Today, we're diving into a fascinating topic: how generational trauma affects our epigenetics, and the profound impact stress has on our bodies.  Generational trauma, a term that's gaining more recognition, refers to the emotional and psychological impacts of traumatic experiences that are not just lived by one generation but are passed down through the next.   This isn't merely psychological; it's embedded in our very biology, in our epigenetics. Epigenetics is the study of how our...
Published 02/06/24
In today's heartfelt episode, I'm diving deep into my personal journey through the trials and triumphs of battling not one, but two breast cancer diagnoses, and how living with stage four cancer has transformed my life in ways I could have never imagined. This episode isn't just about survival; it's about thriving in the face of adversity and discovering an incredible healing evolution along the way.  The first time around, I navigated the maze of treatments, emotions, and the inevitable...
Published 02/02/24
Today’s episode is a special one for my fellow breast cancer survivors. We’re going to explore the world of mitochondrial health, and the impact of synthetic fragrances, and discover how natural essential oils can support our metabolic health.  Our focus begins with the mighty mitochondria, these tiny organelles are crucial for energy production, and we discuss how their health is vital, especially for breast cancer survivors.   Then, we shift gears to discuss the hidden impact of...
Published 01/30/24
Sometimes, I really wish we could unlearn all the scary, limiting things we’ve been taught throughout our lives.  Imagine if we could stop believing that we have no power, that cancer isn’t curable, that we’ll never be able to live without fear, that we shouldn’t rock the boat, that we shouldn’t make more than our husbands etc, etc, etc…  How many things have you learned that result in you playing small, keeping your emotions, thoughts, and expectations stuffed somewhere inside your...
Published 01/26/24
Looking to discover a fresh perspective on the integrative approach to health? 🌱 You don’t want to miss this episode! 🎧  Join me and let’s explore the fascinating world where Western science meets ancient Eastern philosophies.  In this episode, I’ll share how modern scientific research has verified the wisdom passed down for centuries in Ayurveda.  Wondering how this applies to your healing journey as a breast cancer survivor?  Hold tight, because we're about to uncover some...
Published 01/23/24
The truth about self-care after breast cancer is that it doesn’t have to be luxurious or expensive. In this episode, we’ll explore the fundamental acts of self-care—like getting enough sleep, nourishing your body with whole foods, and staying hydrated—and how they can truly make a difference in your overall well-being as a survivor.  With just 168 hours in a week, prioritizing self-care and making conscious choices to care for yourself is a precious task. Allow me to bust the myth that...
Published 01/19/24
In this episode, we're diving deep into a topic that affects so many of us on our breast cancer recovery journey – those pesky hot flashes! We know firsthand how these surges of heat can be uncomfortable, disruptive, and downright miserable. But fear not, because help is here!  The "Why" Behind the Heat:  Delve into the fascinating science behind hot flashes as we shed light on why they happen during and after breast cancer treatment. From hormonal changes to the impact on our body's...
Published 01/16/24
Get ready to shatter the glass ceiling of happiness! In this empowering episode, we're diving deep into a common phenomenon that affects us all: the 'happiness ceiling.'  Join me as we explore the powerful tendency we have to self-sabotage when life gets unbelievably good or positive change starts stretching beyond our comfort zone.   Why do we do this? How does it impact our lives? And most importantly, what can we do to break free from this self-imposed limitation?  In this...
Published 01/12/24
Today's podcast episode is all about the powerhouse mineral - magnesium.   Did you know that magnesium plays a crucial role in maintaining strong and healthy bones? 🦴✨  We'll dive into why magnesium matters for your bone health, especially after cancer treatment. We'll also explore some fantastic food sources that can naturally boost your magnesium levels. 🥦🍠  Plus, we'll discuss how to recognize if you might need some additional magnesium supplementation.  So, grab your...
Published 01/09/24
Join me in this episode as we dive deep into the fascinating connection between negative emotions and limiting beliefs.   We’ll explore what these terms really mean, uncover their intertwined nature, and shed light on how they impact our lives.   But it doesn't stop there – I'll also reveal the transformative power of releasing these emotional roadblocks, and the incredible benefits that await on the other side. 🌟   Plus, I'll share practical steps to help you embark on the...
Published 01/05/24
If you’d like to give up the idea of dieting or losing weight every time the new year rolls around, this episode is for you.  With the fast pace of life, and the challenge of managing your energy, we seem to forget how to eat more with each passing year.  The food industry is full of great marketers, hooks, bright colors, and intense flavors that draw us in with promises of convenience and time savings.  But what are the ultra-processed foods that make up more than 70% of the food...
Published 01/02/24
When it comes to living the life you desire after breast cancer, it can be difficult to overcome deeply ingrained belief systems and worry about how others will think of or judge you for changing your life.  The fear of change can be so powerful that some people will cling to being ill because illness seems like a valid excuse to escape the things they don’t want to do.  But, trying to show up as a sick person doesn’t support healing, living joyfully or creating a full life.  So...
Published 12/29/23
How would you like to start the new year with a focus on health rather than weight loss? This time of year, after holiday indulgences, many of us turn to the scale as a measurement of supporting our health. In this episode I’d like to offer a different perspective on supporting your health that can improve your immune system and have the beneficial side effect of leading to a healthier weight in many cases. Unless you’ve been living under a rock, I’m sure you’ve heard the craze of...
Published 12/27/23
One of the most important, and most challenging things around the holidays is to remember that self-care is a priority.  Traditions can be fun and comforting, but they can also be burdensome and overwhelming.  This episode is a gentle reminder that things don’t have to be the way they’ve always been if it isn’t working for you anymore.  It might be time to remember that the most important thing at the holidays or any day is you and your presence.  Is it time to let some things...
Published 12/22/23
How often have you wondered why you’re supposed to follow healthy lifestyle practices? What is the actual purpose? What are they accomplishing in your body?  Especially when you feel ok if you don’t follow them and your doctor might even tell you that these practices don’t matter or won’t make a difference in your treatment.  In this episode, I’ll walk you through Cancer 101 by explaining the two competing theories of why we get cancer.  I believe that knowledge is power and when...
Published 12/19/23
After a breast cancer diagnosis and treatment, you may find yourself wanting something new in life. As a new year approaches, it feels like a good time to set that goal you’ve been saying you were going to achieve for the last several years. But here’s the thing, unless you understand why you haven’t made it happen in the past, saying you want it will probably have the same result its always had. When you want to create something, change a habit or transform a relationship, the first step...
Published 12/15/23
On this Tuesday Terrain Talk Episode, we’ll explore the amazing benefits of infrared light.  I’ll share how this safe, non-invasive therapy supports our overall wellness and what the evidence is pointing to when it comes to its use in cancer therapies and seasonal effective disorder.  I’ll share my own experience with infrared light therapy and give you resources to investigate to see if this is something that would benefits your metabolic health and your healthy lifestyle.  Check...
Published 12/12/23
With all the unrest in the world today and all of the emotional challenges that can present themselves around the holidays, how do you stay in balance?  Do you feel guilty for having a good life while others are suffering?  Are you so focused on the suffering and unrest that your life and your health get caught up in the negativity?  Most of us go through seasons in our life where these things happen.  But there are ways to pull yourself out of the struggle while still feeling...
Published 12/08/23
This episode is the culmination of six years of podcasting, 300 episodes, nearly 300,000 downloads, two breast cancer diagnosis, and five years of coaching other breast cancer survivors.  I have learned A LOT on this journey, but I want to share the most important thing with you on this show.  If you’re frustrated with your body, if you think you’re doing all the right things and your body isn’t cooperating, if you think you have to fight harder, do more, be more disciplined, this...
Published 12/05/23
Confusion, overwhelm, and being “stuck” all have on thing in common…lack of self-trust.  It’s so easy to get caught up in other people’s ideas, opinions and judgments that you forget something vitally important….you are the expert on you.  You are the only one who knows what you want in your life, what feels good to your body, and what makes you happy.  Isn’t it time to learn to trust yourself again?  In this episode we’ll talk about some simple, seemingly innocent thoughts...
Published 12/01/23
There was a time, not so long ago, when food was a focus of daily life solely for survival.  People farmed, hunted, gardened, canned, and put a lot of effort into ensuring there would be enough food to keep them alive.  Now, there are so many food options that the choices are overwhelming, it’s easy to overconsume and become overwhelmed.  Add in the fear factor that comes up after breast cancer and there’s a whole new layer of confusion.  You worry about:  The right...
Published 11/29/23
There’s no one way to feed every human body but there are ways to support your body in using different foods efficiently. This is referred to as metabolic flexibility and it’s an important concept when it comes to support the terrain of your body.  When you’re metabolically flexible, you can worry less about eating more carbs now and then because your overall lifestyle helps your body to smoothly transition from occasional indulgences back to your preferred way of eating.  More...
Published 11/21/23
When it comes to life and breast cancer, it’s not uncommon for me to hear women say that they lost a chunk of their life to it or that breast cancer robbed them and they’re right.  Anytime we tell ourselves a story like that, we’ll find a way to prove we’re right.  In this episode, I’ll offer you another view, one that allows you to feel all the things that come up and still choose to lean into life regardless of the circumstances.  One of the biggest mistakes I see is women...
Published 11/17/23
One of the ways cancer and it’s treatment effects is long lasting fatigue. Unfortunately, managing that fatigue is something that many survivors find challenging to deal with and they end up judging themselves at the idea of resting more than they used to.  In this episode, I’m going to share more insights on what contributes to fatigue after breast cancer treatment and why it's not only okay to give yourself permission to nap, but how doing so can actually improve your health.  Grab...
Published 11/14/23
Have you ever noticed how you talk yourself into staying uncomfortable?  It happens when you know something in life doesn’t feel right. Maybe it’s served it’s purpose, or maybe you’ve changed and you need something different or you want to express your need or dream for the first time ever.  Then you tell yourself things aren’t so bad.   You tell yourself you “should” be happy.  You “should” be grateful.  And in doing that you avoid looking at what is actually happening,...
Published 11/10/23