This week is a listener letter and it's from Şenay. They wanted to know how to get their social spark back after a big life audit and shake-up. After cutting a lot of people off, Şenay feels like they are struggling to get the motivation back to connect with others in social situations. To help, I pulled five cards and set to work breaking down the key aspects of the question, the problem and the goal that was on the table. Together we move through the reading to try and identify where the...
Published 11/13/23
The Tarot Court Cards are a pain. I'm not even going to pretend like they're easy to read because they're not. However, there are plenty of different ways you can start to get into the groove of interpreting them. In this episode of the Energetic Tarot Podcast, I give you a little Court Card Tarot lesson to help you find your way around the Kings, Queens, Knights and Pages. There's also a little three-card Tarot spread at the end that you can use to practice Court cards more regularly....
Published 11/06/23
Happy Samhain/Halloween! Today I wanted to record a special Samhain episode that tells you all about why divination is such a big part of Samhain, why we read Tarot on this day and how we can make the most of this Samhain energy for our readings. In the episode, I'll be chatting all about different forms of divination as well as how we can use Tarot specifically. Plus there's a nice little 5 card Tarot reading at the end to give us a closing-out message for this current cycle. As well...
Published 10/31/23
This week on the Energetic Tarot podcast, I'm reading listener Melissa's letter and helping her to find clarity and understanding through a five-card Tarot reading. Find out what wisdom the cards offered Melissa after she went through a divorce that forced her to up-sticks and move her whole life to a new state. Listen as we chat through the fears and blocks that might be standing in her way of starting fresh and how prioritising her ideas and instincts could be the way to a more focused...
Published 10/23/23
Tarot vs. Oracle Cards - Which one offers you the most support? On the Energetic Tarot Podcast this week I wanted to chat about the differences between Tarot and Oracle cards, why you might use one over the other and also how you can use both Tarot and Oracle cards together. Discover how you could deepen your Tarot practice by adding in an Oracle card now and again and learn more about the Oracle decks that are out there on the market. Tarot & Oracle Task First of all, we’ll...
Published 10/16/23
What Is The Difference Between Reading Psychically And Reading Energetically On the podcast this week I'm touching on a 'slightly' controversial topic for many. Psychic Tarot readers. Specifically, I'll be looking at the differences between a psychic Tarot reader and a holistic or energetic Tarot reader. It's important that if you're looking for a Tarot reading you find the right reader for you and your needs. I chat about how to look out for scammers and the frustrating spam accounts that...
Published 10/09/23
This week on the Energetic Tarot podcast I am offering a reading for podcast listener Trish. Trish wrote in to ask for guidance from the cards after a huge life change, right on the eve of retirement. Through Trish's open and honest letter, we discuss topics such as ageism, limiting beliefs, retirement and starting your own business. I'll use the Pamela Coleman Smith Tarot Deck to do a five-card Tarot reading for Trish, talking through the cards and what messages they have to offer. If...
Published 10/02/23
How do you create your own unique way of Tarot reading? That's what we're tackling in today's episode. We'll be exploring the different avenues we can take in order to read in a way that feels personal to us and that feels like our own unique take on the cards. At the end of the episode, we'll do a task that aims to help you get started to explore your own Tarot reading style and explore the different elements you can incorporate into your own style. Task For Episode 49 Shuffle your...
Published 09/25/23
This is our first dalliance with The Moon Tarot card on the Energetic Tarot, but it's a definite deep dive into this card and the work you can do with it. At the episode, there is a nourishing, guided meditation to help you fully tap into the energy of The Moon Tarot card. So make sure you're somewhere you won't be disturbed and sit back ready for some deep subconscious exploration. Post meditation task After you’ve completed this meditation I want you to start journaling about what...
Published 09/18/23
Today we're talking about love Tarot readings and how you can do them for yourself in a healthy and balanced way. Love Tarot readings are very tricky and they need a great deal of care and attention to be done correctly. In this episode, I chat you through the key things you need to keep in mind when doing a love reading and how you can do it in a way that doesn't put your well-being on the line. We'll be guided by the Five of Swords for our work. Prompts for Episode 47 Step 1:...
Published 09/11/23
In this episode of the Energetic Tarot podcast, we are looking at how we can create a narrative in our Tarot readings. This is a bit different from what we usually do, but hopefully, this will help you explore what is needed to create narratives in your readings that you can use to deepen understanding. Prompts for Episode 46 Either use the 3 act structure or go for the conflict or partnership technique.  Always try and make your interpretations snappy. This means you take the...
Published 09/04/23
Using The Lovers Tarot card and the Eight of Swords, we chat about how to need to be wanted or needed by others can stop us from loving ourselves fully. I chat a little about my own experiences and how I overcame them and touch on how The Lovers and the Eight of Swords can help us better understand this need and where it comes from. Prompts for Episode 45 Prompt 1: Ok so now for the good part, the journal prompts. We’re going to start with the biggy, The Lovers. I want you to write...
Published 08/28/23
How can you use the wisdom of the Tarot cards to help you choose optimism in those hard times? I'm back and I'm accompanied by the Wheel of Fortune and Page of Wands Tarot cards, to tackle the subject of conscious optimism. I chat about my own struggles as a naturally pessimistic person, to make the decision to be optimistic in times when I really didn't want to. Prompts for Episode 44 Prompt 1: Think about a time in your life when you have felt a crushing disappointment. Write it...
Published 08/21/23
This week I take a look at The Devil and Page of Cups Tarot cards, asking them how we can shift our perception of being selfish and being self-centric. What's the difference and how can these Tarot cards help us change what we believe? Join me for this episode of Energetic Tarot and make sure to give the task a go to get the most out of our time together. Prompts for Episode 43 Prompt 1: First of all we need a scenario to use as evidence. So, think about a time when either you have...
Published 08/14/23
How can you use the wisdom of the Tarot cards to help you choose optimism in those hard times? I'm back and I'm accompanied by the Wheel of Fortune and Page of Wands Tarot cards, to tackle the subject of conscious optimism. I chat about my own struggles as a naturally pessimistic person, to make the decision to be optimistic in times when I really didn't want to. Prompts for Episode 42 Prompt 1: Thinking back over previous experiences, what types of situations have you been in where...
Published 08/07/23
Today we are joined by the Nine of Cups and the King of Pentacles to learn more about soul-led goals. together we start to think more about our own soul goals and then use the guidance and container of this Tarot card pairing to find a way to manifest them into your life. Tarot Journal Prompts Prompt 1: The first thing we need to do is get clear about our soul-led goal. So, think about what you feel most pulled towards. What are you passionate about above all other things? What excites...
Published 03/21/23
Join me for a Virgo Full Moon collective Tarot reading to uncover how we can regain our focus and better understand what it is we want to be working towards.  In this episode, we're taking a slightly different approach to our self-care tarot and I'm giving you a full six-card reading. Using the UUSI Supra Oracle deck in conjunction with the UUSI Pagan Otherworlds Tarot deck, we start to dive into what we need in order to feel back on track.  Over the last few weeks, I've been feeling very...
Published 03/07/23
What is a spiritual journey and how do you go on one? This week on the Self Care Tarot podcast we are using the energy of The Chariot to explore the meaning of spiritual journeys. We'll talk about what they are, what they look like and most importantly, why should we be on them?  Tarot Journal Prompts Prompt 1: What would you say are 10 of your flaws? What don’t you like about yourself or what habits or behaviours do you have that cause you issues? Prompt 2: What resistance came up when...
Published 02/27/23
This week we're working with the Queen of Pentacles Tarot court card to see how we can better embrace and nurture organic growth. We'll focus on our internal world and how we can find inner peace when the external world spins out of control and work on letting go of control of the things we have no power over.  Tarot Journal Prompts Prompt 1: Let’s start with an analysis of your ability to let go of control. It’s a big part of allowing for organic growth so here we go. Write down 10 times...
Published 02/13/23
In today's episode, we're being guided by the Nine of Pentacles Tarot card to help us better understand what it means to be in alignment. Together we look at what it feels like to be aligned and what it means when we aren't. As per usual there are a bunch of Tarot journal prompts at the end of this episode so feel free to do them as and when you need to.  Tarot Journal Prompts Prompt 1: The subconscious audit. Try and visualise what your perfect life would look like. Write down what it...
Published 02/07/23
This week's Self-Care Tarot episode is a big one. Instead of our usual 1-2 Tarot card pulls to guide us, we're using a Tarot structure and theory to help us better understand the meaning of cycles. Using the Fool's Journey we will look into what the Tarot has to say about cycles and how we can use that wisdom in our everyday lives. Tarot Journal Prompts Prompt 1: Let’s start with The fool himself. Write down a time when you were channelling the fool's carefree and risk-free nature. When...
Published 01/30/23
In this week's episode of the Self-Care Tarot podcast, we are looking closely at balance. We'll use the guidance of the Two of Pentacles to understand how balance works and how we can make it more effective over time. Listen to hear about why micro-goals and adjustment are more effective than big new year resolutions and why building the foundations of the year ahead is so important in the first few months.  Tarot Journal Prompts Prompt 1: Write down what the new year means to you....
Published 01/16/23
A Saturn Return takes place when we reach our 28th year and tends to last up until we’re 30 give or take. However, the repercussions of it can completely alter the rest of your life. In this episode, we use the guidance of The Tower and The World to navigate through a Saturn Return so we can get the most out of this big life shift. Tarot Journal Prompts Prompt 1: Compartmentalise your life into the following sections. Relationships, Home, Career, Social Life, Spirituality, and Sense of...
Published 01/09/23
In this episode of the Self-Care Tarot podcast, we use the guidance of The Hierophant and The High Priestess to look into passive and active spiritual practices. Each can help us create more balance in our spirituality and help us live more intuitive and mindful lives.  We explore the differences between The Hierophant Tarot card and The High Priestess to see how their unique energies can inspire us in our own spiritual realm.  Tarot Journal Prompts Prompt 1: Name six things you do to...
Published 01/02/23