We feel this is something that could be applicable to everyone. It could be an unconscious thing that’s happening, which you’re not even aware of, but it’s good to become aware of it. Marriage is basically the biggest commitment we can make and it’s easy to take for granted because it’s just there constantly once you’re married. Your marriage is where you have committed to give it your all and that can take extra dedication to really give the other person the love and attention they need from...
Published 03/21/24
In this episode we are talking about how family vision boards create space to connect and teach children the power of setting goals as an individual and a family. As an eternal optimist, Maria is a relentless pursuer of happiness. Discovering how most everything in life can be solved or fixed with a little grit, moxie, and a love for doing what you do, is her superpower. Listen to Rosie and Maria talk about how goals and vision boards can best be implemented into your family’s life and how...
Published 03/19/24
Today we wanted to discuss the concept that your children’s foundation all starts within the home. “It starts at home. Fueling their minds, watering their thoughts, showing them grace, and asking for forgiveness when we’ve fallen short. It starts at home. Building healthy relationships, teaching them manners, showing them the power of kindness. It starts at home. Using words with honour, speaking life into our situations, refusing to give up when the going gets tough, it starts at home....
Published 03/14/24
All of the boys, and the boys particularly, love talking about potty stuff. Something we’ve come to realise is that your first doesn’t notice it too much because they don’t have siblings. They might interact with it a little bit at school, but it doesn’t consume them, but then as you have more kids and they start to speak about it among themselves, it begins to gain momentum as you have more and more children. Our 5th kid just loves the sound of any word that has to do with potty talk, and he...
Published 03/12/24
Adam heard something very interesting on a podcast the other day, which said often they see couples all around them, who are in their mid 40s, get divorced over the 10% of things that frustrate them, or annoy them, or that they wish were different, etc. and they set aside the 90% of things that they love about their spouse. “It is so easy to get fixated on someone’s 10% if you’re frustrated with your own life.” In preparation of talking about the 10%, talk often about the 90% of things you...
Published 02/15/24
Today we are meeting with Ellanee Wilson, the Sleep Coach Mom, and the purpose of this podcast episode is to help moms feel confident in whatever sleep choices they make. Rosie and Ellanee discuss the differences in how touchy your children can be and how this will influence their ability to sleep with you or on their own. Newborn babies often have fairly abnormal sleep patterns after leaving the mother’s womb, so it’s quite normal for things to be irregular once your baby is born, which many...
Published 02/13/24
We are so excited for this topic because we feel the first year of motherhood is so special, so intense, it goes by so quickly and we become a whole new person in a short period of time. Jenna discusses how she was both ready to be a mother and follow a career in nursing, and the challenges that has posed, but also the satisfaction she has experienced as she just decided to go for being a mom after her first year of working as a nurse. Jenna’s daughter’s 1st year and deciding about...
Published 02/06/24
Today is a short, but very specific episode, which is something that we’re seeing unfold as our kids get older. We have 5 children at this moment, including an 11 year old boy, 7 year old girl, 5 year old boy, 3 year old boy, and 2 year old boy. Something we’ve been observing the past few months is how much the oldest two adore the baby. We have come to realise something important and maybe useful for those who are trying to decide whether to have more kids or not. Something we’ve noticed...
Published 02/01/24
We feel a lot of people struggle with this issue where they are ambitious, goal driven, and a little overwhelmed, and then they bring that home and it interrupts the flow of family life. The difficult thing can be when you are going a hundred miles an hour at work, and then you come home only to bring all that to a complete halt and the transition can be a little jarring. You can turn a blowtorch on your family if you’re not careful, so it’s important to come up with a plan on how to deal...
Published 01/30/24
In today’s episode Adam and Rosie are talking about the importance of giving your kids responsibility as opposed to putting pressure on them, especially for older children. Why they thought about this topic is because there is quite a big gap between the eldest child and the youngest, and Adam has found himself leaning on the oldest for help, but he’s still trying to find that balance between treating him like a boy and young man. Marble analogy 0:50Making it fun and exciting 2:45Helping...
Published 01/25/24
We are so happy to have Mike and Megan Knorpp with us today to tell us all about their amazing life journey with their family. Nearly a decade ago Mike and Megan decided that being afraid wasn’t a good enough reason not to do something. If they couldn’t come up with any other reason but fear keeping them from a dream, then they had to jump in and do it. Following that philosophy has taken their life from normal to amazing. Join us today as we hear about their amazing adventures and how this...
Published 01/23/24
We apologise, Rosie got sick last week and lost her voice, so this episode will sound a bit like a whisper. We don’t know what it was, but on Sunday Rosie would just be staring at something and randomly begin to cry, and it wasn’t like little sniffles, but full on convulsing and sobbing. Rosie didn’t know where this was coming from, but then she realised that she was thinking about her mum constantly and that maybe she was now unleashing some suppressed grief. Where the crying began...
Published 01/18/24
On today’s episode we have very special guests Glenn and Janet Colley and they share how Glenn became a one in a million medical miracle, being revived multiple times, and surviving Boerhaave Syndrome for 30 days before travelling from South Africa back to Cleveland Clinic for life saving surgery. They shared this story with Rosie a little while back and she thought it was crucial that it be documented and shared with others because of how amazing it is. Where the story began 1:30Contacting...
Published 01/16/24
What are you fixating on to the point of an obsession? Or what are you incessantly thinking about, speaking about, or acting upon? Is it a career, a relationship, food, a material item or place, your body? Can you make it your intention to acknowledge and master this subtle distraction in your life? We all can get obsessive over all kinds of things and for various different reasons, some of which will be more healthy reasons, but others not so much and it’s our job as parents and spouses to...
Published 01/11/24
Marla Grover is our special guest today who is a paediatric oncology nurse that helps families grow stronger on their journey through childhood cancer. Marla had a good friend when she was little who was diagnosed with cancer and she loved going over there to help out and do what she could to help take care of her friend. Caring for others and being empathetic was always just a very big part of who she is, thus she took on the nickname “Nurse Marla” and it kind of just stuck and has followed...
Published 01/09/24
We really wanted to do this topic because we feel that sometimes we think we can avoid certain things in our life, such as patience for example. Sometimes we make life choices, thinking that we can avoid having to be patient when actually patience is something that life is constantly trying to teach us, and it’s kind of our choice how and where we learn it. Sometimes we find ourselves in situations that we just have to endure and get through, but often we can choose where these situations...
Published 01/04/24
In this episode we have Liz Edmunds, The Food Nanny, who rescues dinner and saves families. She is an absolute bundle of joy, but is also a well of wisdom. As a mother, Rosie says that Liz has some of the most important information that needs to be passed on from generation to generation, because it’s just so important. Food, our dinner time, what we learn at the dinner table, all these things that we discuss are so important and they literally hold families together. While trying to think of...
Published 01/02/24
In a marriage, you each are your own individual person, and then there is the whole unit that is you both. You both have different needs at different times, and sometimes at the same time. Adam mentions that he is terrible at being really tired and not wanting to take naps, but then not wanting Rosie to take naps because the idea of having the 5 kids is overwhelming, so neither of their needs are met. We have to consider how many times either of us has something different going on and have...
Published 12/14/23
When Shelby was 15 years old, she was diagnosed with cancer, Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma and she ended up undergoing chemo, radiation, and surgery, removing a tumour off of her heart. During that treatment, the chemo she received really did a number on her reproductive system. Because she was a minor, she wasn’t really given the option to preserve her eggs or do any kind of fertility preservation, so she later had a lot of difficulty falling pregnant, even being told by a doctor that she will not...
Published 12/12/23
In this episode Adam and Rosie are talking all about how to be a better doer, not a better commentator or analyser, the answer to more joy in parenthood and in life. This is a funny and ironic topic to bring up because Adam says he does both those things, which are equally great and annoying. The doer can be annoying, but the commentator is 100% annoying. Fear, fatigue, and frustration are all things that can cause you to procrastinate, or just not do what you need to do as a parent or spouse...
Published 12/07/23
Today we have a very special guest with a very special topic. We are honoured to have Jordan Ricks as a part of our show as she is such an amazing person who has a story that is just one big miracle. After falling pregnant, Jordan found that she started to vomit and get sick, which at first seemed normal, but eventually it grew to be completely out of control. She has a mutation in her DNA called CDH1 that causes her to be more prone to stomach and breast cancer, so when she let the doctors...
Published 12/05/23
Adam tells a story about how he was a bit of a hypocrite, when a week before Thanksgiving, he experienced one of the most powerful moments between himself and Patty. Adam chewed Patty out for not having prepared well enough for their hunting trip, but after they went out on the trip, Adam realised that he hadn’t prepared well enough either, making him feel like a big hypocrite. He had a big moment where they were able to get totally raw and real, which really strengthened their bond as father...
Published 11/30/23
Rosie sits down with Ashlee Boyson who is the author of the blog and book series titled "The Moments We Stand", in which she shares her family's journey of healing after the infidelity and murder of her husband Emmett in 2011. She tells about the intense dark feelings she experienced when she found out he was not only murdered, but died in the arms of his other lover. The dark feelings didn’t end there though, as she had to go through the murder trial and witness the sadness of all those...
Published 11/28/23
On this week’s episode Rosie and Adam talk about simple ways to feed your family nutritious meals. They talk about different methods of preparing food so that you can get sizeable amounts and leftovers to use for your family and serve throughout the week. Rosie gives a great meal idea that’s quick, the kids love it, and which can be used as a backup in case you are running low on time. What Rosie has been doing since Summer 1:00Using aluminium trays 4:30Using the Traeger for bulk amounts of...
Published 11/21/23