In this podcast episode, Meredith Brough, a pediatric sleep expert, talks about a parenting concern that is becoming more common. Many parents feel anxious and scared when their babies cry; they are afraid that even normal expressions of emotion might be harmful. A contributing factor is our society's obsession with sleep training practices that are rigid, rule based, and involve periods of crying from gentle to intense.  Parents are questioning these practices and searching for solutions...
Published 02/01/24
In this episode, you'll be introduced to the world of early development expert Michelle Mintz and her groundbreaking parent coaching program, Baby Blooming Moments. Expect to be inspired as Michelle takes you on a journey through her own transformation from a speech therapist to a passionate advocate for early childhood development. Michelle will encourage you to take the lead in optimizing the growth and development of your child. She'll unveil powerful strategies for enriching your...
Published 12/08/23
Welcome to another episode of the Sweet Slumber Podcast, where you'll find creative sleep solutions that are effective, lasting, AND nurture your relationships. We will help you support your child's long-term health and well-being, too.  Are you dreaming about relaxing, restorative nights? Would you like to feel more like your old self? If so, this show was made for YOU. Today, we're diving into the fascinating world of energetic and spirited babies (those strong-willed and highly alert...
Published 12/04/23
In this insightful podcast episode, our host Meredith Brough sits down with the talented Helen Thompson, a true expert in the world of baby massage. With over 30 years of experience in childcare, Helen is here to share her wealth of knowledge and passion for this amazing practice. Helen dives right into the impressive benefits of baby massage. Not only does it help with sleep, but it can also provide relief for colic and constipation. Who knew a simple touch could do so much? Helen...
Published 11/12/23
In this podcast episode, entrepreneur and sleep coach Meredith Brough shares her personal motherhood journey of growth and healing. She opens up about the emotional struggles she has carried since childhood, trauma she experienced in her teen years, and how these experiences have affected her as a mother, influenced her parenting style, and even shaped her Baby-Centered Sleep coaching approach. Meredith emphasizes the importance of being vulnerable,  seeking wellness, and regulating one's...
Published 10/29/23
If you're looking for inspiration and motivation in your life, Natalie Riede can help. She's a Transformational Life Coach, Master NLP Practitioner, Master Clinical Hypnotherapist, Stage IV Cancer survivor and busy mum to a rambunctious toddler and a newborn. Natalie's powerful, impactful story will fill you with appreciation, perspective, and renewed strength. With a heart full of passion, a mind full of training, and wisdom well beyond her years, Natalie shares several gems of insight and...
Published 09/23/23
After 9 months of patience, preparation, and anticipation, what we want is a smooth, well-planned birth with a happy beginning. Unfortunately, it's common to experience the opposite. Maybe your labor wasn't what you expected. There might have been problems along the way.  Maybe you had problems or mistakes were made. Maybe your doctor or nurses didn't listen to you or honor your wishes. Or you and your baby might have experienced trauma or needed a C-section. (That's why doula work is so...
Published 09/09/23
Is bedtime a struggle at your house? Does your child wake often or come to your bed at night?  These scenarios are really common! If you are like most people, you've probably chosen to ignore the challenges and drag yourself through them EVERY SINGLE DAY. That's no way to live! And there's no reason to do this when you can turn to pediatric sleep expert and parenting coach, Maisie Ruttan. She's the type of woman you can chat with for hours and tell your secrets to, without hesitating. She is...
Published 08/18/23
Are you preparing to go back to work but not sure you want to? Or looking for a way to work from home? Maybe you should become a coach! Many women are choosing this career path so they can inspire and lift others and design the life they've always wanted. Listen to this episode to learn about many of the coaching opportunities that are available and the rewards you can look forward to if you become a coach. Meredith also covers some of the qualities and abilities that successful coaches...
Published 08/15/23
Over the past 3 years, this podcast has been focused on supporting mothers and parents as they navigate the challenges of parenthood and improve their little ones' sleep in the healthiest way possible. We will continue to walk this journey with you! Our host, Meredith Brough has decided to add new conversations to the show about becoming a sleep coach, building a sleep consulting business, and how to thrive in this industry. Her goal is to help people fall in love with sleep coaching and...
Published 08/09/23
It's very common to overlook sleep disorder signs. But have you ever called them cute? Parents and baby admirers alike are guilty of this crime. But we get it. It's not a subject that people understand. What comes to mind when you hear these words: snoring, breathing with your mouth open, drooling, talking in your sleep, and sleep walking? Jokes? Cartoons?  Nostalgic stories from your childhood?  Yep. We've gotten so used to these behaviors that we don't think anything of them. But...
Published 07/21/23
You may not know this, but there's a little girl inside you who needs to be cared for and nurtured, the same way you care for your child. This beautiful concept caught Meredith's attention when she visited relationship coach and therapist, Brittany Rose Green's Instagram page. It tugged at Meredith's heart until she changed the topic of this interview. This message needs to be shared. Brittany will help you see the little girl inside you. She'll inspire you to give her a voice, honor her,...
Published 06/30/23
Have you been doing EVERYTHING possible to try to improve your baby or toddler's sleep? It's tough to progress when you are following advice that doesn't work for your child. This episode will help you understand how babies are different, especially when it comes to sleep and why typical sleep advice doesn't cut if for a lot of parents. if you've been wondering if your child is spirited or sensitive, this episode will explain the signs and give you the insight and tips you need so you can...
Published 06/28/23
Do you have a child who needs a lot of extra attention? Do you ever feel like no one gets what it's like to raise a child like this? If so, you might relate to this episode! Meet Jennifer Warr, mama extraordinaire (who thinks she is an average mother but she won't fool us). She has a big heart, a ton of patience, and a gift for intuitive parenting like nothing you've ever seen. This episode will inspire you to continue your own gentle parenting journey.  Listen in if you'd like to laugh,...
Published 06/09/23
What's worse than dragging yourself around all day, completely drained of energy, after getting up with the baby 10x? How about not being able to find answers to your sleep problems! That's one thing the Sweet Slumber clients have in common. They say they've tried everything before coming to us- and maybe they have!   If YOU are a parent who cannot wait to improve sleep, this episode is for you! The Baby-Centered™ Sleep approach solves the toughest cases AND supports the overall well-being...
Published 06/02/23
Do you sometimes wonder why your baby or toddler struggles with sleep while other babies seem to sleep perfectly for their parents? Do you blame yourself, thinking you messed up? Or feel like a failure or "less than" a good enough mother? This show will reveal the reasons for these differences and help you get what's really going on. Watch episode #25- "Self-Soothers VS Signalers" to give yourself grace and validation and increase your patience and compassion for your child. Understanding...
Published 05/26/23
Are you living courageously/ Do you know what that means? Are you curious? Then don't miss this episode! Ashley Strong Smith, courage coach and host of the "Living Courageously Podcast" joins Meredith in a heart-to-heart conversation about unexpected journeys, the ups and downs of motherhood, and those "Ah-Ha Moments" that can change everything. Whether you are feeling burnt out, at the end of your rope OR you simply want to elevate yourself, this episode has something for you! (Be prepared...
Published 05/18/23
Have you ever wondered if your intuition or mother's intuition is working? Or helping you? Or are you someone who already trusts and celebrates their intuition? Either way, there's something you need to hear in this episode, "Listening to Your Intuition May Change Your Life!" Marvel at miracles, recognize your intuitive gifts, and share in the wonder of this amazing guide and its limitless potential. Find out why you shouldn't ignore or disregard what your heart is telling you. Be open to...
Published 05/12/23
In today's episode Meredith interviews Jessica Guy, a developmental psychologist, former sleep scientist, and certified infant and family sleep specialist. Listen to a discussion on what normal infant sleep looks like, outdated sleep training advice, problems with infant sleep studies, the power of nurture, and how parent expectations drive them to sleep train. We talk about where these expectations come from and more. Ready to understand your child better? Take the Sleep Temperament Test!...
Published 02/25/23
If you are the parent of a spirited and/or sensitive child, you'll want to listen to this interview between Meredith, sleep coach/mom mentor, and Amanda Sardinas, mother of 2-year-old Hannah. This is by far the most inspiring and uplifting episode of our show. If you don't know much about spirited and sensitive babies, you'll learn what's difficult for other parents to handle, and appreciate your own struggles. When Hannah was young, Amanda began working with Meredith and discovered valuable...
Published 10/13/22
Today's episode is the third in a series of interviews discussing the negative and worrisome aspects of traditional sleep training. Meredith Brough, sleep coach and childcare expert, interviews Sarah R. Moore, MFS and parenting expert, about her stand on this important topic.  You're in for a treat today! Sarah brings up concerns that haven't come up on the show previously, that are eye-opening and enlightening. She also shares her perspective about using sleep training methods as a parent...
Published 07/07/22
Are you looking for solutions to help your baby sleep better? Are you thinking about sleep training your baby or toddler? Listen to this podcast and learn "What's Wrong with Sleep Training?" before you decide to use traditional sleep training methods like Ferber (timed checks) or cry it out. This series is designed to inform parents about infants' needs and correct misguided beliefs about their sleep. This episode also addresses what goes on during sleep regressions and what little ones need...
Published 06/09/22
If you're planning to improve your baby's or toddler's sleep and you don't know which solutions to use, this is a great episode to watch! It's important to learn as much as you can about your child's needs and well-being, as you plan your child's sleep journey. We're introducing a new podcast series about the problems with cry-it-out, Ferber (timed checks), and traditional sleep training practices to educate parents and help them make the best parenting decisions.  These methods teach...
Published 05/25/22
Do you sometimes wonder if you’re asking God for too many favors? Do you question whether or not God cares about you? In this episode, Meredith, mother of 5, shares stories of God’s blessings and miracles in her life and on her family’s behalf, that will wash away your doubts. You’ll hear stories about illness, heart-ache, hope, loss, parenting struggles, and more. Every story includes answered prayers. Don’t miss this episode if you love hearing inspiring, faith promoting stories. If your...
Published 05/05/22
Would you like to know how to improve your health? Or are you more concerned about your child's health and eating habits? According to our guest, Peyton Berg, most parents are more concerned about their children's health than their own. In this show, you'll learn how to kill 2 birds with 1 stone by focusing on both! Peyton is a functional medicine certified health coach and nutritionist. She also has a background in pediatric nursing! She is well-qualified to guide mothers as they build...
Published 04/07/22