When you see content on social media garner huge numbers, you automatically assume that the viral campaign is wildly successful. Social media expert Nate Baldwin is here to remind you that isn’t always the case, and going viral doesn’t equate to social media success. What do we mean by that? As we always refer back to here at Trinity Web Media, your social media strategy is everything. With that being said, what goals do you intend to achieve? Suppose you’re focusing on generating leads,...
Published 11/20/21
Published 11/20/21
In the past, only Instagram users who were verified or had over 10,000 followers could add a link to their story directing follows to a page off the Instagram platform. Fortunately for all of the smaller accounts out there, the recent Instagram update is changing the game. No longer will you need to hit a particular follower mark to have this ability. Links are now available for anyone to add to their story. This may not sound like a huge deal. Still, for all the professional accounts out...
Published 11/10/21
More Instagram updates have arrived, but who's surprised?  After news broke that Instagram is no longer a photo-sharing app, even more updates have been made to the platform. For most users, you know that the recommended hashtag usage was from 10-20 terms. As we advance, Instagram is advising users to use only 3-5 hashtags which is a significant change for social media managers. How do you feel about these updates? We'll continue to keep you updated as we test out this new methodology....
Published 10/09/21
Social media managers/experts can all agree that a lot goes into a daily dose of work. From creating content to developing strategies and scheduling out posts, it takes plenty of time and effort to remain consistent. Here at Trinity Web Media, we've been picking up a lot of social media clients lately. So it's only right we break down a few different ways to stay sane trying to manage a heavy workload. As a social media manager, three imperative tools are a scheduling service, a hashtag...
Published 09/25/21
Between recording and producing full-length podcasts for our clients and repurposing content into bonus episodes, our team here at Trinity Web Media knows a thing or two about podcasts. Although some may think podcasts are as simple as hitting a red button and then clicking export, we’re here to remind you that quality takes time. Our team utilizes two different DAWs to ensure that each show is as good as the last. If you’re in tune with the world of audio production, you’ve no doubt...
Published 09/15/21
Your social media strategy should always revolve around providing your audience with clients. At most times, pure aesthetics isn’t going to provide substantial value. The next time you’re setting up a profile for a client or yourself, keep your goals at the forefront. Let aesthetics take a back seat while you focus on building a profile that works for your business, rather than just looking pretty.
Published 09/04/21
If you're feeling overwhelmed with monitoring your social media progress, don't worry, you're not alone. With so much going on within social media, it isn't easy to pinpoint exactly what you should be paying attention to. Do you work for more likes? Should you just get your followers up? Today let's talk about the top 5 conversions to prioritize on social media. Of course, every social media strategy is different, but the end goals often remain similar. Whether it's a website visitor or a...
Published 08/18/21
Did you catch the recent news about the direction Instagram is heading? The head of the company came out and announced several upcoming changes that will be made to the platform. They emphasized the growth of other platforms such as Tik-Tok and YouTube as catalysts for the ongoing updates.  No longer will only the people you follow be shown on your feed, but as well recommendations that Instagram makes for you. This is very reminiscent of Tik-Tok's FYP (for you page), which seems like the...
Published 08/14/21
For all the social media managers out there, you know just how easy it is to get overwhelmed. Trying to maintain different accounts across so many varied niches is a lot to handle. One of the best ways to try to eliminate some hassle is by scheduling out social media posts. Stay tuned for a later video where we discuss the best tools to use; today's Media Minute with Nate Baldwin is all about covering the basics. Join us to learn about three reasons behind scheduling out social media,...
Published 08/07/21
One of the most valuable things you can have in business is a solid network of people around you. Although it can be tricky to arrange the perfect group, once you are surrounded by like-minded individuals, both your business and your personal abilities will flourish. Here at Trinity Web Media, we often generate leads through people who do the exact same thing as us. As a specialized WordPress development and content marketing company, we often fill the role that other companies can't. When...
Published 07/28/21
The front lines of your company are represented by customer support. When it falls short, so does the perception of your entire team. We recently ran into a situation with subpar customer service (to say the least), which was a teaching moment for us all. Rather than being condescending, always treat people at a higher level. Always provide value and be helpful. As straightforward as it may sound, many brands are extremely lackluster when it comes to treating customers with respect. Don't...
Published 07/14/21
One of the most crucial aspects of any website is security. WordPress users can experience hacks through vulnerabilities in updates or plugins, so it is best always to stay prepared. Keep in mind the power of your WordPress website security starts with you. What do we mean by that? Greg Taylor from Trinity Web Media is here to break things down.
Published 07/10/21
When you work together as a team, you’ll be amazed by what the power of collaboration can amount to. Quarantine has taught us all an important lesson on the impact being dispersed can have on a company. Here at Trinity Web Media, we strongly encourage others to take on the mindset of “collaboration over competition.” With the power of your team in full force, internal processes will improve as well as your ability to please clients. Keep in mind the value of collaboration next time your in...
Published 06/30/21
In both the world of business and personal life, mistakes are going to happen. We’re all human, and no one is perfect. When something goes awry, don’t beat yourself up about it. At the end of the day, even the biggest and most well-run companies are going to make mistakes. The best thing you can do is learn from it and move on.
Published 06/23/21
Living in an “influencer society,” it’s hard to filter out content that is of actual value. Social media has made many so focused on likes and followers that we forget what actually goes on behind the scenes. Years ago, what influencers do was just considered an endorsement. We all know that once money gets involved, the opinions of someone are likely to follow suit. So, the next time your online and you see someone with over a million followers claiming a product is the end-all-be-all,...
Published 06/17/21
June marks Pride Month, and the team here at Trinity Web Media wants to remind everyone the importance of remaining allies with the LGBTQ+ community. Our company never stands for any discrimination, and we will stay that way. Whether based on race, religion, sexual orientation, creed, ethnicity, or anything like that, we are allies.
Published 06/12/21
For all of the content creators out there, it’s no secret creating engaging content is key to growing an audience. With so much content already out there, the internet is flooded with options to choose from. Make your content stand out from the crowd by providing high-value resources that are both educational and entertaining. Creating videos or podcasts just for the sake of publishing something to hit a deadline isn’t going to cut it. Add value to a person’s life. Create content that you...
Published 06/05/21
Can you believe WordPress is already turning 18 years old? As time goes on and technology advances, WordPress has grown from a blogging platform to a web development powerhouse. Trinity Web Media is a company that specializes in WordPress development, so we're proud to say we've been along for the ride. In today's Trinity Web Minute, Greg mentions just how incredible the community built around WordPress is, and how we can't wait to get back involved with WordCamps & other...
Published 05/29/21
If you're new to the world of WordPress, it can be easy to feel as if you can handle everything yourself. The WordPress community makes information very accessible and provides an excellent background of knowledge for those trying to get in tune with the platform. One problem we see with this is when clients start to feel as if they can begin to manage their entire website without help from professionals. Without the proper knowledge, taking down a site you worked so hard to build can...
Published 05/27/21
If a client doesn't understand your value, the dynamic of your relationship is going to turn for the worse later down the line. From the beginning of a client relationship, you need to establish the value of your work and just how much effort goes into everything. One interesting takeaway we've seen with clients is the issues that arise from overdelivering. Here at Trinity Web Media, we always do our best to provide a streamlined and comprehensive process to complete tasks for our clients....
Published 05/19/21
Everyone has a different work process when it comes to operating in the world of business. Although it’s hard to pinpoint which working technique is the best, we’ve pinned it down to either being effective or efficient. Both ways of thinking are justified, and we’ll you why. When it comes to the highest quality of work, effective is the word that comes to mind. Providing your clients substantial value is always at the top of the priority list, but so is profitability. Finding the most...
Published 05/15/21
Let’s say you achieved the results you wanted, but your process was entirely flawed. Although you get the end product you wanted, we consider this impartial thinking “results bias.” Sure, you may feel as if you have a process solidified by getting what you want out of it, but it won’t be scalable at the end of the day. To have a successful business model, you need to evaluate every part of your process and how you achieved results.
Published 05/10/21
Since “Review, Refine, Repeat” is the name of the game here at Trinity, we’re always doing our best to improve the ways we bring you content. As Reels becomes more of a center point on Instagram, our media team has decided on a slight pivot. Don’t worry; the same great content will be posted here on our website and youtube, but our IG page is switching things up. As we advance, you can catch 30-second clips with Greg on our Instagram page in the Reels section. These clips will be short takes...
Published 05/05/21
In the modern-day of digital marketing, customer reviews and testimonials are a must-have for a successful business. We see way too many brands out there that are excellent at what they do but fail to generate the recognition they deserve. Let's get into a few of the best ways to garner reviews, starting with the most straightforward way; asking. If you don't reach out to past clients and ask for reviews, how can you expect them to know where & how they should review? Here at Trinity Web...
Published 04/28/21