This continued snubbing it seems of the minority population in this inudstry is reflective of the lack of diversity in many other areas of socity and the treatment of Blacks across the country.  Do you think that this trend reflects the overall current sentiment about minorities in this country?  Call in and let us know what you think.
Published 01/15/16
Tune in with my special in stuido guest host!
Published 01/14/16
Over the last last year and into the new year I have noticed a growing trend...the growth of what I call "passive friendship" or "passive relationships".  I've been taking notes and just watching and learning and now I'm ready to speak about it.  Find out if you have passive friendships in your life or if you yourself are that passive friend.
Published 01/13/16
With the PowerBall drawing coming up and because it has hit a record high, I thought it would be fun to talk about how to increase your chances on winning according to the experts.  We will also be talking about women in business and what are relationship woes and goals!  Tune in...you don't want to miss it!
Published 01/12/16
Please join us as we cover the hottest topics and events on Monday!
Published 01/11/16