The Crown: The Official Podcast is the exclusive companion podcast to accompany the Netflix Original Series The Crown. Hosted by Edith Bowman, the podcast follows the show episode by episode, diving deep into the stories and taking listeners behind the scenes with insights from many of the people involved in making the show. The Crown returns for season 6 on November 16th and The Crown: The Official Podcast is back to follow the show episode by episode, diving deep into the stories and speaking with many of the talented people involved, including show creator Peter Morgan and cast members...
After thirty years together, Charles decides the time has come to propose to Camilla but can’t do so without his mother’s permission. The Queen seeks the approval of the church, state, and Charles’s sons before giving her sign off to the marriage but having been unsettled by discussions...
Published 01/02/24
In the aftermath of Princess Margaret’s death, the Queen approaches her Golden Jubilee with
more trepidation than ever before. With her mother’s health in decline, she finds herself vulnerable to the attacks of Mohamed Al Fayed who pursues a high-profile campaign to prove responsibility for...
Published 12/28/23