In this episode, I have the privilege of hosting Jeremy Lesniak, a seasoned martial artist with a career spanning four decades. Jeremy’s journey in martial arts, beginning at the age of four, has been nothing short of remarkable. His experiences and insights are sure to provide a fresh perspective on preparedness. A Lifetime in Martial Arts Jeremy's martial arts journey is deeply rooted in his early experiences. Training in various disciplines has given him the opportunity to learn from...
Published 05/27/24
Published 05/27/24
Imagine never having to throw away food again. That's every prepper's dream. Guess what? It is possible, and in this article, I'll discuss 15 foods to stockpile that never expire. This doesn't mean they will last millennia, but many of these foods may outlive you. It's a fact that during uncertain times and emergencies, having a stockpile of survival food can provide peace of mind, knowing that you and your loved ones' nutrition needs are taken care of. While some foods, such as dehydrated...
Published 05/20/24
This episode dives into an insightful discussion with Jason Nelson, the CEO of PrepperBeef.com. Jason's refreshing perspective and extensive experience provide a wealth of knowledge that is invaluable for anyone interested in preparedness, self-reliance, and high-quality food. Here's a summary of our conversation, which covers everything from military experiences to the intricacies of food production. Healthy Food and Production Process With my interest in freeze-dried food, I was excited...
Published 05/12/24
In this episode, I sit down with Nikos Katsikanis to explore various facets of preparedness related to civilians caught in a modern war. Our conversation focuses on our personal and professional lives, survival strategies, and broader societal implications of recent events. This episode offers insights into preparedness, resilience, and the importance of community support in an increasingly complex...
Published 05/02/24
Join us in this episode with the founder of the Mountain Readiness Expo, Robert ' T' Toombs. We discuss everything from what started T prepping, to what concerns him most with the world today. We also dive into the importance of building community and networks, along with the benefits of self-sufficiency. Click the player to listen! Stay safe,
Published 04/15/24
In this episode, we dive deep into survival medicine, exploring the critical importance of being prepared for medical emergencies, especially in light of current events. Joe and Amy Alton help us unravel why it's crucial now, more than ever, to gear up medically for disasters and troubled times that may be heading our way. Listen to the entire episode!  For more information on medical preparedness, check out DoomandBloom.net.  Key Points Discussed in This Show: 1. RSV, COVID, and Vaccine...
Published 04/05/24
Sean Patrick Tario and I discuss how to Protect Yourself From Big Tech Surveillance. Sean is a former Silicon Valley tech influencer who owns Mark37.com, a company that provides cell phones and computers free from snooping Big Tech data thieves like Google, Apple, Microsoft, and others. Some of the topics we discuss are: Building Community This episode starts with Sean sharing his experiences growing up in Chicago, where his father's journey through different faiths and beliefs...
Published 03/25/24
In today's digital era, the specter of electromagnetic pulse (EMP) threats represents a chilling potential to fundamentally disrupt our interconnected society. EMPs, a byproduct of nuclear detonations, hold the power to disable electronics, cripple the power grid, and plunge modern civilization into chaos. This comprehensive exploration dives into the nature of EMPs, their historical context, operational mechanics, potential impacts on humans and infrastructure, and, crucially, strategies for...
Published 03/17/24
In this podcast episode, we dive into the expertise of Pat Watson, a former military and law enforcement professional turned educator, in nondestructive entry techniques such as lockpicking and covert entry. Pat shares his transition to teaching and highlights the importance of practical, hands-on learning for real-world application. His insights extend to overcoming bureaucratic inefficiencies, enhancing home security, and the empowerment that comes from mastering these essential skills....
Published 03/08/24
Are you ready to start prepping so that you're ready for anything life throws at you? If so, you’ve come to the right place. Prepping is for everyone, including everyday folks like you and me who want to be prepared for both big disasters and life’s little curveballs. Drawing on my extensive background in security, crisis management, and preparedness, from serving as a Special Operations team leader to advising international security operations, working as a paramedic, and a...
Published 03/05/24
Dr. Nina Cerfolio's journey to Chechnya during the Second Chechen War to help children affected by the conflict took a dangerous turn when she was poisoned with anthrax by someone posing as a journalist, who was actually a KGB agent. Since then, Dr. Cerfolio has found herself on a healing journey, both from the physical effects of the man-made anthrax and a lifetime of emotional trauma.  The KGB Assassination Attempt with Anthrax Dr. Nina Cerfolio's commitment to humanitarian efforts...
Published 02/29/24
In today's uncertain world, where the only constant seems to be change, being prepared for the unexpected has never been more critical. From economic downturns to political upheaval and war, there are countless reasons why having a well-stocked pantry can provide peace of mind and security for you and your family. However, navigating the challenges of rising grocery prices and building a comprehensive food stockpile can be daunting tasks. That's why we're here with Food Preps 2.0 author...
Published 02/22/24
Cybersecurity and the future of tech, dive into it in the episode with tech expert Dan Nowak. Our chat traverses the landscape of technology, its implications for personal and national security, and the societal shifts it engenders. Join us as we unravel the complexities of our increasingly connected world. The Cybersecurity Conundrum The Rise of Remote Work and VPN Vulnerabilities The pandemic catalyzed a seismic shift towards remote work, exposing the frailties of outdated VPN...
Published 02/08/24
In case you haven't seen it, there's a troubling video on the Internet. The video is of an interview of an illegal border crosser, who, when asked who he is, responds with: You're not smart enough to know who I am. But soon, you're going to know who I am. Everyone will.  Call me crazy, but talking like that is usually an indicator of someone intent on doing terrible things. So, in this article, I'm going to explore who this guy is, the current state of affairs at the border, and what it...
Published 02/04/24
I talk with Matthew Fulkerson, owner of an Atlas F nuclear missile silo, and founder of Atlas AD Astra – an adventure resort and educational center for space habitat studies. Matthew shares his journey from stumbling upon an abandoned missile silo as a child to transforming a decommissioned site into a unique Airbnb and educational center focused on space survival. The Transformation Journey The episode takes us through Matthew's adventure of acquiring and renovating the missile silo...
Published 01/25/24
I'm sharing my top ten mistakes to avoid during SHTF to ultimately make you safer and more secure during an SHTF event. That's important because while there are plenty of articles, videos, and other resources that us what to do if society melts down, few address what not to do when it hits the fan.   And, while the odds of a society-ending SHTF event are remote, we seem closer than ever to possibly experiencing one. Therefore, it's the responsible course of action is to lean into that...
Published 01/13/24
This episode provides in-depth insights into responsible gun ownership, the psychology behind concealed carry, and invaluable advice for both new and seasoned firearm enthusiasts. In this episode, I'm joined by Josh Burmeister, a seasoned expert in survival training, tactical gear, and security.  https://rumble.com/v468sd0-living-with-firearms.html?mref=zgulv&mc=e1y2a Getting to Know Josh Burmeister Josh has a rich background. His journey from serving as a U.S. Navy Survival Escape...
Published 01/11/24
Hold on to your crystal balls—it's 2024! And, in honor of the new year, this episode will be an unpredictable game of predictions. From the world of politics to the far reaches of technology, we're diving headfirst into the unknown and making bold, audacious predictions for 2024! Can you imagine what the headlines will scream? Who will win the Super Bowl? Who will the presidential candidates be? Note: This video is not available on YouTube due to their community guidelines and...
Published 01/04/24
It's been quite a year, and we've all faced interesting challenges. As we wrap up 2023, I hope you and your loved ones are in good health and high spirits and are ready to tackle whatever 2024 throws our way. This episode is a reset of sorts and covers what to expect from the Mind4Survival show in 2024.  Before we dive into the exciting plans for Mind4Survival in 2024, I want to highlight the significance of our favorite topics: mindset and perspective. So, let's embark on this journey and...
Published 12/28/23
Many times, preppers get so focused on stockpiling survival "things" that they forget one of the cornerstones of preparedness: their fitness. In this episode, I'm talking with Chris Viggiano, owner of  AIM Human Performance. Chris has a great view of a long-term wellness plan that everyone can be a part of. None of our preps mean anything if we don't keep ourselves as healthy as possible, regardless of physical limitations. The AIM Philosophy With the AIM system, Chris, together with his...
Published 12/07/23
In this podcast episode, I sit down with Chris Weatherman, host of the Angery American Nation podcast and well-known author of over 23 published works, including the popular series, The Survivalist. Chris joined me live from the swamps of Louisiana, where he and his wife are enjoying some time in their RV while waiting for some truck repairs to be completed. You'll hear all about the terrible arson that took place on his property, destroying significant amounts of his long-term prepper...
Published 11/20/23
If you're like me, it feels like there is a daily barrage of significant issues that seem capable of directly or indirectly impacting us. It can often feel overwhelming to process. I say that as someone who spent his life preparing for and dealing with some terrible situations. Like most of you, I am listening, watching, and trying to understand what's happening in our world.  We all have questions about what is happening in the world. How concerned should we be? People are asking...
Published 11/02/23
In a world marked by uncertainty and unforeseen challenges, the concept of preparedness often conjures images of stockpiled goods and doomsday preppers. However, true preparedness is a multifaceted and evolving journey that goes well beyond these stereotypes. It’s about more than just survival; it’s about living our best possible lives, regardless of the circumstances we face. To shed light on this broader perspective, we delve into the PREPAREDNESS acronym, a guide that encompasses a range...
Published 10/06/23
In today's world, the appeal of "living off the grid" is strong for many with a yearning for self-reliance. The idea of escaping the hustle and bustle and anxiety causing turmoil of modern life by living a self-reliant lifestyle and connecting with nature is a dream for some. However, as a tragic event in Colorado reveals, the dream can quickly turn into a nightmare for those who are overconfident in their abilities and not adequately prepared and capable. This tragic story is a stark...
Published 09/07/23