Published 05/26/21
Announcement: I have opened a submissions form to receive audience questions to answer on the smiley brain. If you are currently going through a challenging period or seeking guidance or advice on a specific issue, this is for you! You can find the submission form on my website: www.alchemizeyourmind.com/submissions This episode is a reflection of thoughts that have been coming up for me lately. I've been thinking a lot about how we often make decisions from a space of wounding or pain, and...
Published 05/19/21
This episode is an exploration into the inner compass, and how you can learn to navigate your way through life by using this inner compass. I also talk a little about the inner authority and how we can listen to that voice to make more aligned decisions. By learning how to interact with our inner authority, we unlock new layers of awareness that can help us adjust how we interact with the world around us.
Published 05/12/21
Sometimes when we see someone's story of growth, we don't see the challenges and healing that had to take place in order to arrive there. This episode is an exploration into some of the challenges of moving through periods of growth, and some ways we can navigate those challenges. If you are going through a growth period and finding it challenging to move through it, this one's for you. If you need additional support as you move through your journey, you can work with me at...
Published 05/05/21
This episode is a reflection on meditation. Years ago, I read "The Power of Now" by Eckhart Tolle and it inspired a lot of awareness around how I could meditate and be more present with myself. This episode explores ideas around meditation, how to meditate, and some of the ways it can transform your life.
Published 04/28/21
This episode is an exploration into what inner peace is. I remember reading somewhere that healing is the end of conflict with yourself (source unknown, please let me know if you know where it's from!) And this stuck with me. This episode examines the idea of healing the inner conflicts we experience, and explores some ways we can go about doing that.
Published 04/21/21
This episode is about love. May you feel love in your heart today, and all days.
Published 04/14/21
Embodying vulnerability can feel hard, scary, and can feel threatening. We may feel raw and exposed, and this can be challenging to experience. At the same time, vulnerability is often something that leads to powerful self-healing and self-awareness. In this episode we talk about the ways that we can learn how to become more vulnerable, and we explore the ways that being unwilling to be vulnerable can impact our relationships. Being vulnerable requires courage. It's brave. It's not easy....
Published 04/07/21
"I feel like people get lost when they think of happiness as a destination. We always think that someday we'll be happy. When we get that car or that job or that person in our lives who will fix everything. But happiness is a mood and it's a condition. Not a destination. It's like being tired or hungry. It's not permanent. It comes and goes and that's OK. And if people would think that way, they'd find happiness more often." - A quote from the show One Tree Hill This episode explores the...
Published 03/31/21
If you have find it hard to connect with your feelings and to actually experience them, this one's for you. When I say "feel your feelings," I mean this: allow yourself the space and time to sit with the emotions that are trying to capture your attention. Take the time to actually experience them, instead of numbing them, avoiding them, or burying them. When we go through life burying our emotions, they don't ever actually disappear. They just come out in other ways. If you are angered...
Published 03/24/21
Do you ever feel detached and disconnected from your body? Sometimes we find it challenging to feel connected to our bodies and the information that comes to us through our bodies. If you feel disconnected, this episode is for you. It's common for us to feel disconnected from our physical form. In this episode, we explore different ways to view your relationship with your body and your mind. I believe that our bodies and our minds are like sacred temples, and we have been assigned the...
Published 03/17/21
Friendships are a beautiful way for us to hand select certain people that we keep in our lives. Many people say that our friends are our chosen family members. I think healthy friendships allow for a great opportunity to show up as our most honest and vulnerable selves. This episode explores the importance of friendships, and addresses what I believe to be the most friendship of all: the one we have with ourselves. Tell the people in your life that you love them. Tell your friends that...
Published 03/10/21
This episode is for everyone who has a tendency to fall into the martyr archetype. Being the martyr, it can seem instinctive to dismiss ourselves and our needs for the sake of other people. But are we actually helping anyone by doing this? In this episode, we explore how martyrdom and guilt go hand in hand, and talk about ways of breaking from these patterns.
Published 03/03/21
The shadow is all that is within us that remains unconscious and hidden. Shadow work is the process of intentionally accessing these parts of ourselves so that we can confront them, heal the wounds underneath them, and move forward in life from a more holistic and healed space. This episode is an exploration into the beginning of the shadow work journey, with some examples of ways to begin this process.
Published 02/24/21
Communication is the sending and receiving of information. In this episode, we break down what communication is and should be, and the various patterns and wounds that can interfere with our ability to healthily relate to another human.
Published 02/17/21
Most of us were never modeled healthy ways to emotionally regulate, and therefore we are often left in a state of imbalance when we become overwhelmed and overstimulated. In this episode, we explore some ways to move through the times when we are emotionally dysregulated, and we get a motivational boost to move through our most challenging times.
Published 02/10/21
This episode explores the topic of accountability. We explore why it's important for us to be accountable for ourselves, our actions, our thoughts, and our behaviors, and what can get in the way of us doing this. This episode also touches on some things that interfere with our motivation and willpower, two important drivers of accountability. *Note from Sana: excuse the text buzzes in the background :)
Published 01/27/21
In this episode, we explore the topic of emotional safety, what it means, and why it's important. We also touch on how boundaries are intertwined with emotional safety, and how we can combine these two things to heal conflicts within ourselves and outside of ourselves.
Published 01/20/21
In this episode of The Smiley Brain, Sana talks about people pleasing and explores ways this behavior can impact our lives. Are you a recovering people pleaser? This episode may help you on your journey.
Published 01/13/21
In episode 5 of The Smiley Brain, Sana talks about the importance of discerning between intuition and insecurity. Sometimes we form thoughts and stories in our heads based on layers of insecurity, and we mistaken this for our intuition. This episode invites you to explore a little deeper, and to discern the differences between the two.
Published 01/06/21
In the bonus new year episode of The Smiley Brain, Sana shares some reflections on 2020 and a vision for a new future ahead. Happy new year to you and all of your loved ones.
Published 01/01/21
In episode 3 of The Smiley Brain, Sana talks about self love, what it is, and how we can start going about embodying it. This episode is for everyone who finds it challenging and needs a boost. Remember that you are always worthy to receive your own love.
Published 12/30/20
In episode 2 of The Smiley Brain, Sana talks about courage, what it means to be courageous, what blocks us from embodying our courage, and how we can overcome our inner and outer blocks. This episode is an invitation to remember that you are always capable of overcoming your fears. May you find and seize an opportunity to be courageous today.
Published 12/25/20
In episode 1 of The Smiley Brain, Sana drifts through thoughts in a stream of consciousness and draws attention to the importance of self awareness and being in tune with our thoughts and emotions.
Published 12/25/20