What does it take to create a webinar or presentation that sells - all while feeling congruent and authentic? That's what we're discussing today. Summary Colin Boyd shares his journey from being a paid speaker to discovering the power of selling from stage. He emphasizes the importance of telling a conversion story in presentations to increase commitment and align content with the offer. The conversation delves into the value of selling as a pathway to serving and the different currencies of...
Published 07/23/24
You are living in an incredible age where you can literally build a life -changing business in your spare bedroom or your mom's basement or your local coffee shop. All it takes is an idea and a little bit of intentionality and you can start to put money in your pocket from the comfort of your home. The problem is with these booms of online businesses, knowledge income streams, most people aren't building a life -giving business. And so in today's episode, what I want to do is share with you...
Published 07/16/24
Published 07/16/24
In this conversation, Graham Cochrane interviews Garrett Gunderson about his book 'Killing Sacred Cows' and his new book 'Money Unmasked'. They discuss different money myths and the importance of having an abundance mindset. They also explore the different money personas, including the miser, the conservative, the striver, and the high roller. Gunderson emphasizes the idea of financial independence rather than retirement and the importance of creating cash flow from assets. He encourages...
Published 07/09/24
MrBeast is arguably the biggest content creator on the planet. His videos get more views than the Super Bowl, and yet he is "constantly stressed about money" and "doesn't make money from his videos". If MrBeast isn't making money from his videos and he's stressed about money, what hope do the rest of us have? Today we need to react to a video that I want to show you-and unpack why most content creators have the wrong business model. Let's discuss.
Published 07/02/24
Tyler Dickerhoof discusses the importance of self-acceptance and how it impacts our relationships with others. He shares his personal experiences with insecurity and how it affected his interactions with people. Tyler emphasizes the need to be authentic and true to ourselves, rather than trying to be someone else. He also discusses the role of preparation in overcoming nervousness and performing well in public speaking. Graham and Tyler explore the topic of insecurity and provide insights on...
Published 06/25/24
One of the saddest things I deal with as a business coach is hearing from students or clients that launched a product (an online course, membership, group coaching etc) and it failed. Perhaps nobody bought or three people bought or it made only $100. The dream has been dashed because it didn't live up to their expectations. Today, I wanna pull back the curtain on the top three reasons why most product launches fail - so that your next (or first) launch won't!
Published 06/18/24
In this conversation, Graham and Jordan discuss the power of encouragement and its impact on personal and professional relationships. They explore the concept of encouragement as a transformational tool and how it can make people feel empowered and motivated. Jordan shares his personal journey and how he fell into the work of coaching and encouraging others. They also discuss the 10 arts of encouragement, with a focus on the art of character encouragement and the importance of recognizing and...
Published 06/11/24
One of the legends in the online business space, Pat Flynn, says that online courses are dead. This is the end of selling information. It's the end of info marketing as we know it. And he has a pretty convincing case. But I completely disagree. Check out Pat's video here: https://youtu.be/BMndJYa_KbM?si=N4XvUwlAwM4rYRFC
Published 06/04/24
I believe if your relationships are healthy, the rest of your life will be healthy - especially your business! And the reverse is true. If your marriage is falling apart, it's really hard to have the creativity, drive, and passion to win at business. Today I've brought on my friend Kathryn Gordon, Wall Street Journal bestselling co-author of "Relationship Grit" to unpack the secrets to a thriving marriage, what to do when there are two powerful personalities in a relationship, and the power...
Published 05/28/24
If I'm being honest, this is an announcement I didn't really want to make, but here we are. I am quitting my 52 book challenge and I wanted to let you know about it for a couple of reasons.
Published 05/23/24
One of the biggest and most popular content creators on planet Earth, Alex Hormozi, has made a major shift in his content strategy, moving away from short form content and highly edited content. And we have to talk about it. What we're gonna do in today's episode is unpack his announcement that he posted a couple of weeks ago about his major shift and where he's taking his content and why it's strategic and why I think you need to pay attention. I'm gonna unpack three lessons when it comes to...
Published 05/21/24
Success doesn't begin with our actions it begins with our minds. Today I sit down with my friend (and author and business mentor) Mike Zeller. In this deep dive we cover how our identity and beliefs shape our actions and outcomes, why rewiring the subconscious mind is essential for personal growth and success and how visualization and alter egos can help create new neural pathways.
Published 05/14/24
Could it really be that the secret to success is giving? Oh man, you better believe it is. Today, my friend, in the 52 book challenge, I am unpacking my number one most recommended book of all time. That is The Go Giver by Bob Berg and John David Mann. I absolutely adore this book and it's a little book you can read in about an hour. It's a parable. Everyone should read it, no matter if you're in business or not.
Published 05/09/24
Most people who want to grow their business are looking for a strategy or a hack or some kind of system that they could put into place that will take their business to the next level. Very few people stop to think about the fact that their business is actually limited by their mindset and that they actually self-sabotage. To put it bluntly, you are the ceiling to your own business. In today's episode, what I wanna do is share with you five limiting beliefs that are likely holding back your...
Published 05/07/24
The wait is officially over. Pre Order Graham's new book Rebel and get $300 worth of instant bonuses: https://www.grahamcochrane.com/rebelbook I am announcing and allowing you to pre -order my brand new book, Rebel: Find Yourself By Not Following The Crowd. In today's special announcement episode, I'm gonna peel back what's inside the book, how you can pre -order the book, including some incredible free bonuses you can get immediately, and why I wrote this book and most importantly, how it's...
Published 04/30/24
Have you ever had this experience where some days you just feel on top of the world, confident, clear, and you're running hard after the things that matter to you, and then a moment later or the next day, you feel completely discouraged, completely down, and you're doubting everything about your existence? Today's book in the 52 Book Challenge, "The One Truth" by Jon Gordon breaks down why this is happening, what it takes to fix it, and how we can better understand our own mind so that we can...
Published 04/28/24
What's the secret to writing a book that requires little to no marketing to sell hundreds of thousands of copies and put millions of dollars in your pocket? That's what we're talking about today. Today's book on the 52 Book Challenge is Write Useful Books, A Modern Approach to Designing and Refining Recommendable Non -Fiction by Rob Fitzpatrick. The 52 Book Challenge: https://youtu.be/h3Fo9P4-su0?si=jNxCzvLdNZ6n-5KC
Published 04/25/24
Last year I made $30,000 selling a product that didn't exist. And then a few months later I made an additional $100,000 in a period of five days selling the actual product once it came out. Today I wanna unpack how to do just that - to sell your online course before you create it and why, more importantly, would you wanna do such a thing?
Published 04/23/24
I've been sent to give you an urgent message. Please stop paying attention to what your competition is doing. Literally, you need to ignore your competitors because your business's success depends on it.
Published 04/16/24
When I see a book that says "world -class entrepreneurs can achieve more by doing less" as a subtitle, you know I'm all in. Book 15 of the 52 book challenge this year is 10X is Easier Than 2X by Dan Sullivan from Strategic Coach and Dr. Benjamin Hardy. 52 Book Challenge: https://youtu.be/h3Fo9P4-su0?si=o9B2lq1Ve9yDYDZ3
Published 04/12/24
Starting a business is one thing. Scaling it to seven figures of income a year and beyond is an entirely different thing. The world will tell you to push harder, just do more of what you're doing, but eventually you'll tap out. So there's got to be something different to reach those numbers. And the reality is it's not just actions, it starts with different mindsets. And so in today's episode, what I wanna do is unpack seven mindsets that I've curated over the last 14 years. Seven mindset...
Published 04/09/24
How you start your day matters because it's the only part of your day that you actually have control over. Think about that. It's the only part of your day you have control over. So why not take control of how you start your mornings? And that's the premise of The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod. The not so obvious secret guaranteed to transform your life before 8 a .m. The 52 Book Challenge: https://youtu.be/h3Fo9P4-su0?si=Sz3CWCqYZp15DOT_
Published 04/05/24
So I just took 60 days off of work. That's right, I've been gone for 60 days and maybe you didn't even notice. That's okay, I still love you. But on this episode, I wanna talk about why I took a two month break, what the heck happened while I was gone, why I haven't been posting these episodes in the last 60 days and the good and the bad and the ugly of what it looks like to take a two month sabbatical. At the end of the episode, I'm also gonna walk you through three simple steps that I think...
Published 04/02/24
What is the secret to a great marriage? What does it take to not only stay together, but to grow deeper and deeper in love and have more and more joy and satisfaction and fun and deep friendship in your marriage? That's the question I think every married person should be asking. My second relationship book this year in the 52 Book Challenge is another marriage one. It is The Go -Giver Marriage by John David Mann and his wife, Ana Gabriel Mann. 52 Book Challenge:...
Published 03/29/24