Episode 105: Welcome back to the Mindset Chick Podcast, I am so happy to have you here, I'm your host Kristi Dear. Today, on the last episode of November, I want to talk about the secret sauce to manifesting your good. It's a secret because so many people don't even realize that this is the pathway to your good. They don't even realize that subconsciously or even consciously, they are talking about lack. They are talking about what they don't want. They are talking about the way things are...
Published 11/29/22
Published 11/29/22
Episode 104: Welcome back to the Mindset Chick Podcast, I am so happy to have you here, I'm your host Kristi Dear. Today, we have an amazing guest, somebody that I'm very excited to introduce you to, her name is Lynnsey Robinson. Lynnsey is a Certified Hypnotherapist + Intuitive Guide and specializes in helping ambitious women all over the world to clear the subconscious limiting beliefs keeping them stuck, so they can embody their highest potential and manifest their biggest desires...
Published 11/15/22
Episode 103: Welcome back to the Mindset Chick Podcast, I am so happy to have you here, I'm your host Kristi Dear. Today is the first day of November, I'm super excited about November because it's my birthday month, and it's getting cool and crisp here in Texas, and it's time to start pulling out the sweaters and the leggings and the boots and all the things. Plus it's thanksgiving, it's a time in the month where we get together, friends, family, and just celebrate being thankful and grateful...
Published 11/01/22
Episode 102: Welcome back to the Mindset Chick Podcast, I am so happy to have you here, I'm your host Kristi Dear. Today we're going to talk about manifesting money and tapping into abundance. I want to share with you a book that my team and I have been doing for a book club that is really incredible, empowering and eye-opening to our emotions and attachments towards money. So, let's take a dive deep into this book. Ready? Let's go...
Published 10/18/22
Episode 101: Welcome back to the Mindset Chick Podcast, I am so happy to have you here, I'm your host Kristi Dear. Today, I have a very special guest, someone that I'm excited to introduce you to, her name is Brianne Ligori. In November 2018, Brianne took a trip to Costa Rica with her family and amidst the beautiful landscape, she thought about her life. She had everything - a perfect husband, lovely kids, a well-paying job - why wasn't she more happy? While watching the locals living their...
Published 10/04/22
Episode 100: Welcome back to the Mindset Chick Podcast, I am so happy to have you here, I'm your host Kristi Dear. Today is the airing of my 100th episode and we are talking about how not to accept things as they are! What I mean by that is so many times, we look around what's in our life right now, the money we have, the money we don't have, the business we have, or maybe the business we don't have, the relationships we have, maybe the relationships we don't have. And we react to that, we...
Published 09/20/22
Episode 99: Welcome back to the Mindset Chick Podcast, I am so happy to have you here, I'm your host Kristi Dear. Today, we have a very special guest, somebody that I'm very excited to introduce you to, Charmaine Williams. Charmaine is known for her joyful energy, authenticity and true collaborative spirit, her zeal for inspiring others to realize their best potential. She is a passionate advocate, champion and storyteller who breaks barriers to drive deeper personal connections, living by...
Published 09/06/22
Episode 98: Welcome back to the Mindset Chick Podcast, I am so happy to have you here, I'm your host Kristi Dear. Today we're going to talk about what you do when you just don't feel like being positive, when you're just having one of those days when you're feeling blah. When you feel like maybe the fear or the thoughts of, this isn't going to work, what am I doing wrong? Why are other people where they are? Why am I where I am? All those kind of thoughts. When you feel like those thoughts,...
Published 08/23/22
Episode 97: Welcome back to the Mindset Chick Podcast, I am so happy to have you here, I'm your host Kristi Dear. Today we have a very special guest, somebody that I'm very excited to introduce you to. Her name is Lizzy Cangro. Lizzy is an author, nutritionist and wellness coach. She grew up in the same way that many women in the western world do, consistently criticizing her own body and withholding food. Bad advise from non-experts resulted in an eating disorder for Lizzie that lasted for...
Published 08/09/22
Episode 96: Welcome back to the Mindset Chick Podcast, I am so happy to have you here, I'm your host Kristi Dear. Today we're going to be talking about happiness and manifestation, and how those two go hand in hand. I've heard people say, Instead of talking about happiness, you need to talk about joy, because joy is the basis of happiness. Happiness can come and go, you can be happy and you can be sad, but if you have joy in your heart, then you know even if something comes into your life...
Published 07/26/22
Episode 95: Welcome back to the Mindset Chick Podcast, I am so happy to have you here, I'm your host Kristi Dear. Today we have a very special guest, Poonam Bhuchar. Poonam is an extraordinary woman after surviving sexual assault, multiple suicide attempts and an abusive arranged marriage, she went on to build the life of her dreams after leaving the pain of her past behind. Today she is a successful lawyer with a wonderful family and support system, her life calling is now to aid others with...
Published 07/12/22
Episode 94: Welcome back to the Mindset Chick Podcast, I am so happy to have you here, I'm your host Kristi Dear. Today we're going to talk about everything is possible if you believe. I know that can sound kind of cliché, but at the same time, it's like the more you believe that your dreams and goals are possible, the faster they're going to manifest... If you have a dream that you really want to happen, something that you really want to come into your life, and you have zero resistant. Zero...
Published 06/28/22
Episode 93: Welcome back to the Mindset Chick Podcast, I am so happy to have you here, I'm your host Kristi Dear. Today we have a very special guest, somebody who I'm very excited to introduce you to, Tiffany Wynn. Tiffany is a girl mama, top network marketing leader, an online business coach who built her six figure empire in less than a year. She helps women build their own empire, work for themselves and slay the game by banking on one simple thing, their confidence. Her podcast Cash In On...
Published 06/14/22
Episode 92: Welcome back to the Mindset Chick Podcast, I am so happy to have you here, I'm your host Kristi Dear. Today I want to talk about, are you asking big enough? You know, are your dreams big enough? Are you asking just to get by, or are you dreaming just to get by? To maybe stay in the norm, to stay amongst your friends, family, to stay in the crowd? Because maybe you feel like you might outshine somebody, you might have more blessings, more miracles happen to you or your family that...
Published 05/31/22
Episode 91: Welcome back to the Mindset Chick Podcast, I am so happy to have you here, I'm your host Kristi Dear. Today I have a very special guest, someone who I'm very excited to introduce you to! Her name is Mandy Morris. Mandy is the creator of authentic living, an online company designed to help individuals reconnect with their authentic selves to find purpose, peace and deep healing. Mandy and her brands have been featured in Shape, Mind, Body Green and Thrive Global. Listen as Mandy...
Published 05/17/22
Episode 90: Welcome back to the Mindset Chick Podcast, I am so happy to have you here, I'm your host Kristi Dear. Today we're going to be talking about manic manifesting. Are you doing it? Have you done it? What it is and how to stop it. Because manic manifesting can happen, it's real! You can think that you're on the right track, but what you're actually doing is causing more stress, more worry, more tension, but it can block the things that you desire to have in your life. Ready? Let's go...
Published 05/03/22
Episode 89: Welcome back to the Mindset Chick Podcast, I am so happy to have you here, I'm your host Kristi Dear. Today I have a very special guest! I'm super excited for her to come on here and share her touching and inspiring the story, it's a story of overcoming some hardships, just being so resilient and being such a light in the world, she's on my team in this beauty business, her name is Julia Erman, Julia is a proud wife, business owner and mama to two special needs babies with a...
Published 04/19/22
Episode 88: Welcome back to the Mindset Chick Podcast, I am so happy to have you here, I'm your host Kristi Dear. Today we're going to continue talking about how to keep a positive, uplifting mindset when you're faced with a setback, adversity or challenge. Recently, when I was leaving Miami from a trip with my beauty company, I actually went straight to the emergency room because I was having some pain in my stomach and I was forced to step back and heal. And with this setback, I just...
Published 04/05/22
Episode 87: Welcome back to the Mindset Chick Podcast. Today I've invited Stasia Bliss back on the podcast to dive deeper into the topic of anger and frustration. We're going to explore the how-tos in relationships, using anger as a guide, as fuel, as a tool to allow you, support you, to manifest more of your dreams and your goals. Learn how to live a more happier, more blissful life, instead of getting frustrated when anger arises. At the end of this episode, you'll start to understand why...
Published 03/29/22
Episode 86: Welcome back to the Mindset Chick Podcast, I am so happy to have you here, I'm your host Kristi Dear. Today we're going to continue talking about frustration, anger, negative self-talk and blocks that are keeping you stuck from manifesting your good and aligning you with your true purpose. Are you ready to open yourself to your true abundance and receive all the riches, love, joy, wealth and blessings that the universe has for you? If so, let's get started...
Published 03/22/22
Episode 85: Welcome back to the Mindset Chick Podcast, I am so happy to have you here, I'm your host Kristi Dear. Today we're going to be talking about belief and how to really create that belief that it can be done. The reason that I want to talk about believe is because it can go hand-in-hand with anger and frustration, if you really want something to manifest, if you really want something to come to fruition and it hasn't happened yet, maybe you're trying to force it, mold it, bend it,...
Published 03/15/22
Episode 84: Welcome back to the Mindset Chick Podcast. Today I am excited to share my special guest Stasia Bliss. Stasia is a Life-force Management Educator, Healer, Empowerment Coach, Oracle and Conscious Mental Health Practitioner who specializes in Relationship work. Stasia is just so much love and light and she has really helped me to release a lot of emotions, thoughts and junk, that I didn't even know I had. She opened my eyes to a new world of just expanding and growth, I really value...
Published 03/08/22
Episode 83: Welcome back to the Mindset Chick Podcast, I am so happy to have you here. I'm your host Kristi Dear. Today we're going to be talking about anger and frustration, and what to do when you're feeling them. These feelings can actually support you in your path. Can you believe it? You really can! Listen in to learn how to guide them, why they're coming up and a few healthy ways that you can release anger or get to the root of it. Find out why you're angry or why these emotions are...
Published 03/01/22
Episode 82: Welcome back to The Mindset Chick Podcast. I'm so happy to have you here. Today we have a very special guest, one of my best friends and business besties, we work on our beauty business together. We have grown so close over the years, she is just love and light. She is known as the Happiness Mentor, and she really spreads love, light, joy and happiness everywhere she goes. When you're around her, you fill LOVE. So I'm happy to introduce to you, Lark Allen. Ready? Listen in...
Published 02/22/22