Going through a breakup can challenge the internal direction of any man. Where to from here? Was everything back then BS? Am I really what she is accusing me of? In this podcast I cover the 3 main reasons (in my experience) that have led to me being so far stuck in my head I could barely function. Although make no mistake, being stuck in your head isn't necessarily a BAD thing.. it only is when you can't function in the world properly.. anyway check it out.
Published 08/09/19
Published 08/09/19
Today I talk about the importance of knowing exactly what you want and why you want it. Sometimes the things we want aren't even things that are truly our own - Do you ever feel like the reasons your parents wanted things are the same things you do..? Maybe that's ok but maybe there is also a part of you that doesn't like those things... If you don't know what you want and why you want it, you will forever be a yes man who 'goes with the flow' of those around him.... and that's not a good...
Published 07/26/19
How many times have you attempted to have a 'productive' conversation only to find that it ends up in a war of words that all hit below the belt? It's hard as s**t not to get caught up in the emotion of the situation when you have someone personally attacking you about being a crap father or loveless partner. In this podcast I give some clarity as to why people do this and how you can improve your own communication ability.
Published 07/02/19
Men, enough of this people pleasing so that we don't 'rock the boat'. It's time to shake that s**t up! (if it's for your benefit).  What I'm saying is that too many of us (including myself in the past) start living life based upon WHAT WE THINK OTHER PEOPLE WANT US TO DO.  And let me tell you from experience, that leads you to a place of misery, fear and shame because you simply cannot keep everyone happy ALL THE TIME.  Instead, listen into this podcast to find out how I shifted this...
Published 06/21/19
Have you ever felt like other people just 'get it' in life and you somehow come off second best. Every. Single. Time? What about feeling like others are in the 'cool' group and you're stuck on the outer looking in behind some sort of perspex barrier that prevents you from getting inside? I felt like for AGES.. before I painstakingly worked out the 3 most important traits you need to develop to unlock this potential within you. 
Published 06/12/19
Are you constantly in battles between your ex where you'll say one thing that annoys her and then you feel the repercussions through: - More restricted time with your kids - The Silent Treatment - Not being able to see your kids It's not uncommon.  And what can happen is you end up feeling like you can't say anything at all because you're constantly walking on egg shells.  Then, you feel powerless.....then frustrated...then you blow up at her and it just makes things worse..  In this...
Published 05/24/19
How many times have you had it where you've had some great idea for it to be shot down by your partners fear/uncertainty? Where you have that seed of potential inside of you calling you somewhere or to do something but when discussing it with your partner or friend they shoot you down saying it was silly/stupid/not realistic? This happens all the time - ESPECIALLY when you have made mistakes in the past that lead those people to lose faith/trust in your ability to DELIVER the goods on...
Published 05/03/19
Most people need all their ducks in their EXTERNAL environment to be in line before they can be happy.. Needing the validation and permission from others and things to be happy again.. BS Here are a few facts: - There are always new problems arising in life - No one is going to give you permission to be happy In this podcast I go through how to stop this nonsense today.
Published 04/11/19
It's important for every man to go through change or rebirth in his life.. and the reality is: It's happening whether you like it or not. The question is.. Do you want to be in control of it? Or in reaction to it? In this podcast I go through why lying and being wilfully blind are suffocating your progress in life. PS: It gets a bit heated at the end.. so get prepared!
Published 04/02/19
After we go through the breakup we go from work/kids/family time as the main things that we do to then being in a situation where we're on our own a lot more.  Then what happens is we become our own worst enemy because of the constant thoughts about the future, the past and everything in between.  In this podcast I go through some practical things that you can do that will fill that void more productively... No more gambling, sex and drugs filling your time as a band aid solution, avoiding...
Published 03/20/19
Buying houses, toys, clothes, money or cars... All things that we've been told to search for and will subsequently make us happy...right? Wrong. Masculinity is more than just obtaining s**t to make ourselves feel a temporary surge of serotonin. In fact, when it comes to developing yourself, coming to the conclusion that everything MUST BE LET GO is a much better place to start.  Listen in to this rant.... it's important.
Published 03/08/19
The man you are RIGHT NOW is the tip of the ice-burg when compared to the man you COULD BE. And the fact is that the things that are holding you back from getting from A to B are issues that YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW EXIST.  How are you meant to fix something that isn't inside of your awareness?  Brother in this podcast I go into detail about the questions you should be asking yourself to begin this process and start unlocking a power and potential inside of you that is laying dormant.  If...
Published 03/03/19
Soon after the breakup I went through this period of blaming others... but soon after that, I was left understanding that I needed to change something about myself but not knowing:  A) WHAT or  B) HOW There is no guide map and structure for pulling yourself out of that place so how can you begin to rebuild yourself and not only that, REALLY start living with the FIRE in your belly again.
Published 02/20/19
As men we can get so focussed on the end goal that we forget to appreciate the present OR when life events happen and that end goal is taking away from us it can leave us feeling like failures. We continue along in life just idling through without a purpose and wonder why we don't feel good anymore.  In this podcast I go through how STORIES that you have about yourself or the world are shaping how you feel (without you even knowing it) and how you can start to change them so you can lift...
Published 02/15/19
Life's easy when you're blaming others. Life's A LOT harder when you're putting your own actions under the microscope - and for good reason.  The problems that are showing up in your life today are a reflection of the man that you have been up until this point. Period. If you want change, start owning them. In today's podcast I go through why this is the case and how it practically applies to your life. Listen till the end to find an exercise that you can do to shift your perspective on the...
Published 01/30/19
So often us men feel like we have to bare the brunt of all the pain, problems and obstacles in not only our own lives but also the lives of our children, partners, friends and family. Well, I'm here to tell you, you don't have to go in it alone.  Your family wants to go on a JOURNEY with you. So open that option up to them. LIFE IS PAIN, so show them how to deal with it best by DOING it yourself. Listen in to find out how you can apply this inside of your own life. 
Published 01/21/19
In today's episode I talk about 'man blaming' off the back of some videos I've posted recently. There are some comments in there about BLAMING men and not women...am I a man basher? Listen in to find out my thoughts on this issue. 
Published 01/09/19
Today I riff on TRUST after a troll called me out on Facebook. It got me thinking....Is trust different for people at different ages? What does this mean for you as a father and a partner? How can you trust again after someone burns you? Listen in to find out.
Published 12/18/18
As some of you may have noticed.. Man Up With Millar is no longer! In this podcast I go into why I changed the name and what it means for you as a single father being the king of your kingdom! I cover: - How to look at change in your life so it happens smoothly. - Why 'manning up' is BS
Published 12/11/18
So, after going to my regular salsa dance night and realising that I was definitely not where I wanted to be...I realised that I had to accept that I was s**t before I could move on.... See, I was judging the s**t out of myself for where I was and not appreciating that I was learning something new! So in this podcast I'm literally at home after I've been dancing, having a red, and getting real, raw and honest about the whole experience AND how it relates to where you're at right now as a...
Published 12/03/18
Let's face it. Going through a breakup with the mother of your kids can leave you feeling lost and uncertain....in more ways than one. Will I see my kids again? Why did this happen? Who the F**K am I? If there's one thing for sure it's that this breakup has given you an opportunity. The door is open for you to grow and learn from this.. but are you ready......Really? Listen in.
Published 11/27/18
Today I talk about the difficulties that arise when separating and deep down still wanting that other person in your life. Is this because you 'love' them or because you 'need' them? When the mother of your kids breaks up with you, many men will struggle to let go of her because of some kind of ownership or possession they believe they still have... but this is not love. Listen in to find out how you can make this distinction for yourself.
Published 11/07/18
In this podcast I talk about a recent experience I had with saying bye to my son after drop off. It cut me deep and re-opened a wound from the initial stages of the breakup when I had to drop off the kids and felt like I was a failure and doing the wrong thing by my kids. I talk about: - How there is always going to be pain in life - How you can get through the pain quicker - How you can pull out the lessons and principles in life that will give you happiness and fulfilment for longer.
Published 10/30/18
Most men struggle with self-awareness. In fact, most people struggle with it. Today I talk about the importance of finding YOURSELF and how you can do that through the breakup itself. We need to move away from being mindless working robots and move into a place of reflection and being at peace with our emotions... how do we do that though? In this podcast I cover: - The warning signs that I saw which told me I wasn't happy - What most men do to lose themselves whilst in a relationship - The...
Published 10/24/18