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Ray Low
The Decode Diary
The Decode Diary isn't just a podcast; it's your passport to the untold stories of the average-looking but extraordinary Joes who try their best to make it in life. I first stumbled upon the idea of providing insights and perception of the general public when I had so much to talk about but also had so much to learn from those around me. The Decode Diary is a journey and process to decode and decrypt the everyday actions of these people with whom we can relate so much. If you are interested in learning their behavior and actions, this is for you. Welcome onboard.
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Recent Episodes
I first felt ironic when people who say they care but do not put in as much emotions. I used to think that way. Until Aaryan told me otherwise. It turns out, that people who care do not need to show their emotions, we can tell simply by their behavior and actions. Either way, I think it needs...
Published 05/01/24
Published 05/01/24
When one moves abroad, there is a whole new set of skills waiting to be discovered and adopted. Aaryan was already familiar with this since he was already trying to gain acceptance from his family by becoming a calmer and more composed person. However, moving to Malaysia meant a different...
Published 04/30/24
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