If your life as a clinic owner is tougher than you would like it to be then this is the episode for you. In it I go through the two main reasons I think that clinic life can be tough. - Doing too much - Not having enough support I also have a 3 step plan to help you tackle these issues to make your clinic life easier and happier. Links mentioned in the show Podcasts on...
Published 05/11/22
Is your clinic running exactly how you want it to? Do you feel stressed, overwhelmed or perhaps bored with your clinic? Are you longing to have a complete break from your clinic with no interruptions or perhaps you wish you no longer had your clinic? If you are feeling any of these things then something needs to change in your clinic. In this podcast I will talk about how to make those changes to make clinic life much better.  Links mentioned in the show Podcasts on...
Published 04/27/22
Running a clinic can sometimes  be more stressful than we would like it to be. Now this happens in every clinic from time to time. BUT if feeling stressed with your clinic is a regular thing for you then I reckon it will be down to one or more of these 3 things. Identifying these stresses and working out how to solve them will lead to a less stressful, happier clinic. Links mentioned in the show Previous podcast episodes on clinic finance. 040 – Why having a grasp of your clinic...
Published 04/13/22
Your clinic's magic number. In my opinion it's the most important number you need to run your clinic and it is probably not the number you think it is. Once you know this number everything about running your clinic becomes more obvious. It empowers you to make the running of your clinic easier and less stressful. Have a listen to the episode to find out what it is and how to calculate yours. Get the FREE download that accompanies the episode...
Published 03/30/22
Clinic finances. For some dealing with the business and money side of clinic comes easily. For others it is something that we shy away from. I believe that if you do not have a grasp of your clinic finances then your clinic life will always be stressful. To find out why and what you can do to start sorting out or even looking at your clinic finances then have a listen to the episode. Links mentioned in the show. Practice Builders Foundation - FREE on demand training Want to talk to me...
Published 03/16/22
In the last episode we talked about why you should outsource. Today I thought I would talk through what I outsource in my clinic and how it has helped me have a clinic that is much less stressful and much easier to run. Links Mentioned In The Show Episode 38 - 4 Reasons Why Delegating And Outsourcing Will Make Your Clinic Life Much Less Stressful The Practice Builders Community Facebook Group - Join Now The Three Essentials Workbook FREE 30 Minute call with Rosie Here’s an overview of...
Published 03/02/22
Do you feel like you have too much to do? Is running your clinic overwhelming? This is where delegating and outsourcing can really help make your life easier. In this episode I go through 4 reasons why you should delegate and outsource tasks in your clinic to make your life easier. Links mentioned in the show The Practice Builders Community - FREE Facebook group Here's an overview of what I talked about >> [00.25] What is delegating and outsourcing? >> [01.48] Gives you less...
Published 02/16/22
Running a clinic can be stressful, time consuming and occasionally a little overwhelming. Not the treating patients side but the business side. Unless of course you have steps to make it easier. In this episode I take you through the 6 steps I have used to build my successful clinic and to make it as stress free as possible. Links mentioned in the show Downloadable Resources FREE  - The 3 essential workbook FREE - 30 day social media scheduler Podcasts Top tips for using Instagram to...
Published 02/02/22
In this episode we have the brilliantly knowledge Molly Cahill to talk us through using Instagram to attract patients to our clinics. Whilst many of us may find the idea of using Instagram a little out of our comfort zone it can be a brilliant way to get patients booking into your clinic. In this episode we discuss how to set up your Instagram account and bio. What makes good content and how often to schedule. How to use reels, stories and those all important hashtags and how to become part...
Published 01/19/22
Your website. It is the most important tool you have for attracting patients to your clinic. But how do you make sure that it is the best it can be? Today we have Michael Schumacher from HMDG on the show to talk us through the dos and don'ts of a brilliant website that will have patients choosing your clinic over everyone else in your area. Links discussed in the show. Test your website - gtmetrix.com Learn more about Michael and HMDG - www.hmdg.co.uk For more help and support join my...
Published 11/25/21
Ads whether they are online ads such as Facebook or Google ads or traditional print ads can be good way to grow your clinic. But how do you decide which ones are right for you and more importantly know if they are working for you. In this episode I take you through how to choose the right ads for your clinic and the 3 things you need to do to make sure they are growing your clinic and working well for you. Links mentioned in the show The 3 essentials workbook - get your copy here. For...
Published 11/03/21
Time. It is one thing that almost every therapist and clinic owner wants more of. Yet finding more time can be tricky. In this episode I discuss the value of time and talk through my 5 step plan to help you find more time to do practice building, hobbies or to spend with the people you love. Links mentioned in the show Make the most of your time workbook  Make the most of your time presentation in The Practice Builders Community Here's an overview of what I talked about >> [00.52]...
Published 10/13/21
In my opinion your website is your number one marketing tool to get patients into your clinic. But how much time have you spent on your website recently.  Has the initial excitement of your clinic's website faded away and it's  been a while since you looked at it? Or do you know that your website needs some work but you don't know where to start? Well this episode is the episode for you. I give you 5 quick tips to help you make sure your website is working well for you. Plus a few ideas on...
Published 09/29/21
Should I be using social media? Is a question I am often asked by clinic owners. The answer depends on what you want social media to do for your clinic and whether it is right for your clinic. In this episode I talk through everything you need to consider before starting to use social media. Or if you are already using social media and are hitting a few bumps in the road how to change and assess what you are doing. Links discussed in the show. Episode 22 - Clinic Branding - How To Start...
Published 09/08/21
This week I am delighted to have Jamey Schrier on the show. Jamey created Practice Freedom U to help growth-minded practice owners build a MORE profitable business while working LESS hours in the clinic.  In this podcast we discuss how mindset and systems can make or break a practice and Jamey take us through the 9 protocols every clinic should put in place to be busy, successful and how they can help you to have freedom from your practice to spend time on the things you love to do. To...
Published 08/25/21
Today we move onto the 3rd and final essential element that every clinic owner should be using to attract patients to their clinic. Collecting patient reviews. Whilst collecting reviews from patients may not come naturally to you (it doesn't to me). It is a really important factor in growing your clinic. In this episode I talk through how to get over the most common objections I see to asking for reviews and show you a simple way to put this essential element in to practice. Links mentioned...
Published 08/04/21
Today we move onto the 2nd essential element that every clinic owner should be using to attract patients to their clinic. Sending regular newsletters. Clinic owners can be resistant to the idea of sending a regular newsletter as they do not want to 'spam' their patients, worry about GDPR and are unsure of what to actually write. In this episode I tackle all these objections and solve them with mindset shifts and practical suggestions. Links mentioned in the show The Practice Builders...
Published 07/21/21
In the last podcast I introduced the 3 essential elements that every clinic can use to attract patients to their practice. In this weeks podcast I go into more detail about the first element - a brilliant website. Why you need one, what makes a brilliant website and the actions you can take today to improve your website. Links mentioned in the show The Practice Builders Community - FREE Facebook group 3 Essential Elements Podcast The Practice Builders Blueprint Waitlist Here’s an...
Published 07/07/21
In this podcast I introduce the 3 essential elements every clinic needs to use to grow their clinic. The idea behind this concept is that they should be relatively easy to put into place in your clinic  leading to less overwhelm and more patients. These elements are mostly low cost and time efficient but when used regularly can really help to grow your clinic. Listen in to hear what the three elements are and how you can start to use them to grow your clinic and attract patients into your...
Published 06/23/21
Newsletters can increase patient referrals. How I hear you ask? Well when was the last time you contacted a patient who had not been into your clinic for treatment? Me? Every fortnight, with a newsletter. Why? Because it helps to remind them that I exist and educates them about other conditions I treat. So I am on their mind if they or a friend or family member needs treatment. Newsletters are often an under used resource by therapists and clinic owners. In this podcast I will discuss the...
Published 06/09/21
Is your clinic heading in the direction you want it to? Do you know where you want your clinic to be in 2 years time? Or are you frustrated as your clinic never seems to grow or change? If you are struggling with any of these questions then you need a strategy, a plan to get you to your destination. Strategies and planning can feel a bit overwhelming, but worry not. I'm here to help. In this episode I take you through strategy. Why you need one, how to create one and how to put it into action...
Published 05/26/21
Do you think of your clinic as a brand? Do you have a brand identity and image for your clinic? If not then this is the episode for you. I will explain why thinking of your clinic as a brand will help you build a busy clinic and take you through a 3 step plan to help you build your clinic brand identity. Links mentioned in the show: My blog on clinic brand identity and brand image To help you design anything www.canva.com The Practice Builders Blueprint - 6 week online course to help you...
Published 05/12/21