The plaintiff says he rented his van to the defendant, who he claims scratched it up and then set it on fire to cover it up. He’s suing for the cost of the damages. The defendant insists the van mysteriously caught fire the day he was supposed to stop renting it, and he denies having anything to do with the flames. He’s countersuing for lost wages. The plaintiff says she hired the incompetent defendant to tile her bathroom, but the tiles fell off a few hours later. She says he took off on...
Published 05/13/24
The plaintiff says the defendants are her former roommates. She claims they kicked her out and left her homeless, plus they owe her money, so she’s suing. The defendants claim the plaintiff rented a room and damaged the walls, had too much stuff to fit in her room, and brought roaches. The plaintiff says the defendant is her daughter, who won’t repay a loan. She’s suing for her hard-earned money back. The defendant claims her mother gave her the money so she could claim the defendant on her...
Published 05/10/24
The plaintiff says she bought a puppy from the defendant, but the dog was so sick it had to be euthanized six days later. She’s suing for vet bills and pain and suffering. The defendant claims the vet says the puppy was fine for days until the plaintiffs gave the dog a bath. He claims the puppy maybe inhaled something in the bath and got sick. The plaintiff says her son is the defendant. He bought a car from her and failed to pay, so she’s suing. The defendant claims she signed the title over...
Published 05/09/24
The plaintiff says the defendant is her onetime friend and roommate. She claims her former friend gave away her five cats and carriers without her permission, so she’s suing. The defendant claims the plaintiff had 14 cats when Hurricane Sandy hit, so she was helping her out by taking in the five cats. The plaintiff says he agreed to rent a room in the defendant’s house because she seemed nice. Four days later, she changed the locks and even threatened him, so he’s suing. The defendant says...
Published 05/08/24
The plaintiff says she dated the defendant and they moved in together. She rented a car for him, but then she found out he was having a baby with another woman. He hasn’t repaid her for the car, so she’s suing. The defendant claims he put a down payment on the rental because they planned a trip, and he insists he owes nothing. The plaintiff says the defendant is his younger brother, who called him from jail after he got arrested. The other defendant is his brother’s girlfriend, who hit him up...
Published 05/07/24
The plaintiff says the defendant is her father. She claims he borrowed her car and returned it to her with damage and failed to tell her. She’s suing for repairs, dad or no dad. The defendant says he got a flat tire while driving her car and bought two new tires. He insists he owes nothing and did not damage the vehicle. The plaintiff says the defendant is her loudmouth former landlord who’s stealing her security deposit. She needs her money to pay rent, so she’s suing. The defendant says he...
Published 05/06/24
The plaintiff says the defendant is the brother of her co-plaintiff. She claims he owes them all sort of money for moving expenses, gas, and a tour of Graceland. They’re suing to be repaid. The defendant says he covered all the bills when he lived with them, and there’s no way he owes them a penny. The plaintiff says the defendant is her on-again, off-again ex, who borrowed her car and wrecked it. Her ex promised she would give her a down payment for another car and never did, so she’s suing...
Published 05/03/24
The plaintiff says the defendant stored her beat-up RV on her property and never paid for it. Even though the defendant claims she gave the plaintiff’s employee cash to cover the costs, the plaintiff thinks she’s lying, so she’s suing for the outstanding amount. The defendants say this is a misunderstanding and claim they have a check to prove they paid the storage bill. The plaintiff says he rented an apartment from the defendant, but there were rats running wild and the defendant refused to...
Published 05/02/24
The plaintiff says the defendant was a nightmare landlord. She claims she even lost her job because of him, so she’s suing him for $5,000. The defendant says the plaintiff got into tussles with the other neighbors, and he had to have her arrested for stealing when she stopped paying rent. He’s countersuing for unpaid rent and lawyers’ fees. The plaintiff says she and the defendant were friends for years and planned to head to Miami for her birthday. She bought a plane ticket for the...
Published 05/01/24
The plaintiff says he and the defendant have been friends for 30 years. He claims this careless man left the plaintiff’s dog in the back yard. The dog got out, got hit by a car, and died. His friend said he’d pay for the vet bill, but he backed out, so he’s suing him. The defendant claims he was visiting the plaintiff, who he says told him not to leave the dog in the house when he went out because the dog wasn’t potty trained. He feels bad, but the dog escaped through a faulty gate. The...
Published 04/30/24
The plaintiff says her niece, the defendant, owes her for funeral costs after the plaintiff’s brother died. Her niece promised to repay her for months, but she’s out of patience. She’s suing for what she’s owed. The defendant says she’s hurt that a family member — her father’s own sister — would sue over a funeral. The plaintiff says she hired the defendant to build a patio on their 120-year-old farmhouse, but the drainage is all wrong. She claims she’s been calling him for two years to come...
Published 04/29/24
The plaintiff says her sister, the defendant, stole money that was earmarked for her by their deceased father. She claims the defendant took her inheritance check to the bank, and sister or no sister, she’s suing her for every penny. The defendant and her husband say the plaintiff got her check and they want nothing to do with her. The plaintiff says she bought inferior furniture from the defendant, but he refuses to make good on it. She claims the bed even cracked in the middle of the night...
Published 04/26/24
The plaintiff says he asked the defendant to marry him and gave her a ring. Soon after, she said the father of her child was moving in with her because he had no home and they ended up breaking up. He wants the ring back, so he’s suing. The defendant alleges the plaintiff was a cheater who was still married when he proposed. She’s countersuing for pain and suffering. The plaintiff says he brought his 2002 Ford Explorer to the defendant’s car wash, but it came out of the machine with damage....
Published 04/25/24
The plaintiff says the defendant is his former fiancée, who he says turned out to be a liar. He claims he loaned her money to pay off her credit cards and she refuses to repay him, so he’s suing. The defendant says she’s still hurt over the breakup and insists he still texts her asking her to marry him. She denies owing him any money. The plaintiff says the defendant is his ex-girlfriend and mother of his daughter. He claims she owes him for thousands in utility bills, so he’s suing. The...
Published 04/24/24
The plaintiff says the defendant is her neighbor, who borrowed some speakers and promised to buy them. Now the woman is harassing her, threatening her with weapons, and banging on the door at all hours, so she’s suing. The defendant claims the plaintiff gave her the speakers and even called police on her. The plaintiff says he donated his car to the defendant’s charity and explained he needed to get permission from his parole officer to remove a device that proved he was sober before the car...
Published 04/23/24
The plaintiff says he and the defendant were in a relationship, so he bought a car and put it in her name to save on insurance. He claims after they broke up, two goons showed up at his house demanding the keys. He’s making the car payments, so he’s suing. The defendant says she put the car on her credit card, so she’s the one who’s owed money. She’s countersuing for everything she’s out on the car, plus other items. The plaintiff is a home care nurse, and she says the defendant hired her to...
Published 04/22/24
The plaintiff used to work for the defendant, who he claims turned out to be a maniac who assaulted him. He now has back issues from the attack, and he’s suing. The defendant claims he had to fire the plaintiff, who he says tried to take a company computer. He claims he had to block the lunatic plaintiff but didn’t assault him. The plaintiff says he rented an apartment to the defendant, but she was a nightmare tenant. He claims she made every excuse in the book to avoid paying her rent. He’s...
Published 04/19/24
The plaintiff says the defendant is her husband, who she claims up and left her out of the blue, stole her car, and stuck her with rent payments. She’s suing for what she’s owed. The defendant says he gave his wife every penny he made working seven days a week because she told him men had no rights in the U.S. and she’d call the police on him. The plaintiff says she shared an apartment with the defendant, and everything was fine at first. She claims the defendant stopped paying for anything...
Published 04/18/24
The plaintiff says the defendant hired her to restore and convert an antique stove, but he paid her with a rubber check. She’s suing for what she’s owed. The defendant says the plaintiff coerced him into making expensive alterations, so he refuses to pay. The plaintiffs say the defendant is a groomer, who they claim cut their dog so badly they had to rush Nibbles to the vet with gashes. They’re suing for future vet bills from a leg injury. The defendant says the plaintiffs’ dog is aggressive...
Published 04/17/24
The plaintiff says she hired the defendant to pick her up after a medical procedure, but he went nuts and kicked her out of the car into the freezing cold while she was still woozy from anesthesia. She’s suing him for punitive damages and lost wages. The defendant claims it’s all a mixup because the plaintiff got into the wrong cab. The plaintiff says he gave the defendant money towards renting an apartment, but then his daughter passed away tragically and he was unable to come up with the...
Published 04/16/24
The plaintiff has a son with the defendant, and he has a daughter with another woman. The plaintiff claims she was going to take her son and his daughter on a Hawaiian cruise, but the defendant failed to reimburse her for his daughter’s portion of the trip, so she’s suing. The defendant says he paid almost $2,000 and never agreed to give her a certain amount. The plaintiff says he bought a car from the defendant, but he couldn’t register it because he never got the proper title. He left the...
Published 04/15/24
The plaintiff says she met the defendant in the emergency room, and they ended up moving in together. She claims he pressured her for sex and ended up locking her out when she refused, so she’s suing. The defendant says he and the plaintiff had a relationship until she brought home another man, so he moved out and the landlord changed the locks. The plaintiffs say the defendant is their neighbor. They claim he kicked their car one day out of anger and dented it, causing damage, missed work,...
Published 04/12/24
The plaintiff says she’s suing the owner of a bar near her house. She claims a drunk driver plowed into her parked car, and she says the bar owner overserved the driver, so she’s suing for the cost of the totaled car. The defendant says the plaintiff has no proof of who hit her car, so she’s trying to extort him. The plaintiff says he bought a commercial printer from the defendant on eBay, but he never received it. Sure, he got a refund, but what he really wanted was the printer. He’s suing...
Published 04/11/24
The plaintiff says he purchased a defective power steering pump for his car from the defendant, and he had to hire a mechanic for a new installation. He’s suing the defendant for the extra labor needed. The defendant argues she sent the first pump out to the manufacturer for inspection, and it came back with a clean bill of health. She refuses to pay for the unnecessary extra work. The plaintiff says he agreed to rent a room in the defendant’s apartment. He paid the deposit but then realized...
Published 04/10/24
The plaintiff says he had to hire an attorney to evict the defendant, who he claims is a professional rent scammer. He’s suing for the money he’s owed. The defendant says she doesn’t owe a thing. She’s countersuing for what she’s out. The plaintiff says he’s a paralegal, and he struck a bargain with the defendant: He’d handle the man’s bankruptcy in exchange for the defendant replacing his car engine. He never followed through, so he’s suing for the cost of the engine. The defendant says the...
Published 04/09/24