On this week's episode of The Psychedelic Integration Podcast, we're continuing the journey of letting go with a deep dive into obligation and the sword of discernment. Wielding this sword is not small undertaking. Its purpose and usefulness are often made clear by unraveling the intricate layers of obligation and people pleasing that you encounter on the healing path with psychedelics. It's purpose is getting EVERYTHING THAT IS OUT OF ALIGNMENT OUT OF THE WAY...So that you can sing your...
Published 04/26/24
Are you one of those "over my cold, dead body" kind of people? Do you keep hang around things and people that don't serve you like milk in your fridge that went out of date with the Clinton administration? Do you find yourself languishing in relationships or situations long past their best? Are you kind of sad when things have to end and therefore grasp onto them so tight that maybe it just doesn't have to be true? On this week's episode of The Psychedelic Integration Podcast, we're going on...
Published 04/18/24
Do you feel like a fraud? Are you unable to celebrate your success and accomplishments in earnest because deep down you're terrified that everyone is going to find out you're some kind of imposter? Do you often feel crippled by self-doubt, even though you have achieved amazing things, people love you, and you're actually awesome? Today on this episode of the Psychedelic Integration Podcast, we're confronting imposter syndrome, self-doubt, and the relentless energy suck of not being good...
Published 04/12/24
In this episode of The Psychedelic Integration Podcast, we dive into the essence of preparation for plant medicine journeys. Are you ready for plant medicine? How do you know? What does it mean to establish readiness? And when do you know? We'll explore the transformative potential of psychedelics, and get clarity on the importance of being truly ready for the experience. Ceremony and intention are gifts that we have long been disconnected from in our modern life.  It's time to start...
Published 04/04/24
Christiana Schelfout is a healing artist raised between Portugal and New York by an Irish American mother and a German father. She lived firstly in the wild, windswept Algarve, and then in the lush Long Island suburbs. Communion with nature and self-expression through song, dance, art, and theater were her basis for self-regulation and expansion.  At 20, a call for healing brought her to the study and practice of classical yoga and tantra. In traveling to the origins of global spiritual...
Published 03/29/24
Daddy issues anyone? This week I'm peeling back the layers of the heart scars that stick with us from moments of feeling abandoned, neglected, or flat-out rejected. From the emotional gut punches to the mind games, we'll dive into why this core wound creates such a long lasting echo, often becoming one of the most defining aspects of our entire lives. I share some examples from my own abandonment drama with my brilliant and troubled father, showing how those early episodes shape our...
Published 03/21/24
Sarah Seraphina of Nurtured Essence is a Spiritual Activator and Plant Medicine Integration guide. She was previously a licensed Trauma Therapist before deciding to leave that world to pursue a more soul-aligned path. Sarah grew up experiencing significant childhood trauma, and knows firsthand how challenging and empowering the path of healing can be. She has walked through many flames of transformation and passionately guides other women on their journey to reclaim their true nature and...
Published 03/14/24
In today's episode of The Psychedelic Integration Podcast, I'm diving headfirst into the concept of "F**k Around and Find Out" (FAFO). I'll explore what it truly means to embrace this mantra, giving yourself permission to honor your impulses and being willing to fail in the pursuit of authenticity and following your heart mission. Today I'm sharing my own journey with FAFO moments, including the decision to change the name of this show, only to ultimately decide to return to its original...
Published 03/07/24
This week we're dancing our faces off in an exploration of the transformative power healing through movement. In this episode, we get deep into the intrinsic connection between movement and the human experience. From the joyous rhythm of childhood play to the profound expression of emotion through dance, movement is an essential aspect of our physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. As we navigate the complexities of modern society, we often find ourselves disconnected from the natural...
Published 03/01/24
This week on The Psychedelic Integration Podcast, we delve into the fascinating realm of magic mushrooms and their profound healing and therapeutic benefits. Join me as we explore how psilocybin mushrooms are breaking into mainstream consciousness, infiltrating Western medicine, and bridging ancient wisdom with modern healing practices. Learn about the poignant tale of María Sabina, the revered Mazatec healer known as the Grandmother of mushroom healing, whose story highlights the...
Published 02/22/24
This week we're exploring the concept of The Sacred Witness. The Observer. The nonjudgmental higher self that lives deep in the center of each of us. It's the presence in us, the calm, wise, sage part of us who's just watching all this. Abraham Hicks calls it your Inner Being. You might hear it called your Highest Self. It's the sacred, holy, all-knowing, almighty, All-That-Is part of you. The part that can see everything, that knows everything, and that is free from attachment, worry, or...
Published 02/16/24
Addiction is a monster. It steals your money. Your time. Your dignity. Your health. Your love. Your presence. It is a false friend that leaves you in a perpetual state of disconnection, suffering, and despair. I believe addiction is one of the most difficult challenges to heal in the human experience. It ravages everything in its wake, and our current model of support isn't working. So many people are finding their way to plant medicine and psychedelics in desperation to be liberated from the...
Published 02/10/24
How do you find the motivation to get started or keep going on the spiritual healing path? In this episode, dig into a pep talk for your spiritual glow up to help you take the leap and get started on your healing and expansion journey. You'll learn the importance of starting where you are and taking an honest self-inventory so that you can orient yourself and manage your expectations. We''ll talk about overcoming fear with willingness and radical self-acceptance. And explore the ongoing...
Published 02/02/24
In this heartfelt episode, join me on a deeply personal exploration of 11 ways to cope with invisible illness, delving into the hidden struggles that shape the spiritual path to wellness. From addiction and mental health battles to chronic pain, autoimmune disorders, and perimenopause, I'm shining a light on the unseen challenges of dealing with chronic or relapsing health issues often overlooked by society. We'll navigate the complexities of the medical system, seeking recognition and...
Published 01/26/24
Welcome to Season 4 of The Show Formerly Known As The Psychedelic Integration Podcast. We are now entering the new era of✨🔮Mystical Heart Oracle. I'm Sinclair Fleetwood, your spiritual coach, ceremonialist, and psychedelic integration queen. Walk with me on the sacred bridge of transition and learn how to support yourself through times of unraveling so you can build your capacity and become more resilient.  The name "Mystical Heart Oracle" signifies a connection to Divine Source, which is...
Published 01/18/24
Today's episode is all about understanding anxiety and learning exactly what steps to take to take back control of your experience. How to transform anxiety is first allowing it to be there. To understand that the resistance and the avoidance and the fighting it is not the solution. Learn about flight, freeze, fawn, and fight responses, and the relationship between chronic pain, fear, chronic illness, and anxiety.  According to Dr. Gabor Maté, repressing your authenticity is one of the...
Published 12/16/23
I learned about the beautiful and simple principle of Ayni: sacred reciprocity while I lived in Ecuador. Ayni is a Quechua word and concept that is the backbone of the worldview in their ancestral culture. The Quechua people are the descendants of the Inca people who are native to Peru, Ecuador, Bolivia, Chile, and Argentina. In the teaching of ayni, they live in a commitment of mutualism that is beneficial to all the beings and the Earth itself. You can always feel safe to give because that...
Published 12/01/23
What do the holidays, overdoing it, and not enoughness have in common? An undercurrent of needing to be perfect, do it right, impress your friends and family, and make things nice. Because that's how you've always done it. But when you start following a spiritual path and questioning the origins of these customs and traditions we follow, you might be like me and start wondering, "Why am I trying so f*****g hard?" In this episode I share about a big fat epiphany I had yesterday after eating...
Published 11/25/23
As a spiritual business coach, Beth Weinstein helps current and aspiring coaches, healers, psychedelic pioneers, therapists, and spiritual leaders align with your soul's path and grow your business so you can help more people, share your unique medicine, and have a thriving transformational business you love. Using her experience growing multiple businesses (including three of her own), along with neuroscience-backed methodologies, spiritual teachings, practical business action plans,...
Published 11/16/23
Unless you've been living under a rock, you might have noticed that there is a lot of heavy and hard shit going on in the world at the moment. When the foundation of the system begins to crack and fail, it can cause anxiety and panic. The thing is, in order for the new way of life to take root, the old one has to crumble away. Dying empires don't typically make their final exit without a lot of brutal struggle. This process can be long and slow, and often big avalanches of change come fast...
Published 11/09/23
Stacey M. Constante is Ecuadorian, first generation born in the U.S. She is a women’s holistic hormone practitioner, nutritionist, herbalist, registered nurse, and mother. She has been following the medicine path through the Americas for the last six years. Along the way she has been slowly merging the teachings of allopathic and ancestral medicine.  Stacey began her career as an ER nurse. While working at different hospitals, she noticed the gaps in modern medicine. As she grew her...
Published 11/02/23
I'm taking a couple weeks off the podcast to hang out with my Mom and nurture my new group family. Check out the trailer for NEST, catch up on old episodes you missed, and I'll see you in mid-November with new episodes! Join NEST here: https://sinclairfleetwood.com/nest --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/psychedelicintegrationpod/message
Published 10/20/23
Does it feel like EVERYTHING is a contest? The vibe of scarcity, not enoughness, and needing to win at all costs is pervasive in our culture. But where did it come from? Why is everything a competition? It actually doesn't have to be this way. Saying NO to competition and comparison is a deep deprogramming that you can start doing right now in your own life. In order to have a better world, we have to believe that it's possible. Many people on the spiritual path are waking up to the...
Published 10/13/23
Rea Beaubien is a medicine woman, ceremonialist, healer, and artist. For more than 20 years she has been a mother, spiritual seeker, and facilitator of ancient rituals in the mountains of Crestone, Colorado. She shares sacred awareness teachings locally and globally, inspiring others to transform. This work brings forth positive and lasting changes contributing to a brighter world. Rea’s mission is rekindling our connection to and nurturing the Divine Feminine as was spoken of in prophecies....
Published 10/06/23