Ever yelled at your kid because you were trying to get something done and he just would not. stop. bothering you until you lost it? Mom rage is a real threat to the peace of your home and you’re not alone in dealing with feeling like you’re just a stressed out, angry mama.  Maybe you’ve been in the kitchen, trying to get dinner done, and you find yourself yelling at your toddler for doing something inappropriate because you just don’t have time to respond to the situation calmly.  I know...
Published 06/29/23
Did you know energy issues tie back to a lack of nutrients in the body? If you’re feeling depleted, drained, and can’t seem to even find enough energy to enjoy hanging out with your girlfriends–there’s more than busy mom life to blame.  Yes, mama, motherhood can be challenging. And yes, balancing work and motherhood has it’s hurdles. The world tells you that parenting those littles is a thankless job, exhausting, full of overwhelm, and battling motherhood exhaustion on a daily basis is...
Published 06/27/23
Ever gotten hung up on moving forward because you never felt like something was “ready”? Welcome to the curse of the anxious mama–perfectionism.  Perfectionism may initially seem like a good thing. As a high achieving mom, I'm sure you've faced the desire to produce excellence.  BUT when your brain starts turning your desire for good work into perfectionism, you will start noticing you’re straight up stuck. Stuck from getting that business idea off the ground. Stuck in editing mode for...
Published 06/22/23
Let's get real. When you're a working mom (or ANY mom), mealtimes can be more stressful than enjoyable. But girl, I'm on a mission to banish the idea that feeding our families always comes with a heaping side of mom stress and anxiety.  Meals are such a beautiful opportunity to connect with our family, especially if you're a work from home mom. Often as anxious moms we get so caught up in trying to get dinner on the table or take care of our kids that we never get a chance to actually be...
Published 06/20/23
Feel like mornings are impossible as a work from home mom? When you start your day diving right into serving everyone around you, whether that’s by answering emails as a working mom, answering a baby’s cry first thing out of bed, or maybe even being tied to your bed in the morning as a co-sleeping mom–it supercharges that mom anxiety you’re working so hard to get rid of! You might feel like it’s impossible to fit ANY time in for yourself in the morning as an exhausted mama. But I’m going to...
Published 06/15/23
Ever face a big decision and find yourself overthinking it, over-researching, spending WAY too much time weighing the pros and cons and never actually moving forward with anything?  This is one of the biggest ways mom anxiety can swoop in and keep you stuck in overwhelmed motherhood. Taking action is the most crucial step to moving forward in your life. Whether that’s as a high-achieving working mom who needs to make a business decision or as a work from home mom who is trying to determine...
Published 06/13/23
There are so many things that impact how you feel throughout the day. Yes, motherhood is hard and challenging a lot of the times. Motherhood overwhelm is real. But you don't have to go through every day feeling drained, exhausted, with no energy. Here are 10 reasons you might be feeling exhausted with no energy.  Let's ditch the exhaustion, anxious motherhood, and start living vibrantly.  Grab those earbuds and let's learn, mama! blessings, Rach   FREE COFFEE ON ME! Book a 15-min...
Published 06/08/23
Ever find yourself worrying about your kids all the time? Wondering if they'll turn out alright, if you're doing all the right things, whether they'll have what they need to succeed? This Scripture passage is the reminder you need that God is sovereign and in control, and you can trust Him to take care of not just your kids...but you too.  So grab those earbuds, and let's get calm, mama! blessings, Rachel FREE COFFEE ON ME! Book a 15-min market research call with me here, and I'll...
Published 06/06/23
I know you’ve heard it–Consistency is the key to business success. Especially as a mompreneur.  But do you ever feel like it’s impossible to find time to actually work on your business?  Between interrupted nap times, toddler tantrums, unexpected sickness, it might feel like the entire world is against you actually getting anything done.  So you try to schedule time to work, but it inevitably is interrupted by …. well…. LIFE. And that consistency you’ve been told is so important just...
Published 06/02/23
Are you sick of running ragged, feeling like time gets the best of you everyday, and feeling like it's impossible to balance work and kids and home?!  The dishes need to be washed, the laundry is STILL piled in the corner from last week, and the contents of your makeup bag (that you never use) is currently on your bathroom floor from your toddler but who knows when you’ll pick that up. But you still have a project due.  Maybe you are getting in the work time, but by the time you’re done,...
Published 05/31/23
You finally make it through your day running after your littles, navigating nap times, maybe fitting a little work in here and there.  Now it’s time for you to get some real work done and the thought absolutely exhausts you. Hello tired momlife.  You’re so tired you don’t even know where to start. So you open your computer, do a few things here and there, but end up shutting down early because let’s be honest–your brain is struggggling.  Exhaustion is NOT a high achieving mom’s friend. It...
Published 05/31/23
Been flying off the handle a lot with your kids? It’s like EVERY … LITTLE… THING is driving you nuts.  You’re snapping at your toddler for yelling too loudly. You even caught yourself angry at your baby for not going to bed easily.  And if you step on one more dadgum tiny toy, well….the mom rage is just waiting to pop up and ruin the day.  Look, mama, you’re not a bad mom. There are many things that play into pushing you into a reactive, angry state that has everyone walking on eggshells...
Published 05/25/23
You finally find a few free minutes to sit down and get some work done. So you pull out your laptop, check your to do list, and immediately feel overwhelmed with everything you have to accomplish. Hey mom anxiety, let’s hang, amiright? As you sit there feeling stuck, you hop around from task to task, unfocused and unsure, until next thing you know your kid is waking up from her nap and you have absolutely no idea what you accomplished. And there goes your productivity time until...
Published 05/23/23
You've got goals. You're a high achiever. You WANT to get so many things done. But you also want to lean into your motherhood, enjoy those little moments watching your babies grow up, and be fully present at home. But you're struggling to stay focused. Your productivity is taking a hit. You can't seem to stick with one thing long enough to mark it DONE on that goals list. As a working mom, you know how important it is to stay focused when you're working so you can be present with your kids...
Published 05/16/23
It's easy to question God's choices when you have a bad moment.  The mom rage sets in and you lose it with your kids. Reactive parenting takes center stage instead of the calm, gentle responsive parenting you desire. And you have no idea WHY God put this passion to be a working mom on your heart while also filling you with such a desire to raise your babies.  Guess what, mama? YOU WERE HANDPICKED.  God makes no mistakes and knew EXACTLY the kind of mama your babies needed to be equipped...
Published 05/11/23
Sick of feeling like your days are passing you by because your stuck in a constant cycle of survival mode as an anxious mom? You survive your work, to survive the dinnertime rush, to just make it through bedtime....only to crash into bed and repeat it all again the next day. And your high-achieving mama self just KNOWS there's a better way! And you're totally right! When you learn to approach your home as CEO and Manager, instead of pouring yourself out for everyone in all directions, you...
Published 05/09/23
Ever been told you need to drink more water? As a working mom on the go juggling kids, the dinner plan, and how to find a space for a date night with your hubby sometime in the next year, you're no stranger to finding yourself at the end of your day so thirsty from not hydrating enough! But here's the thing, too much water can actually deplete the very nutrients you need to calm that mom stress. Learning to make simple swaps in your hydration throughout the day can do wonders for...
Published 05/04/23
Girl, I know you're no stranger to the 5pm dinner panic as a work from home mom. FInally closing that laptop only to throw open the fridge trying to figure out what the heck you can throw together that the kids will actually eat (and isn't absolutely terrible for you) while your brain flashes JUST ORDER TAKEOUT to you over and over until you finally give in, grab something quick, and regret it as you go to sleep at night. But guess what, you DON'T have to sacrifice healthy, homemade meals...
Published 05/02/23
We've talked protein and carbohydrates on this podcast so far and how they relate to stress....but what about fat?  When you're an anxious, overwhelmed mom who works, whether that be working from home or out of the house, what you eat plays a really important role in how productive you are throughout your day. Without a proper balance of nutrients in your diet, you can't focus like you should, your to-do list never ends, and you feel overwhelmed by everything you're juggling. And when...
Published 04/27/23
There is so much discussion of the importance of self-care, especially when you're an overwhelmed mom. But it's easy to put it off, feel like it's selfish, or think that you don't have time for it. What if we're looking at self-care all wrong? What if self-care is actual stewardship of our bodies and our minds? When you're juggling WFHM life on top of motherhood, it's easy to fall into the trap of thinking you can't possibly fit more in. But I'm turning the tables on that today! Today I'm...
Published 04/25/23
When you're juggling work, kids, running a home, and a marriage as a working mom, it can often feel like your days are running you instead of the other way around. But to achieve all the things you want to as a work from home mom, it's important that your time is well-spent, especially first thing in the morning. If your mornings are full of chaos, you're always running late, and you can't seem to get a handle on how to get ahead of your mornings, I've got the solution for you: an optimized...
Published 04/20/23
If you've recently had a baby and now have no idea how to start working out again or even THINKING about fitness overwhelms you, I have the perfect guest to introduce you to today.  Dr. Jena Bradley, a physical therapist and mom of 4, helps moms feel empowered to live that “fit-mom” lifestyle easily amongst the chaos of motherhood so they feel confident and strong in their own skin. Today I chat with Dr. Jena about her struggle to workout postpartum, how she cracked the code on implementing...
Published 04/18/23
If you've been ANYWHERE in the "health" space you've probably seen a lot about increasing your veggie intake, avoiding meats, or even seen in the news the newest ways to avoid meat like "meatless mondays." But are all these changes to shift towards a plant-based diet good for your anxiety? I'm pulling the blinders off on the reality of relying on plants to provide all your nourishment and the issues that can start popping up if you're an anxious, overwhelmed mom prioritizing plants over...
Published 04/14/23
Are carbs bad for you or good for you? Do they matter for stress? Yes they do! Carbs play a very important role in the stress response and how you approach them can dictate whether you’re MORE anxious or LESS stressed.  When you’re struggling with mom stress and anxiety, you need to know what tools your body needs to start feeling more calm and at peace. Your overwhelm in motherhood does not have to be in overdrive.  I’m going to walk you through the role of carbs in the body and how you...
Published 04/11/23
Ever feel like you just don't have time to really reflect on the season? Like you can't believe it's Easter already?! Life seems too hectic, the mom stress too much, and you just settle into that overwhelmed motherhood instead of finding intentional time to dwell on the beauty of Christ's death and resurrection. Well, I've got just the thing to help you slow down for JUST 15 minutes, dive into part of the Easter story, and come away with some Scripture and encouragement to draw you out of...
Published 04/07/23