Decluttering is an essential tool for an abundant life.  In this episode of the Feminine Millionaire Show, I interview C. Lee Cawley, a certified professional organizer. We discuss the importance of decluttering and organizing, as well as Cawley's journey through various careers to her current expertise in organization. This episode is part of the series about women reinventing themselves in midlife and beyond.  In this episode you will gain insights into effective organization techniques,...
Published 06/06/24
Published 06/06/24
This week it's the theme of reinvention and the powerful topic of forgiveness with special guest Katharine Giovanni, a three-time award-winning bestselling author and pioneer in the concierge industry. Katharine, a three-time award-winning best-selling author of twelve books, is a dynamic speaker, trainer, and advisor. Her latest work, “The Ultimate Path to Forgiveness: Unlocking Your Power,” offers profound insights into the transformative power of forgiveness. A trailblazer in the...
Published 05/21/24
This episode features a fascinating conversation with Polly Singer, a multi-talented creative entrepreneur, hat designer, etiquette trainer & and motivational speaker. During the conversation, Polly shares her journey of reinvention, moving from a career in the New York music business to becoming a celebrated hat designer, then expanding her brand into a line of artisan teas and afternoon tea etiquette. Polly shares insights on the importance of reinvention at any age, detailing her...
Published 05/15/24
This episode features an inspiring & fascinating conversation with Phyllis Okon, a multifaceted entrepreneur, author, and medium.  Phyllis shares her journey from co-founding a successful limousine service, BLS, to becoming a prolific author under the pen names Carol P. Roman and Brit London, with 83 books to her credit, before venturing into mediumship.  Drawing from a rich family history of resilience and entrepreneurship, Phyllis highlights the importance of never letting age limit...
Published 05/04/24
At multiple points in your life, you will feel the calling to reinvent. Perhaps the catalyst is a divorce, children  starting school or leaving home, a health journey, changing hormones or energy levels, a spiritual awakening, reaching the top of one career or just realising there’s more to life that you’ve been living. If you’re feeling flat or have reached a plateau in the way you’re currently doing things, it could also be time for a reinvention.  In today’s solo episode, I share 5...
Published 04/27/24
Jean Peelen is an 83-year-old writer, speaker, and activist. Her first solo book “Feisty: A Memoir in Little Pieces” was published in 2023.  Her life has been a series of reinventions, from wife and mother to civil rights attorney, federal broadcasting executive, model/actress, show host, dog rescuer, elected official, book promoter, creator of oldwomenwhowrite.com, and aspiring TikTok influencer.  In today’s conversation you will learn: What you need to believe in order to reinvent...
Published 04/20/24
This week’s episode is with Sally Pasley Vargas, a Chef, Writer & Photographer whose creative career spans 5 decades.  A multi-talented creative, Sally currently works as a cooking teacher, coach, photographer, recipe developer, and personal chef, and writes a weekly recipe column for The Boston Globe. Together we reflect back on Sally’s career journey and dive into the wisdom she acquired along the way. After losing her father as a teenager, then training as a teacher, but with...
Published 04/13/24
At the start of the year I celebrated my 50th birthday with an epic trip to Colombia, but if the truth be told a part of me didn’t want to commemorate this landmark birthday, because it felt like a mismatch. I didn’t feel 50 I wasn’t excited about turning 50 It felt like a badly fitting suit, one that didn’t suit me One that I didn’t want to wear. One that I wasn’t ready to wear. I was called to be both accepting of this new chapter of my life, hitting 50, and at the same time...
Published 04/06/24
This week I interview Susana Ferreres, the co-founder of my all time favourite drink: Umyko Kombucha, an artisan kombucha hand made in Ibiza.  Susana, a psychologist & gerontologist, founded Umyko Kombucha in 2019 with her husband Milko, following an inner calling, and is currently doing research on the gut brain connection, psychobiotics, and linking her 30 years of psychological experience with the wisdom of kombucha.  Kombucha is a whole body-mind experience and has super powers for...
Published 03/30/24
The path of solo entrepreneurship is a rollercoaster in so many ways: including financially.  So how do you handle the inevitable ups and downs of money flow when you run your own business? How do you develop a resilient and resourceful mindset that’s also expansive and optimistic, when the flow slows down or even stops?  This episode will show you how to do exactly that with 9 steps to follow to strengthen your money mindset in challenging times, or times of growth.  Learn how to create...
Published 03/15/24
Do you ever feel like your manifestation isn't working? Do you ever feel like you're doing everything right, but somehow what you want isn't coming to you?    Today I share the fun story of my energetic state when I was manifesting my little dog Teddy Pom Pom & the mindset & actions I took, that you can adopt too for whatever you choose! I’ll also lead you through a short but powerful visualization to manifest your future dream home.     Go Deeper with Polly: Clear the blocks...
Published 03/09/24
Did you know that the time of your menstrual flow (or the full moon if you are post menopause) can be a gateway to accessing your deep inner, feminine, spiritual wisdom?  When we work with our cycle adapting our pace and activities to the phase of the cycle we are in, it can make things much easier. This month for me, flow week coincided with slow week, and an empty schedule, so I was given the chance to surrender more deeply to this phase of my cycle and be truly present for the bleed….for...
Published 03/02/24
So how do you find time to bring new projects into the world? How do you make progress on new ideas when your schedule is already full? To have both more than enough time and more than enough money can seem to be an impossible goal at times. It’s a challenge I love to explore, because in finding answers it empowers us to take even more control of our life and destiny. In this episode, I support you in a reframe around time, and share 3 tips to help you embody this new mindset. Go Deeper...
Published 02/24/24
For so many reasons we judge ourselves as unworthy of all the good in life – or too much good, which includes too much ease, fun, money, love, pleasure, rest or relaxation.  We consciously and unconsciously limit the amount of “love” we can receive and experience.  Family programs, the love we received from our mother and father in the first year of life, childhood, beliefs about love,  experiences in love in adult life, our beliefs about ourself and our inherent worthiness are just some of...
Published 02/17/24
This week I am delighted to welcome the most renowned Feng Shui Master in the world today, Marie Diamond, star of the worldwide phenomenon The Secret, global bestselling author and one of the planet’s premiere transformational leaders. She is here on the Feminine Millionaire Show to talk about her brand new book from Hay House - Feng Shui Your Life: A Beginner’s Guide to Using Your Home to Attract the Life of Your Dreams & open up the powerful world of feng shui for you all.  Join us for...
Published 02/09/24
What if a Wrong Turned out to be a Right? Travel always brings the unexpected…. so many situations, unpredictable aspects where things do not go as planned… so much out of our control. I kicked off 2024 with a very adventurous 2 weeks celebrating my landmark birthday in Cartagena and Isla Baru in Colombia with some dear friends.  Today I am going to share a couple of stories from my holiday about pivoting your mindset when things go wrong….. and how what initially seems like a wrong can...
Published 02/03/24
This is a special end of year episode where I am in conversation with my friend Samantha Ruberto. Join us in a coffee chat where we open up about the highs and the lows of the past year, and talk all things men, magic, miracles….live, love and letting go. Some of the juicy topics we dive into include: -       How to handle life when the sh*t hits the fan -       The mindset for dating so it become a joy and an expansion -       How to believe anything is possible -       Sam’s...
Published 12/23/23
There’s a really powerful energy present at this time of year, and it’s a beautiful opportunity to reflect back & review this past year and reset ourselves, before we focus on moving forwards and into creation again. In this episode I share how to set yourself up for success by making time and space for this powerful ritual which starts with reviewing your past year, celebrating your wins and gathering your learnings.  I go through 6 key steps to setting yourself up for your best year...
Published 12/16/23
This episode I am talking about playing the long game vs the short game. Playing the short game means putting off anything that appears difficult, in order to do something that’s a lot simpler, and usually offers instant and noticeable results. Ticking off the easy tasks on your To Do List, and putting off that difficult project, so you get an easy win. But the truth is, it’s when you play the long game, that you get the biggest wins….and he more you play the long game, the easier it is to...
Published 12/09/23
I made November the month of saying No.  All the no’s acted as boundaries around my time & energy, and freed it up to be actively directed in a way that was in alignment with how I wanted to feel and my intentions for the month.  And something miraculous happened in this space…. In this episode I dive into the mindset for creating a month of saying No (or a week….or even a day if you need to start small!) and inspire you with what could happen when you do.  Go Deeper with Polly: ...
Published 12/02/23
This episode is for you if you say Yes to any of the following:      You find yourself thinking recurringly about an old encounter or partner       Have a challenging relationship with a parent       Are experiencing difficulties with a child, sibling or family member       Are holding frustration or resentment towards your partner, even though you love them. Maybe you are experiencing some challenges in the relationship dynamics. Can’t let go of a past betrayal or you keep...
Published 11/25/23
This month my themes are simplify and slow down. It’s so easy as an entrepreneur to go from one launch or project, straight to another one. Life can become a never ending To-Do List if we don’t consciously stop and pause.  In this episode, I talk about why I am honoring the call from within and simplifying my life and business, and the frequency I am adopting to move forwards in a gentle way. There’s always more to do, but you are allowed to and you CAN, come into a place of more feminine...
Published 11/11/23
Failure in business is inevitable. It’s not if, it’s when. If you run a business for long enough, at some point, an idea, venture, offer or launch will fail. It might be a failure by your own standards or it might be a failure by others standards. Either way the feelings of disappointment, shame, confusion or sadness can be crushing.  But to have longevity as an entrepreneur, you need to have the ability to overcome failure in your toolkit. You need to be strong enough, resilient enough...
Published 11/04/23
This week I dive into 7 life stages that when you focus on healing, can have a significant impact on your present reality, and your ability to manifest, create and be happy.  I uncovered these stages through my own healing journey and in the work I have been doing with clients over the past decade. Some of these stages are often overlooked in their ability to impact our current wellbeing. I think you'll find today a very thought provoking episode... you might even want to grab your journal...
Published 10/13/23