En este episodio, nuestra invitada es Yásnaya Aguilar, una escritora, lingüista, traductora, investigadora y  activista originaria de Ayutla Mixe, Oaxaca. Ella estudió la licenciatura en  Lengua y Literatura Hispánica, así como la Maestría en Lingüística en  la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Su trabajo se encuentra  fuertemente enfocado a proyectos sobre divulgación y estudio de  diversidad lingüística y lenguas originarias en riesgo de desaparición  en México, es muy destacable su...
Published 12/01/22
In this episode, we are joined by friends in Oaxaca, Maria Itaka and Sergio "Yeyo" Beltran. Born  and raised in Oaxaca, María has a major in English Language and  Literature from the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM),  with a specialization in translation. After many years of working for  tourism-based projects, she now works independently, providing  specialized content production services that create authentic, soulful  material that aims to benefit the places where the work...
Published 11/21/22
En este episodio, nos acompanamos unos compas de Oaxaca, Maria Itaka y Sergio "Yeyo" Beltran. María nació y creció en Oaxaca. Es licenciada en Letras y Literatura Inglesa por la UNAM y cuenta con una especialidad en Traducción. Tras varios años de haber trabajado en proyectos turísticos, actualmente trabaja de manera independiente y ofrece servicios especializados de investigación, consultoría y traducción a investigadores y profesionales de diversas áreas, con el fin de darles una visión...
Published 11/08/22
On this episode, I am accompanied by a dear philosopher, writer, and friend, Elías González Gómez. Elias focuses on interreligious dialogue and the bridge between mysticism and the struggle to build a new world. He has collaborated with different interreligious groups, as well as indigenous and spiritual communities. He is currently a professor at ITESO and at Ibero León. He collaborates with the Universidad de la Tierra Oaxaca and is a member of the Center for Studies of Religion and Society...
Published 10/27/22
En este episodio, me acompaña un querido amigo filósofo y escritor, Elías González Gómez. Elias enfoca en el diálogo interreligioso y en el puente entre la mística y las luchas por construir un mundo nuevo. Ha colaborado con distintos colectivos interreligiosos, comunidades indígenas y espirituales. Actualmente es profesor de asignatura en el ITESO y en la Ibero León. Colabora con la Universidad de la Tierra Oaxaca y es miembro del Centro de Estudios de Religión y Sociedad de la Universidad...
Published 10/17/22
En este episodio, nuestro invitado es Pedro Regalado Uc Be, un escritor mexicano en lengua maya, poeta, narrador, traductor y activista. El es profesor en la Escuela de Creación Literaria del Centro Estatal de Bellas Artes (CEBA), plantel donde también realizó estudios. Pedro es Integrante de la Asamblea de Defensores del Territorio Maya Múuch’ Xíinbal, esta organización tiene como objetivo defender su territorio del despojo que aplican las megaempresas de energía renovable en la Península...
Published 09/28/22
The Wirikuta Preservation Project is an internationally-run endeavour to protect 500 acres of land for the Wixarika Nation in Estacion de Catorce in the state of San Luis Potosi, Mexico. Their mission is to preserve Wixarika sacred lands & cultural heritage while supporting future generations to continue living their traditional way of life by purchasing threatened land in Estacion de Catorce. Our guests today are Maria Guadalupe Valazquez, Santiago Alonso, and Kristen Alyra Hughes from...
Published 09/16/22
El Proyecto de Preservación de Wirikuta es un proyecto internacional para proteger 500 acres de tierra para la Nación Wixarika en la Estación de Catorce en el estado de San Luis Potosí, México. Su misión es preservar las tierras sagradas y el patrimonio cultural Wixarika mientras apoya a las generaciones futuras para que continúen viviendo su estilo de vida tradicional mediante la compra de tierras amenazadas en la Estación de Catorce. Nuestros invitados de hoy son María Guadalupe Valázquez,...
Published 09/05/22
En este episodio, me acompaña Marcos Esmar. Maros nació en el año de 1996 en Cosoltepec, Oaxaca. Es estudiante autodidactica, se dedica a hacer rap y a la escritura, participa en el colectivo Espiral de Pensamiento Crítico, proyecto en el que ha colaborado con diversos textos sobre teoría crítica y poesía. El proyecto Espiral de Pensamiento Crítico es un espacio dónde convergen jóvenes de diferentes lugares de Oaxaca que desde conversatorios, círculos de estudio y ejercicios de escritura...
Published 08/03/22
On this episode I’m joined by Christopher Riendeau, a Master of Arts in Liberal Studies from the University of North Carolina Wilmington where he learned first hand what it means to live in a tourist town. Chris’ research focuses on applied ethics in tourism and more specifically around existentialism and bad faith in the search for "authentic" tourism, and the subject/object problems inherent to the industry. In the midst of the COVID pandemic, he published an incredible essay entitled...
Published 07/15/22
On this episode, our guest is Bayo Akomolafe, a speaker, author, fugitive neo-materialist com-post-activist public intellectual and Yoruba poet. But when he takes himself less seriously, he is a father to Alethea and Kyah, and the grateful life-partner to Ej as well as the sworn washer of nightly archives of dishes. The convener of the concepts of ‘postactivism’, ‘transraciality’ and ‘ontofugitivity’, Bayo is a widely celebrated international speaker, teacher, public intellectual, essayist...
Published 06/29/22
Ep 0.4 | Your Host, My Story In this mini-episode, I offer you a little bit about what brought me to court and conjure The End of Tourism Podcast. I speak to the dilemmas that touched me as a young person, about how a long lineage and period as a travelling tourist fed the ideas that you hear in these episodes, and how we might, together, come to subvert what's been and being done to our world, mostly unbeknownst. This is my story. Hosted by Chris...
Published 06/12/22
On this episode, our guest is Dr. Anu Taranath, a speaker, educator, and racial equity consultant who partners with a range of people to deepen conversations on history, harm and healing. A professor at the University of Washington for the past 20+ years, Dr. Anu knows that the most compelling conversations on race, identity and belonging take place when people feel valued and heard.  Her book Beyond Guilt Trips: Mindful Travel in an Unequal World was shortlisted for the Washington State...
Published 06/02/22
On this episode, our guest is Ian MacKenzie, a filmmaker and writer who lives on the Salish Sea with his partner and young son.  For over 13 years, he’s been tracking the global emergence of new culture. From the desert of Burning Man to the heart of Occupy Wall St, he has sought and amplified the voices of visionaries, artists and activists who have been working toward planetary system change. Ian is best known for his films Sacred Economics, Lost Nation Road, Amplify Her, Dear Guardians,...
Published 05/23/22
Daniel Pinchbeck is an American author. His books include Breaking Open the Head: A Psychedelic Journey into the Heart of Contemporary Shamanism, 2012: The Return of Quetzalcoatl, and How Soon Is Now? From Personal Initiation to Global Transformation He is a co-founder of the web magazine Reality Sandwich and of the website Evolver.net, and edited the North Atlantic Books publishing imprint Evolver Editions. He was featured in the documentary 2012: Time for Change, directed by Joao Amorim...
Published 04/25/22
On this episode, our guest is Mary Louise Pratt, a Professor Emerita at NYU and author of the pioneering decolonial work on travel writing entitled Imperial Eyes: Travel Writing and Transculturation. Her new book Planetary Longings is out now through Duke University Press. She holds a PhD in Comparative Literature from Stanford University. Her research includes work on Latin American Literature and Latin American Studies, comparative literature, linguistics, literary theory, postcolonial...
Published 04/04/22
On this episode, our guest is Robert Fletcher, an environmental anthropologist and author at Wageningen University in the Netherlands. Robert is based in the Sociology of Development and Change group at Wageningen University in the Netherlands. A former ecotourism guide, he is an environmental anthropologist with research interests in conservation, development, tourism, globalization, climate change, human-wildlife interaction, social and resistance movements, and non-state forms of...
Published 03/14/22
Season Zero #0.3 | Expectation and Entitlement In this mini-episode, I speak about the expectation and entitlement that follows tourists into foreign lands, how it becomes embedded into the minds and places of tourists' hosts, and how the tourism industry encourages all of this. The consequences of this are deep and dire and almost always ensure that any remaining sense of hospitality among locals or tourists alike is turned into hostility. Welcome to "Expectation and Entitlement."  Hosted...
Published 03/07/22
On this episode we are joined by activist and author Deborah McLaren. Deborah McLaren has worked with Indigenous and rural communities for 25 years, helping to analyze and advocate for tourism issues and rights. These include land, intellectual property, cultural, environmental and development rights. She served as the director of the Rethinking Tourism Project and Indigenous Tourism Rights International. Deborah has written several books, including Rethinking Tourism and Ecotravel (Kumarian...
Published 02/22/22
On this episode we are joined by friend and fellow scholar, Day Schildkret of Morning Altars. Day Schildkret is internationally renowned as the author, artist and teacher behind the Morning Altars movement, inspiring tens of thousands of people to make life more beautiful and meaningful through ritual, nature and art. BuzzFeed calls his work, “a celebration of nature and life." With nearly 100K followers on social media and sold-out workshops, installations, trainings, and public speaking...
Published 02/01/22
On this episode we are joined by Samie Blasingame, the communications campaigner for the Stay Grounded Network. Stay Grounded is a global network of more than 180 member organisations, among them local airport opposition and climate justice groups, NGOs, trade unions, initiatives fostering alternatives to aviation like night trains, and organisations supporting communities which struggle against offset projects or biofuel plantations. Also individual activists, academics, trade unionists and...
Published 01/19/22
On this episode, our guest is Gustavo Esteva, a "deprofessionalized" social activist, author, and elder. I sat down with Gustavo in his house on the edge of a small Zapotec town to discuss the legacy of interculturality, radical hospitality, the philosopher Ivan Illich, and the Zapatistas of Chiapas, Mexico. Gustavo is the co-founder of La Universidad de la Tierra (the University of the Earth) and the Center for Intercultural Encounters and Dialogues, located in Oaxaca, Mexico. He has...
Published 01/02/22
On this episode, our guest is Gustavo Esteva, a "deprofessionalized" social activist, author, and elder. I sat down with Gustavo in his house on the edge of a small Zapotec town to discuss the legacy of tourism in Oaxaca, how tourism is an extension of the colonization of the Americas, and the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic. We touch on the differences between tourists and immigrants and the crushing realities of modern and urban, capitalist living. Gustavo is the co-founder of La...
Published 12/14/21
On this episode, our guest is Daniel Pardo, an organizer of various neighbourhood organizations in Barcelona, including ABDT (the Assembly of Neighborhoods for Tourism Degrowth). I caught up with Daniel and friend Ana Elia to speak about Barcelona, what has become of it as a result of overtourism and the local struggles against touristification there. We discuss what the COVID-19 pandemic did to Barcelona and what, if anything, we can learn from the Great Pause.  Daniel moved to Barcelona 15...
Published 12/05/21
Season Zero: Episode 0.2 Escape, Exile and Culture In this mini-episode, I speak about escape and exile and how each are deeply entwined aspects of the tourist world. As a result of each, culture suffers or is (mis)appropriated both in tourist destinations and at home. This is a brief introduction to the themes that often go unquestioned in the world of travel, what binds us to place, and the consequences for culture.. Welcome to "Escape, Exile, and Culture." Hosted by Chris...
Published 11/30/21