Entrepreneurs need to think like a grandmaster. So how do you do that? There are 4 key principles in chess that you can apply in your business as an entrepreneur. 1. Developing your pieces in very active squares - this means looking at your forces and make sure that they are all active. It could be your social media, paid advertising, email marketing etc. 2. King safety - just like in Chess, you need to prioritize the safety of your business. Don't do anything that has the potential of...
Published 07/11/22
One of the hardest things to do as an entrepreneur is keeping yourself accountable. You are your own manager and employee, and it is important to make sure that you can stay on top of your own game. In this episode, I’m going to share 8 actionable ways to keep yourself accountable in 2022. ---------- We frequently get asked things like: What do we use for courses and email marketing? What platform do we use to find people to join our team? What tools do we use for project and task...
Published 06/27/22
When I first became an entrepreneur, I wanted to offload as much work as possible to other people. I didn't have a hands-on approach— and I didn't know what my staff was doing. As a result, I started to encounter different problems in my business. As an entrepreneur, you need to understand ALL the aspects of your business. You need to understand how these different things are done, why they're being done, and how they fit into your brand's overall strategy. Tune in to this episode. ...
Published 06/13/22
My wife Blake and I create content in pretty much every form you can think of. A lot of people have asked us how we are able to make so much content. The truth is that we don't really create new content every time. Do you want to know the secret? We take one piece of content— and we find a way to chop it up, dissect it, repurpose it into many different ways— and then share that content across different platforms and channels. Repurposing and reusing content is a fantastic strategy for...
Published 05/30/22
We often discuss the benefits of entrepreneurship, but the truth is that there are also a lot of challenges, struggles, and failures in the life of an entrepreneur that a lot of people don’t talk about. So today, let's explore the other side of the story— the five reasons why you SHOULDN'T be an entrepreneur. As we go through these five things, try to reflect on them and justify why these things don't apply to you. And if you can counter all five of these points, then chances are,...
Published 05/23/22
Do people consider you loud, bossy, or overly self-promotional? You are an incredible candidate to be an entrepreneur. Being loud and bossy means that you have opinions, you're decisive, and you've got a lot of energy to give. It means you are mindful and deliberate about promoting yourself — and you are not afraid to ask for more. ---------- We frequently get asked things like: What do we use for courses and email marketing? What platform do we use to find people to join our team? What...
Published 05/09/22
There’s a general perception that if you start something, you should be able to see it through, never give up and never quit. But sometimes, things don't go your way. I’ve quit numerous full-time jobs and I also left several start-ups that I helped create. It requires both self-awareness and courage to admit when something isn’t working. Quitting is ok but make sure you are doing it for the right reasons. ---------- We frequently get asked things like: What do we use for courses and email...
Published 04/25/22
Growth comes from stretching yourself— from learning how to be brave — and that requires an insane amount of coaching. When we wake up, we automatically think about the complex challenges that lie ahead. So every morning, I have to change the way I think, control my thoughts, and give myself that much-needed positive self-talk. I have seven mantras for you that I personally use every single day to triumph over extremely challenging circumstances. ---------- We frequently get asked things...
Published 04/11/22
I always dreamed of getting a job working for an organization, then climbing the corporate ladder. But as life would have it, that did not happen, not even close. Instead, I became an entrepreneur— and it all started with a single cup of Starbucks coffee. This story is what planted the seed in my mind— of leaving the corporate world and building a life that I truly wanted to live. We frequently get asked things like: What do we use for courses and email marketing? What platform do we use...
Published 03/28/22
Most of us are constantly battling internal demons— it's what makes us human. But it's how you deal with those internal demons that determine your road in life. I've learned that you can use what may seem negative in your life and use that as your power. I have one little secret on avoiding self-sabotage— and it has helped me achieve so many great things in my life and my career. We frequently get asked things like: What do we use for courses and email marketing? What platform do we use to...
Published 03/14/22
Dwayne @therock Johnson said: “Success isn't always about greatness. It's about consistency. Consistent hard work leads to success. Greatness will come.” This mentality is reflected in every conversation or relationship I have ever had with a successful person and this is especially true for entrepreneurs. As an entrepreneur you are ultimately responsible for your own fate, your own success, or your own failure. Don’t look for shortcuts or for the quick and easy way out. If you want to...
Published 02/28/22
Setting healthy boundaries is important both at work and in life. This skill is essentially about understanding your limits, taking full command of your time, and having a sense of authority over your own personal space. Today, I bring you three tips to create boundaries. Remember to: ✅ Let people come to you— don't feel like you always need to hand over all of yourself to someone else. ✅ Have rules with your time so you could have more time to do the things you want to do. ✅ Learn to say...
Published 02/21/22
Anybody who's self-employed has dealt with somebody asking them to do free work. What do you do when you keep being asked to do things for free— or worse, for exposure? There are three things I recommend you do if you get asked to work for free again and again. These things will help you reflect on your products and services, and assess how you can get more paid work in the future. We frequently get asked things like: What do we use for courses and email marketing? What platform do we use to...
Published 02/14/22
I bring you these three upselling tips because I've been personally doing this over the last six months and they have been great not just at boosting my income potential, but also in bringing value to my customers. If you’re an entrepreneur looking for smart ways to sustain your business, increase your profits and bring customers more in-depth into the sales flow, upselling is a discipline you need to master. Upselling can be challenging, but you can successfully do it when you: Clearly...
Published 02/07/22
Are you looking to grow your followers on social media? Today, every entrepreneur has the ability to reach countless potential customers. It’s all about your following and content creation strategy. Brendan Kane, the founder of Hook Point, has helped countless companies and entrepreneurs grow their social media followings. He says having an audience leads to stronger relationships and supporters in your endeavors and opportunities for strategic partnerships and other ways to grow the...
Published 02/02/22
Being an entrepreneur is one of my life’s greatest blessings. For me, entrepreneurship means freedom and flexibility — the freedom to be my own boss, to decide which projects I care about, what I'm passionate about — and to be able to build the life, the career, and the business I truly want to have for myself. This is the story about how entrepreneurship changed my life. We frequently get asked things like: What do we use for courses and email marketing? What platform do we use to find...
Published 01/31/22
Every entrepreneur knows that failure and rejection are part of the game. But few expect to get rejected on national television. That was the experience for Ali Bonar, CEO and co-founder of granola butter company Oat Haus. After applying for the show four times, Ali and her co-founders finally got a coveted spot to pitch their company on Shark Tank.  The team spent more than 100 hours preparing their presentation but ultimately didn’t land a deal with the big-time investors. Even without...
Published 01/26/22
My parents were born in the Republic of Georgia— and I am proud to say that I come from a family of immigrants. I view coming from an immigrant family as an incredible strength, not a weakness. When I talk about having an immigrant mentality, I’m talking about work ethic and being scrappy and resourceful. It’s also about being creative in figuring out a way to achieve success even when the odds are stacked against you. We frequently get asked things like: What do we use for courses and...
Published 01/24/22
How much money do I need to raise?  This is one of the biggest and most common questions entrepreneurs ask whenever they start a business.  But unfortunately, it’s also one of the most misunderstood aspects of entrepreneurship. Ryan Feit, CEO, and co-founder of SeedInvest, says that entrepreneurs often get caught up in the glamor and prestige of raising a massive amount of money when they really need to focus on profitability and growth. There isn’t a set amount of money entrepreneurs...
Published 01/19/22
Technology can be very beneficial — it's an instrument that makes our lives so much easier. We are surrounded by technology and sometimes it can be a little hard to control. Allow me to share seven things that I personally do to make sure that I am the one controlling my technology: 📱 Disable social media and email notifications from your phone so you don't feel the need to check it all the time. 📱 Don't bring technology with you to the table— leave it elsewhere. 📱 Charge your devices in...
Published 01/17/22
Throughout history, people have connected with stories. And the ability to tell a compelling story is crucial to your success as an entrepreneur. Kindra Hall, bestselling author, and keynote speaker has built her business around storytelling and firmly believes that every entrepreneur and business professional needs to be a storyteller. In this new BYOB podcast episode, we explore:  -How Kindra started as an entrepreneur -Where to find great stories to share to your audience -What does a...
Published 01/12/22
When you start out as an entrepreneur, you will not know what to do, what direction to take, or what you should even be focusing on. So what are you supposed to do? I encourage you to think of yourself as a taste tester. Don't be scared to try different things to see what you gravitate towards — to see what you like and what you don't like. But you have to remember, be decisive and take action quickly. If something doesn't work, move on. If you see success in some areas, then invest a more...
Published 01/10/22
 The beginning of the year is a great time to reflect on the past and plan for the future. As entrepreneurs, we know that life and business change quickly, so we must be open to setting bigger goals and trying new things. For me, 2022 is going to be a year of experimentation. Here are the five new things I’m going to try in 2022: -Making more decisions based on data -Creating more of a team environment -Creating more digital products -Writing a new book - Having regular date nights ...
Published 01/05/22
I used to be an extremely sensitive person, and I thought something was wrong with me. If I were to talk in a class full of people, my face would turn a dark shade of beet red and I would look like I was going to cry. It was humiliating. But at a certain point in my 20s, I started channeling all my sensitivity and realized how helpful this could be as I navigated modern life. Here’s what I can tell you: Your greatest weakness is your biggest strength, but only if you channel it wisely. It...
Published 01/03/22