The 4Cs Of Influencer Marketing Strategy for Brand Building -Patrick Lynch Ep73
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How to Utilize the 4Cs Influencer Marketing Strategy to Create Winning Campaigns for Your Brand with Patrick Lynch How well are you utilizing influencer marketing to market your brand? Influencer marketing has proved to be very effective in giving results over the last few years and is budget-friendly compared to traditional marketing. In this episode of the Page One Podcast, Luke Peters speaks with Patrick Lynch, a professor of analytics and leadership for industry 4.0 at the Thunderbird school for global management including how technology and analytics impact customer behavior and brands. He was previously a research fellow in Accenture Think Tank, the institute for strategic change where he pioneered methods for measuring shopper attitudes and behaviors. Listen in to learn how influencer marketing can help you create very targeted and customized marketing campaigns. You will also learn how shopper behaviors and patterns over the pandemic changed and how small to medium brands are taking advantage of that to get out there.  Key Takeaways: How to measure campaign results with types of engagement and evidence instead of ROI. How to create co-operative relationships with influencers to do things you can’t do. Why people tend to trust third parties talking about a product more than the brand doing it themselves. The 4Cs to look for when considering influencer marketing for your brand. How the pandemic changed shopper behaviors and patterns plus how brands changed to adjust to consumer needs. Episode Timeline: [4:56] The importance of influencer marketing as a part of a business’s promotional mix. [6:50] How to take advantage of human visual-context to use imagery when marketing on a social media platform. [9:51] Creating effective social media campaigns by use of relatable images and attracting the right attention. [13:21] Patrick explains new ways you can measure things and think about metrics. [18:24] How to have evergreen marketing materials that are customizable to your audience to create a winning campaign. [22:19] The advantage of using influencer marketing to create clear, clean, concise, and captivating campaigns as opposed to using traditional marketing agencies. [25:56] He explains the upsides and downsides of using influencer marketing and digital marketing agency. [30:40] How to get started in influencer marketing by utilizing yourself or employees to create authentic marketing materials. [34:28] Patrick talks about the shoppers’ survey results he and his team conducted during COVID. [38:20] How small and medium brands changed what they were doing to match consumer needs during the pandemic. [42:29] The importance of having a comprehensive on-me channel strategy to drive customers off the market place to your curated store. Quotes: “Measurement is the only true change catalyst and attention is the only true value indicator.”- Patrick Lynch [30:51]
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