I’ve been quite the healing tourist over the last few decades and today I share 19 of the therapies and modalities that have supporting me on my journey of health and wellbeing, and in my spiritual & emotional growth. This was such a fun episode to create for you and brought alive the many and varied ways we can heal & the ways we have developed as human to get back to balance and wellness. You will learn about a wide variety of powerful ways to heal, and what they supported me with,...
Published 10/06/23
What is Healing? I’m going to dive into that in this week’s episode. Healing is in all my business programs. Healing is in my money program. Healing is in my private client work. And it's always been a part of my own journey of transformation, yet we've never dedicated a full episode to it…..so this is that long overdue episode! I have been living in the canyons of Los Angeles, now known as the Hollywood Hills for 2 months now, and I believe that we co-create with the energy of the land...
Published 09/29/23
Our spiritual lessons are woven into real life, and that includes when we travel & are on holidays… so in today’s new season episode, I am sharing some of the insights that relocating to LA for the summer brought into my awareness.   Today’s episode includes:  The power of switching up your living environment The joy of encounters with strangers… or strange encounters  Why I give myself permission to enjoy luxury How travel builds resourcefulness  Why the grass isn’t always greener  ...
Published 09/22/23
This week, in the spirit of summer I share what happened when I switched locations & hopped on a plane across the world.  Travel has the power to bring so much vitality and new energy into your life. In this episode, I will share about the incredible flow that opened up for me upon arrival in Los Angeles, and the mindset & decision making that enables the women in my community to create incredible lifestyles with epic amounts of travel and adventure.  You’ll love this episode if...
Published 08/19/23
This week I am bringing you a special meditation inspired by all the warm, sunny, hopeful feelings that the summer season brings.  In this short but powerful meditation, you will visualize joy in different areas of your life, and connect to the vibration of joy in your body and energy field, so that it can ripple from you out into life. Wishing you a joyful and delightful summer! Go Deeper with Polly: Join the new, free LIVE training with me: “How to Attract More Ideal Clients without...
Published 08/05/23
One of the things I see that makes me sad in the spiritual and personal development industry is witnessing talented and truly gifted practitioners inadvertently pushing away the people they are here to help, and can truly support, because of how they are doing business. In this enlightening episode I am sharing some of the ways that gifted healers and coaches and wellbeing experts are “missing the mark” when it comes to attracting their dream clients. If you are “doing all the right things”...
Published 07/29/23
In this episode I open up the misperceptions around growing your business, and introduce some new ways of thinking about scaling. Join me to ignite your confidence about growth, as I share: ·      The many different ways to scale ·      Why it’s going to be easier than you think ·      The real benefits of growing your business ·      Why it gets easier not harder as you grow  And…. I’m hosting a special live training for those of you that want to learn more about what to focus on for...
Published 07/21/23
Something I see in a lot of my high achieving, successful clients is the belief and program that they have to work hard for money. It has served them well, and they have been very successful with this belief. The effort, focus, and energy they have invested through working hard at their job or business has paid dividends and got them to where they are now. In this episode, I dive into why and how this belief originates in us, and how it serves us (all limiting beliefs have a positive...
Published 07/08/23
Today’s episode is all about the power of believing in someone – and having someone believe in you.   This podcast is called The Feminine Millionaire Show – and it’s all about becoming rich in both life and business. A rich life is one that FEELS wealthy to you, and one aspect of that is feeling that you have a purpose here on Earth, that you do meaningful and fulfilling work & have encounters, connections and relationships that are meaningful & heart opening. In this episode, I am...
Published 07/01/23
It’s coming up to my 20th anniversary as an entrepreneur and I have never looked back. It’s been the biggest personal development journey I have ever undertaken, and one that has brought incredible inner and outer abundance, and so much joy, freedom & fulfilment.  In Episode 107 I look back to when I first made the leap from a 9-5 job and regular salary, to running my own business. I share what motivated me to leave my safe, secure prestigious career in an advertising agency, and how I...
Published 06/17/23
Today I continue sharing the behind-the-scenes of my spiritual journey & share how a series of trauma and losses in my late 30’s triggered my most intense period of spiritual growth. My healing and spiritual journey went to a whole other level as life propelled me to turn to spirit in my most challenging times, when all else had failed.  Today’s episode includes:        How I opened up my intuition in a big way When I knew my Mother was communicating from Spirit & the spooky...
Published 06/10/23
For the first time on the show, I share how my spiritual journey unfolded, starting in my teens. We all have our unique journey of spiritual awakening: for some it’s a lightning bolt kind of moment, for others, a slow journey into the depths of our soul and connection with Spirit. Looking back, I can see how the strands were weaving together to take me on a spiritual path, right from my teenage years, although I wasn’t consciously aware of it at the time. Yoga, then reiki, some crystal...
Published 05/27/23
How do you hire the right coach for you and ensure the best possible return on your investment? Let’s face it, coaching is not a basic need, it’s a premium product and an investment born out of desire, not necessity. Coaching is for the soul seeking more out of life, who desires support and transformation in one or more areas of their life or business. It’s one of the fastest growing industries for a reason: it works & can be life changing and wildly transformative. Coaching can...
Published 05/20/23
At some point in everyone’s life, an income plateau shows up. If you are an entrepreneur it’s going to show up more frequently and I truly believe that it’s a call to go to your next level, professionally, spiritually and energetically. In today’s episode I look at why we hit an income plateau, what it means and share 5 ways to break through to your next level of income. In this episode I cover: The different ways an income plateau can show up Why it happens 5 shifts you can make to break...
Published 05/13/23
One of the biggest issues I see with the high achieving, smart, capable women I work with is that they find it hard to take time off, relax and rest. So often they feel guilty taking a break, or end up filling that time with productive activity. I know this so well myself because it used to be my pattern, and it still comes up from time to time for the next layer of healing. The truth is taking a break can be one of the most powerful, rejuvenating, joyful, restorative decisions we can make...
Published 05/06/23
Today’s episode is a juicy one! In Episode 101, I draw upon my almost a decade of experience in the coaching industry to share my perspective on what I see as the strengths and weaknesses of the industry. I pull back the curtain for the first time on my own experience of hiring coaches: when it worked, and when it didn’t. Coaching has changed my life, both as a coaching client and a coaching provider, facilitating transformation with others and I truly believe it is a wildly empowering...
Published 04/22/23
Pop the cork on your champagne or kombucha! This week we are celebrating the 100th episode of my podcast The Feminine Millionaire Show!  100 episodes of inspiration, stories, advice, wisdom, adventures, laughter and learnings. There’s an incredible archive of content to dive into.  I want to thank you for being here for the journey and for listening to the show, for your wonderful feedback and appreciation, and for all your reviews.  You are truly part of sharing this message -  that true...
Published 04/08/23
Today for the first time ever, I am sharing a real-life client session with you where we work on blocks to growth & moving forwards, and patterns of unconscious self sabotage. You feel like things coming easily is too good to be true? Do you feel like you have to endure hardship to get to what you want? Are you unconsciously trying to earn the good because deep down you feel you don’t deserve it? My client spotted the pattern of punishing herself by manifesting accidents after...
Published 03/25/23
Today I am diving into the topic of re-branding and why it has the power to bring fresh energy into your business. I share the behind-the-scenes of how my re-brand journey started and how it grew into an incredible & joyful creative project. I finish up with 3 powerful questions to ask yourself to find out if it’s time for a rebrand in your business.  Topics Covered: The process of birthing a new brand The energetic power of fresh imagery in your business 3 questions to ask...
Published 03/18/23
Today I am sharing an amusing story about my previous housekeeper: why I hired her, and why I fired her. Then I open up the behind the scenes about what my intuition told me was really going on.  Listen and learn with me along the way.  I always recommend entrepreneurs hire support at home & so I hired a housekeeper to make my life easier and allow me to focus on my zone of genius. She did a good job to start, but on her second visit, she fell short ー really short.  Even though it was a...
Published 03/11/23
We love a miracle manifestation story! Today’s episode features Bianca Barratt, a columnist for The Media Leader and a Senior Contributor to Forbes Women, whose mission is to tell women’s stories and ensure they have an equal voice in the world. She shares how you & your brand can get media coverage, even in the beginning stages of entrepreneurship & the keys to getting featured.  Less than 28% of voices featured in the media are from women. It’s time to get our voices out in the...
Published 03/04/23
Slowing down doesn’t mean achieving less. When you step back from constantly producing and make the time to rest, you actually open the door for more prosperity and abundance.  Why is our culture built on a fast-paced lifestyle? It’s generally accepted that you’re not productive, you’re lazy. If you look back on the industrial age, hard work was the key to financial success; productivity is money became the dominant paradigm. Often the working man would sacrifice family time to bring in more...
Published 02/25/23
One of the most powerful places to examine when writing a new story around abundance, is to look back at your ancestors. Our lineage determines the way we look, how we walk, and even how we think. Our DNA is programmed generation after generation and impacts how we handle situations and what we create in our life and work. Today, my special guest, Linda Fitch, a practicing shaman, coaches us on how far back these thought processes go and instructs us on how we can help heal those ancestors...
Published 02/18/23
During my 3 week holiday last month, I spent time in nature, I made time to meditate, and I had spare time to daydream and reconnect with myself and those around me. Even with all this beautiful, expansive time off, the business brought in $42,906 in cash. How did I do this? By providing value for my clients delivering results through different services in a desirable format. I have consistent revenue through payment plans, contract renewals, and product sales.  I built these deliverables...
Published 02/11/23
Business is ramping up for 2023 and my clients are showing up for their businesses! Staying consistent over long periods is difficult, but in this episode, I uncover five things my top clients are doing to create success in the long term. The most successful clients are those that have put in place habits and systems to allow them to show up consistently in their business. Continuous flow keeps your business top of mind for your audience, and when your business is top of mind, your audience...
Published 02/04/23