“Our eyes are hormone-making organs,” says optometrist and integrative health coach Dr. Valerie Giangrande, and for most of us, this is nothing short of a revelation. Starting with the first strains of sunrise, the eyes take in light, send signals to our internal clock to release hormones in their intended order, so that those hormones work toward our ultimate health and healing. On today’s episode of The Quantum Biology Collective, Dr. Valerie talks with host Meredith Oke about this...
Published 06/13/24
“Melatonin is the body’s most effective antioxidant,” declares Scott Zimmerman, who published a groundbreaking paper on subcellular melatonin, which has completely altered our understanding of how the hormone is produced in the body.    As it turns out, melatonin is not solely produced by the pineal gland but in all of our mitochondria. It works to soothe the cortisol that is produced when we engage in nearly any activity, including exercise.    On today’s episode of The Quantum Biology...
Published 06/06/24
“Melatonin is the most powerful antioxidant that we know of in the human body—the king of antioxidants,” says today’s guest Dr. Roger Seheult, whose Youtube channel MedCram, helps make complicated medical topics easier to understand. On this episode of the Quantum Biology Collective podcast, he breaks down the process by which melatonin mitigates oxidative stress at the mitochondrial level, thus preventing major diseases in the body.    The best way to get melatonin? From infrared light. But...
Published 05/30/24
“We blame ourselves when these tools are actually mismatched for us,” says Anjan Katta, founder of the Daylight Computer company, which has made the first computer that is reverse-engineered to be good for us—or at least not harmful to our biology the way current models are. On today’s episode of The Quantum Biology Collective podcast, he explains to host Meredith Oke just how his model works differently, eliminating blue light and flicker.   He explains what happens when a normal laptop...
Published 05/23/24
“It turbo charges your vitality. That’s enough to reorganize my whole life around it,” says Steven Lubka, known on X as a “sun max-er,” about his commitment to being outdoors, despite his busy day job working as the head of private clients at Swan Bitcoin. On today’s episode of the Quantum Biology Collective podcast, he explains how you can work the benefits of sunlight and balanced circadian rhythms into your own busy life.   In keeping with his reputation as a prominent citizen researcher,...
Published 05/16/24
“We are grace incarnate,” says today’s guest, Joanne Avison, movement and manual therapy practitioner and author of “Yoga, Fascia, Anatomy and Movement.” Unfortunately, as Joanne explains that beginning with Rene Descartes, the so-called founder of modern science, we have learned to separate our physical selves from our spiritual selves, when in fact, we’re never decoupled. On this episode of The Quantum Biology Collective podcast, the body work community needs to bridge the chasm with...
Published 05/09/24
“Light therapy is unbelievably powerful and it certainly is the future of medicine,” says David Schmidt, CEO of health and wellness company LifeWave, who joins the Quantum Biology Collective podcast to discuss his X39 patch and its ability to completely change our current approach to anti-aging and, as a result, to fighting disease. Rather than injecting stem cells, exogenous substances or outside sources of light into the system, the patch works with the infrared light which exists inside of...
Published 05/02/24
“You can’t get healthy in the environment you got sick in,” says Andeea Rae, licensed addiction counselor, certified in applied Quantum Biology, who joins today’s episode to discuss the nature of addiction, and the bio-psycho-social behavioral changes necessary for recovery. A new environment doesn’t just mean a change of scenery, she explains, it should also refer to the environment that doesn’t get talked about enough—the one full of toxic blue light and non-native EMFs. On today’s episode...
Published 04/25/24
“Pain is in the brain,” explains Stephen Hussey, doctor of chiropractic and practitioner of functional medicine who returns to the podcast to discuss the way the body interprets, processes and manages pain. In addition to the sensory components of pain, there are cognitive and emotional receptors, as well, which means physical pain is affected by mental and physical stress and vice versa. With enough trauma, the body begins to develop incoherence—which is when body systems are out of sync and...
Published 04/18/24
“Once you learn the Earth is round, you can sail around it, so you have a lot more options,” says Denise K. Shull, circadian optimized decision expert. “Once you learn there’s an emotional logic to everything, you can sail around your mind and your life in a much more expansive way.” Unfortunately, popular thought still tells us to remove emotions from decision-making and to suppress our fears in order to move forward. On today’s episode of The Quantum Biology Collective podcast, Denise...
Published 04/11/24
“Think of radio frequency radiation as just a sort of invisible light,” says today’s guest Nick Pineault, author of the best-selling book “The Non-Tinfoil Guide to EMFs.”   Just as the toxic light emitted from our laptops and cellphones are disrupting our biology at the mitochondrial level, the WiFi connecting us to those same devices sends out electromagnetic field (EMF) frequencies that send similarly confusing messages to our cells, many of which travel even deeper than light.    On...
Published 04/04/24
Music medicine and the healing power of sound are concepts which date back as far as Ancient Greece, having been first attributed to Pythagoras. John Stuart Reid’s first encounter with sound healing took place in the King’s Chamber in the Pyramids of Giza in Egypt, where he ran an experiment in cymatics which, he explains, is the basic principle that sound—which is omnipresent—makes an acoustic impression upon any membrane it encounters—such as those in the countless cells which comprise our...
Published 03/28/24
“If you address the inputs, the outputs address themselves,” says Dr. Amanda Steencken, who joins The Quantum Biology Podcast to discuss her work with primitive reflex integration work. Primitive reflexes, she explains, are the body’s involuntary movements, which occur down to the subatomic level, in response to stimuli that promote brain development and keep us safe in the world.    When this connection is never stimulated, or gets turned off for myriad reasons, the results are anything from...
Published 03/21/24
“You’re just going to have to live with it.” This is the response, says today’s guest Thomas Van Doorn, medical professionals give to the nearly 11 million citizens suffering from chronic disease in his native Netherlands. This was the advice given to Thomas’s disabled sister, before he began to incorporate elements of quantum biology into her treatment.  Thankfully, she began enjoying remarkable results.    While a tennis player at the national level, Thomas was looking to develop a protocol...
Published 03/14/24
“We are in a perpetual state of jet lag these days, simply because we don’t know what time of day it is.”  Carrie Bennett returns to the Quantum Biology Collective Podcast to discuss the importance of regulating circadian rhythms as a means to healing the gut. Every task in the body is timed to a vibrating central oscillator which acts like an internal metronome. When these vibrations are thrown into chaos–when we don’t get enough natural light, when we are exposed to our screens first thing...
Published 03/07/24
“We are electric beings,” says Dr. Kelli Ritter, and she’s not just speaking metaphorically. Returning to The Quantum Biology Collective Podcast to discuss the link between light and anxiety, Dr. Kelli explains that the infrared light that our mitochondria make inside of us is the ultimate healer, and that light is informed by the natural light we take in. “I don’t think there’s anything more important to health.”   The structured water in our body is like a battery that is charged by natural...
Published 02/29/24
How often does your dentist ask you how much blue light you consume each day, about your sleeping patterns, or even how long you were breastfed or if you fell on your tailbone when you were a child? These are just a few of the questions that Dr. Jalal Khan asks his patients during assessment, in his efforts to take dentistry well past “filling and drilling” to act as gateway to major healing in all areas of the body.    A holistic dentist who regards himself more as an osteopath, Dr. Khan has...
Published 02/22/24
“Our biology–and all of the other animals and creatures on the planet, everything–is geared to the wavelengths of the sun,” says Dr. Sara Pugh, PhD, who returns to the Quantum Biology Collective podcast to discuss the vital importance of daily exposure to natural light.   Dr. Sara breaks down a complicated process into a series of dynamic metaphors. The sun is like a major clock to which everything in nature is attuned, and it sends information down to the mitochondria. The eyes, the biggest...
Published 02/15/24
“When people get to settle into their natural rhythm versus forcing themselves to be what they’ve been conditioned to be or what society tells us we need to be, then there’s infinite freedom,” says Gwen Dittmar, who specializes in Quantum Human Design. This practice, originally founded by Rah Uber Hu, draws from Vedic astrology, quantum physics, the Hindu chakra system, as well as elements of Kabbalah and of the Chinese I Ching.    We are all composed of nine energy centers in different...
Published 02/08/24
“Super simply, it’s everything for everyone,” says Kelly Bento about the power of infrared light therapy to heal the body and promote wellness by infusing your cells with direct energy. A clinician, Kelly regularly used lasers on her dental patients, and became even more invested in them after her brother sustained a brain injury. Soon she developed her own red light therapy products, Soleil Well.    Red light makes up 42% of the sun’s light that is meant to hit us all day, every day. Since...
Published 02/01/24
“What medical intuitives have been doing naturally for centuries is now being studied and corroborated by Science,” says Wendie Colter, a pioneering medical intuitive and founder of The Practical Path. The Practical Path is a school that certifies medical intuitives. On this episode of The Quantum Biology Collective Podcast, host Meredith Oke, and Wendie Colter explain and discuss the intricacies and practical applications of medical intuition, a field that harmonizes energetic assessment...
Published 01/25/24
Ether, the unseen conductor of health and vitality, takes center stage in this fascinating episode of the Quantum Biology Collective podcast. Join host Meredith Oke and guest Carrie Bennett as they unravel the mysteries of ether in quantum biology and its profound implications for human health and healing.   Meredith and Carrie engage in a thought-provoking discussion about the critical role of light and circadian rhythms in our well-being, addressing why this vital information remains on the...
Published 01/18/24
Could the secret to overcoming trauma lie in the interplay of light and nutrition?" In this episode of the Quantum Biology Collective podcast, Meredith Oke delves into this topic with Kelley Erickson, a holistic health practitioner with expertise in nutrition, Reiki, and functional mental health. Kelley shares her journey of healing from childhood trauma and addiction, unveiling how she discovered the vital connection between light, nutrition, and trauma recovery.   Her story begins with her...
Published 01/11/24
Could retraining your body's hormonal system be the key to unlocking improved fertility, weight management, and overall well-being? In this episode, host Meredith Oke and Sarah Kleiner, a quantum health practitioner, explore this intriguing possibility. Sarah shares her journey from personal health challenges to founding a coaching business dedicated to hormonal energy management, transforming her struggles into a path of healing and empowerment.   Sarah emphasizes the importance of leptin as...
Published 01/04/24