Brian Tracy went from struggling with a series of menial jobs to achieving remarkable sales success. A relentless self-learner, he transformed his life by mastering the science of sales. Then, he dedicated himself to studying, researching, writing, and speaking in the fields of economics, history, business, philosophy, and psychology. Today, he is a legendary self-development expert and world-renowned bestselling author. In this episode, Brian shares his top principles and strategies for...
Published 09/10/24
Published 09/10/24
Kelly Roach built a seven-figure side hustle before leaving her corporate role. How did she do it despite an intense workload and failed product launches? Strategic planning, smart time management, and an unyielding drive fueled by a childhood embarrassment on the free lunch line. In this episode, Kelly shares her inspiring journey, emphasizing the importance of patience, persistence, and the willingness to take imperfect action. Kelly Roach is a business coach, CEO, podcast host, and...
Published 09/03/24
Even when met with skepticism, Geoff Smart pushed forward with his vision to transform hiring through powerful data-driven methods. He created the WHO Method through his leadership consulting firm, emphasizing drive and cultural fit over skills. This approach not only brought success to his clients but also propelled his firm to global success. In this episode, Geoff reveals the key strategies behind the WHO Method, including how to prioritize drive over skills and ensure cultural alignment...
Published 08/27/24
Eynat Guez leaped from a comfortable corporate job to co-founding Papaya Global. Despite numerous investor rejections, she stayed true to her vision, proving the market need for her innovative solutions. Balancing motherhood and entrepreneurship, she turned her startup into a global payroll and HR solutions powerhouse valued at $3.7 billion. In this episode, Eynat reveals the highs and lows of her entrepreneurial journey, underscoring the importance of resilience and adaptability in achieving...
Published 08/20/24
As Charlie Engle's teenage sons dropped him off at the gates of federal prison, he faced his lowest point. Sentenced to 21 months for mail fraud, he had lost his career, reputation, and freedom. Despite his history of overcoming addiction and running across the Sahara, this challenge was the hardest. Initially consumed by anger and fear, Charlie turned to running daily. He inspired fellow inmates, earning the nickname "Running Man" and forming a running group. In this episode, Charlie reveals...
Published 08/13/24
Feeling creatively stifled in his stable but unfulfilling job, Adam Cheyer pursued entrepreneurship, even with his limited business knowledge. He co-founded Siri to realize his dream of a voice-activated assistant and the project was so promising that Steve Jobs called out of the blue. Despite initially turning down his offer, Jobs persisted. Today, Siri is integrated into billions of Apple devices. In this episode, Adam shares the key moments and mindset shifts that turned his vision into...
Published 08/06/24
Immersed in her privileged life in apartheid South Africa, Ronni Kahn never imagined she would become a leader in the fight against food waste and hunger. She went from one bold leap to the next—leaving a kibbutz in Israel to start from scratch in a new country, then building a successful business only to leave it to start a nonprofit. In this episode, Ronni shares the pivotal moments and challenges that led her to find her true calling, the importance of taking risks, and the powerful impact...
Published 07/30/24
From nearly failing out of college to becoming the number one executive coach, Marshall Goldsmith embodies the power of relentless self-improvement. Shaped by harrowing experiences, influential mentors, and Buddhism, he has gained unique perspectives on gratitude, resilience, and purpose, inspiring leaders worldwide to achieve their full potential. In this episode, Marshall Goldsmith shares the importance of finding fulfillment, enjoying the process of life, and avoiding achievement...
Published 07/23/24
Dave Liniger went from pinching pennies while saving for his first property to owning 21 single-family homes at age 21. Despite fierce opposition and financial turmoil, he implemented an innovative commission system that empowered agents to maximize their earnings. His unique model not only transformed his company into a global real estate powerhouse but also revolutionized the entire industry. In this episode, Dave shares his incredible journey of perseverance, highlighting the principles...
Published 07/16/24
John Lee Dumas went from leading his seniors in the military at 23 to failing at different careers for six years. Although the fear of failure almost held him back, he pushed through and started his podcast at 32. Today, he generates over a million dollars in annual revenue. In this episode, John shares lessons from his journey, actionable insights on overcoming fear, and strategies for entrepreneurial success. John Lee Dumas is the founder and host of the award-winning podcast Entrepreneurs...
Published 07/09/24
Michelle Curran defied the odds to become one of the most accomplished F-16 fighter pilots in the United States Air Force. Despite facing self-doubt, imposter syndrome, and the intense pressure of being the only female Thunderbird pilot, she persevered through sheer grit and determination. In this episode, Michelle opens up about her transformative journey, offering invaluable lessons on leadership, personal growth, and the impact of authentic vulnerability. Michelle Curran, also known by...
Published 07/02/24
Throughout his life, Robert Glazer has reinvented himself time and again. First, he transitioned from a traditional career path to entrepreneurship. Then, realizing his interests had shifted, he transitioned from his role as CEO to focus on writing and thought leadership. In this episode, Robert shares his journey of continuous evolution and offers insights on how to adapt to new roles that align with your passions and strengths. Robert Glazer is an entrepreneur, bestselling author, and...
Published 06/25/24
Scott D. Clary is a successful entrepreneur and investor today, but he started as an employee with no equity in a firm where he led sales. When the company went through an acquisition, seeing the payout of those with equity was a wake-up call. It made him realize the value of ownership and ignited his resolve to pursue entrepreneurship. In this episode, Scott digs into the strategies and mindset shifts behind his success, emphasizing the value of long-term commitment for consistent...
Published 06/18/24
After selling his first company, James Altucher went from having $15 million in his checking account to a balance of $143 within a short period. Then, he managed to build himself back up and sell another company only to lose it all again. Although he failed many more times, James never let fear stop him from taking action. His commitment to consistent experimentation led him to make several bold leaps, from web development to business, and from finance to standup comedy. In this episode,...
Published 06/11/24
Elizabeth McCormick came home reeking of tomato sauce from her pizza job, feeling miserable as usual. But that day, she resolved that if her then-husband could serve in the army, so could she. This bold decision led to a fulfilling career as a Black Hawk helicopter pilot. Despite a career-ending injury, she reinvented herself and entered the corporate world before transitioning into public speaking. In this episode, Elizabeth shares her incredible journey of breaking free from stagnation and...
Published 06/04/24
William Cohan pulled out all the stops to get the Wall Street Journal to hire him, including getting an MBA, but they just wouldn’t. So he turned to corporate America. After nearly two decades as an investment banker, he got kicked out of Wall Street, forcing him to pivot again. In today’s episode, William shares the incredible story of how he went from broke, award-winning journalist to investment banker to bestselling author. William Cohan is a prolific author and founding partner of Puck,...
Published 05/28/24
Dre Baldwin got a late start in basketball, however, he marketed himself tirelessly to stand out from the competition. His strategies worked and he landed an agent. Although initially unintentional, he built a personal brand online as he played professionally. So as basketball prospects waned, he was able to transition into public speaking and entrepreneurship. In this episode, Dre shares his journey from an obscure basketball player to a successful entrepreneur, highlighting key tips and...
Published 05/23/24
Show Notes: Saul Blinkoff went from being one of the worst artists in school to achieving his dream of working for the Walt Disney Studios. How did he do it despite several rejections? Through relentless hard work, unwavering determination, and the willingness to learn from his failures. Saul transformed his weaknesses into strengths and never gave up on his dream. In this episode, Saul shares his incredible journey of perseverance, highlighting the beliefs and mindset shifts that allowed him...
Published 05/21/24
At the peak of Dov Baron’s success, the worst happened. While free climbing, he fell on his face from a height of 120 feet. Dov endured several reconstructive surgeries and suffered deep depression. But after a moment of true transformation, Dov pushed the reset button. He found the emotional source code that gave meaning to his life and has been helping others do the same ever since. In this episode, Dov tells the fascinating story behind his transformation and highlights the importance of...
Published 05/16/24
Whitney Johnson believed she could increase her earnings tenfold. So, she pursued business courses at night and eventually made an unusual transition from secretary to investment banker. This marked the first major disruption of her career path and set the stage for her future successes as an entrepreneur, author, and thought leader on disruption. In this episode, Whitney shares her journey of self-disruption through her major career leaps. She provides insights and strategies for...
Published 05/14/24
The Leap Academy Podcast with Ilana Golan is all about honest and inspiring conversations about what it really takes to leap to bigger things, amazing careers, and craft the life you want. Here you will listen to stories and tips you won't find anywhere else. Ilana speaks with some of the world's most influential people, experts, and thinkers who created incredible careers, massive impact, built a reputation, and an extraordinary life. Together we discover the untold truths, the...
Published 05/14/24
What happens when you give up on your dreams and you realize you were 3 feet from gold?  This is a story about perseverance, aiming higher and believing in yourself despite rejection. Saul Blinkoff, Hollywood filmmaker and animator shares with Ilana about how he gave himself a second chance and went on to work with companies such as Disney, Dreamworks,Netflix, Amazon, animating for films like Pocahontas Hunchback of Notre Dame, Mulan Tarzan and so many more! Listen to this inspiring and...
Published 10/03/23
Ignore the naysayers. trust your gut.  Take risks, make quick decisions and stay true to your mission.  Many times the best entrepreneurs are people that don’t play by the rules.  In this fascinating episode Ilana speaks with Gary Beasley, CEO & co-founder of Roofstock about his journey starting and growing a successful company.  Watch this episode on YouTube - https://youtu.be/21ARHuLLiNo More about Gary https://www.linkedin.com/in/gary-beasley-956647/ About Ilana Golan &...
Published 09/29/23
How do top leaders turn challenges into drive?  Is it really lonely at the top?  Athena Manley, Chief of Strategy & Staff at Aon and Founder & CEO of @theflexibleceo, who's collaborated with top 10 ASX, Fortune 500 firms, and start-ups, shares with Ilana her passion for impact and gives insight into the mindset that keeps her driven to lead and inspire in the corporate world.  More about Athena: LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/athena-manley/ Instagram:...
Published 09/27/23