In this engaging conversation, the guest, Tom Delaney, traces his personal journey from a life of excess to one marked by discipline and purpose. Exploring the importance of personal development, he emphasizes the role of mentors and the impact of mindset shifts on one's trajectory. Touching on the sacrifices required for success, Tom highlights the balance between professional ambitions and personal relationships. The discussion extends to the influence of fitness on mental well-being,...
Published 12/25/23
Ever wondered how a fitness expert turned a $100,000 setback into a thriving business? In this insightful podcast, fitness expert Eric shares a compelling story of overcoming a financial disaster caused by his accountant's deceit. The narrative unfolds as he navigates through the challenges, showcasing the power of turning setbacks into opportunities. The conversation delves into the intricacies of muscle building, discussing training methodologies, workout intensity, and the concept of...
Published 12/18/23
Have you asked yourself what it takes to transform your life against all odds? Curious about the mindset of someone who went from incarceration to inspiring others with a top podcast?   In this podcast episode, I had the privilege of speaking with Peter Meyerhoff, the host of "Roll Call with Chappy." Peter, who faced challenges like incarceration, emerged stronger, creating a successful podcast that reaches incarcerated individuals nationwide. We explored various topics, from setting...
Published 12/11/23
Ever wondered how a singular focus on greatness, from the competitive world of lacrosse to parenting, can shape an individual's perspective? In this engaging podcast episode, Greg Gurenlian delves into his unique journey, navigating the unconventional terrain of being a face-off specialist in lacrosse. He shares how his intense dedication to mastering this niche position led him to establish the Faceoff Academy, a platform to impart his knowledge. The conversation takes an unexpected turn,...
Published 12/04/23
Ever wondered how a simple shift in daily habits could transform your energy levels and productivity? Join me as we unravel the secrets to optimizing health and performance in this insightful podcast episode. In this conversation, I sat down with a seasoned entrepreneur, Nick, who shared his journey of integrating health practices into his busy life. The dialogue touched upon various aspects, from morning routines to nutrition hacks and supplement choices. Nick emphasized the impact of a...
Published 11/27/23
In this podcast episode, Jay Campbell, a fitness and biohacking expert, engages in a conversation covering various aspects of health optimization. Starting with the discussion on medical-grade red light's effectiveness for fat loss, the conversation seamlessly transitions into exploring the world of peptides for healing, fat loss, cognition, and anti-aging. The conversation shifts gears, touching on fasting, debunking myths, and emphasizing the importance of metabolic flexibility. Jay shares...
Published 11/20/23
In this podcast episode, the host engages in a compelling conversation with JC, a former inmate who transitioned from a life of adversity to becoming a fitness expert and mentor. The dialogue delves into JC's unique journey, emphasizing forgiveness, self-discovery, and the power of being alone. JC reveals how spending time in isolation, a fear rooted in childhood trauma, became a transformative experience. He unveils the mental strength cultivated through prison workouts, distinct from...
Published 11/13/23
Have you ever wondered how your beliefs shape your success? In this podcast episode, Nate dives deep into understanding the power of beliefs and how they influence our journey to success. The podcast episode was a conversation with Gavin, an expert on reprogramming beliefs for success. He shared valuable insights on the role of beliefs in our lives. Gavin explained that beliefs are the lens through which we view the world and can either empower or limit us. As he recounted his personal...
Published 11/06/23
How can you leverage technology and virtual assistants to optimize your health and productivity?  In this conversation we discuss health optimization and productivity. Our guest, Mike, shares his journey from being a vegan to incorporating animal-based products back into his diet and the impact it had on his body, including a substantial increase in weight and improved semen count. He highlights the value of data tracking, using technology like Whoop and MyFitnessPal, and employing a virtual...
Published 10/30/23
n this podcast episode, we talk about the secrets to achieving an enviable physique, often seen in Hollywood stars and fitness models. We emphasize the importance of building muscle and provide insights into various workout techniques for muscle growth. From explosive high pulls to farmer carries, the host explains the significance of different exercises in developing the desired physique, including powerful traps and shoulders.   The concept of training to failure is discussed,...
Published 10/23/23
Have you ever wondered how you can become happier, healthier, and hotter in 2023? In this podcast episode, I'm sharing 23 practical strategies that will help you transform your life. I covered a wide range of topics, all aimed at helping you improve your overall well-being and achieve your goals. The core ideas can be distilled into five key takeaways. First, focus on doing the opposite of what's popular. Many trends and habits that are widely embraced today may not be beneficial for your...
Published 10/16/23
How can you simplify meal planning, save time, and make healthier choices for your family?    In this episode, I’ll give you practical strategies for effective meal planning and preparation. I emphasize the importance of communication within the family and the use of a simple calendar system for meal planning. I share with you how me and my family have created a diverse list of 24-25 go-to meals, making it easier to maintain a healthy eating routine. I’ll also give you a step-by-step guide...
Published 10/08/23
Have you ever wondered how to achieve both strength and resilience in your fitness journey? In this podcast episode, I explore the intersection of kettlebell and bodyweight training, revealing the secrets to unlocking physical prowess while maintaining resilience. During my conversation with Alex, a fitness expert, we delved into the world of strength training. Alex emphasized the importance of viewing fitness holistically, considering both kettlebell and bodyweight exercises as essential...
Published 10/02/23
In this episode, I talk about the world of supplements and emphasize the importance of distinguishing between mandatory and performance-enhancing supplements. Starting with the basics, I discuss the significance of high-quality protein intake and how it plays a crucial role in muscle recovery and overall health.   Moving on, I explore the realm of vitamins and minerals. I emphasize the value of omega-3 fatty acids and their role in brain health, followed by a deep dive into the benefits of...
Published 09/25/23
Have you ever wondered how to naturally boost your testosterone levels? Let's dive into the seven essential strategies, including one pharmaceutical option, that can help you optimize your hormones.   In this podcast episode, we explore seven ways to increase testosterone naturally. The first key idea was the importance of strength training. Engaging in consistent strength workouts can signal your body to boost testosterone levels. However, balance is crucial; overtraining can lead to...
Published 09/18/23
In this podcast episode, Dr. Grayson Wickham, a mobility expert, shares invaluable insights on how we can proactively maintain our joints, prevent injuries, and improve our overall physical performance. He begins by highlighting the importance of foot mobility and shares his experience with minimalist shoes. Dr. Wickham warns against diving headfirst into minimal shoes, emphasizing the need to build foot resilience gradually. He delves into the concept of active stretching, explaining why...
Published 09/12/23
Belly fat. Have you ever wondered why belly fat seems to be such a problem for many of us? We'll explore the secrets behind those shredded veins like Zac Efron's Baywatch body and uncover the connection between belly fat and the four horsemen of mortality. We'll also dive deep into the fascinating realm of molecular biology, where we'll discuss how molecules can meddle with insulin signaling and blood sugar, shedding light on how to avoid pre-diabetes. Join us as we navigate the complex...
Published 09/04/23
Welcome to today's episode, where we dive into the ever-present challenge of maintaining a healthy diet. We all know the struggle - juggling work, family, and life's demands often leaves little room for preparing nutritious meals. But fear not, because we're here to uncover the secrets to achieving that elusive balance between convenience and health. If you've ever wondered how to provide your children with the foundation for a lifetime of wellness, look no further than the power of meal...
Published 08/28/23
Are you curious about the benefits of fasting and how to incorporate it into your routine? If so, you're in for an enlightening discussion. Today, we'll delve into the world of fasting and its various forms, exploring how to kick-start your fasting journey, why prolonged intermittent fasting might be more advantageous than long-term fasting, and even touch upon recent developments like new diets and diabetes drugs. Additionally, we'll highlight five compelling reasons to consider extended...
Published 08/21/23
Today we have Stefan Brule the house, and we talk about becoming not just a successful business owner, but a better father and husband as well. Discover the immense influence of proximity and positive optimism in shaping your path. Learn how to elevate your standards and become the leader you were meant to be, while eliminating decision fatigue and cutting through the noise. We'll uncover the true value of having a crystal-clear vision of your potential and explore the universal law of asking...
Published 08/14/23
In today's conversation, we're delving into the world of nutrition with Garret Serd, and we go on a journey through various dietary approaches. From the concept of reverse dieting to the intriguingly named Million Dollar Body Program, Nate discusses the perks and drawbacks of each nutritional framework. Ever wondered what happens when you step away from these frameworks? We're also diving into the realm of setting yourself up for nutritional success, as well as the intricacies of the...
Published 08/09/23
Welcome to this episode on how to change your identity around exercise. In today's conversation, I'm thrilled to welcome our special guest, Garrett Surd. We'll be exploring the transformative power of mindset and identity when it comes to achieving our fitness goals. It's not just about nutrition; it's about reshaping how we see ourselves and our relationship with exercise. We'll delve into the idea of emulating successful strategies, utilizing repetition through automation, and understanding...
Published 08/07/23
Looking to shed some pounds while maintaining high energy levels? Look no further! Did you know that certain foods like cauliflower and celery have negative calories, meaning the more you eat, the more weight you can lose? We've got a fantastic five-day meal plan designed for fat loss and performance. Plus, we'll reveal five other foods that can be your allies on your weight loss journey. Start off your day with a big salad after breaking your fast or in the evening, as it helps fill you up...
Published 07/31/23
Welcome to our conversation! Today, we'll delve into the art of meal prepping for both fat loss and improved performance. Nate will be sharing his fantastic five-day meal plan, designed to keep you on track with your health goals. We'll explore the benefits of roasting vegetables in either the oven or an air fryer, perfecting their flavors with a dash of salt and pepper. To make the process smoother, we'll discuss the essential tools you'll need, like a blender, knife, cutting board, and food...
Published 07/24/23
This very special episode of the Low Carb Hustle we go deep with Stacy on an "Ask Me Anything" episode. She's looking to get lean and keep her energy high, but it's summer and family, work, and life keep making it tough.  Join us as I ask her some questions to help dial in WHAT is possible and how to set up a plan that fits her goals, schedule, and equipment.  This is the same strategy you can use to create a workout program that doesn't suck the life out of you. And if you want some help...
Published 07/21/23