Just as trees requires clean and properly soiled roots to bear good fruit, we must examine our own rooting system, if we want to become a replica of Jesus Christ. We must ask ourselves: Are we rooted in God or the things of this world? Don't settle for surface-level Christianity! Just like tree roots go deep into the ground to obtain water and nutrients, we need to be deeply rooted in Christ to receive proper nourishment and support. It takes time, effort, and perseverance to develop a deep,...
Published 05/13/24
Is it hard for you to forgive someone who betrayed you? Double-crossed you? Cheated on you? Lied to you? I bet! Who really feels like forgiving someone who did us wrong... But, did you know that unforgiveness leads to bitterness and resentment? These unhealthy emotions will turn in bitter poison for our soul without healing and truly forgiving someone. The Lord commands us to forgive even the people who hurt us the most. Release yourself from the bitter poison that takes root in the soul! "If...
Published 05/05/24
No doubt... and form of narcissism is emotional abuse! Narcissistic personality disorder is a mental health condition in which people have an unreasonably high sense of their own importance. Narcissist men and women see everything from a question, “how does this affect me” perspective? This deeply hurts others and lacks genuine empathy. Underneath the surface these wounded souls carry a spirit of pride, but masks it with trying to control and manipulate their relationships. Find out the...
Published 04/27/24
God is testing your character. Testing your obedience. Testing your faithfulness. Testing your heart ... Just because you’re a chosen one, a prophet of the Lord, a Christian leader; does not mean you’re saved from persecution or suffering. In fact, you will suffer more for being a mouthpiece of the Lord. The Lord is weeding out the pure and impure. One thing He is clearly releasing through this prophetic word, "For everyone will be tested with fire” (Mark 9:39).  Question is: Are you God's...
Published 04/21/24
Back in December of 2023 the Lord started giving me prophetic dreams and messages about vineyards! Vineyards represent the nation of Israel and exists to glorify God and point people back to Him. I started to "see" and "hear" His timely Word as a repetitive confirmation. When the Lord confirms; it's a prophet’s job to go forth and tell people what He is saying. Prophets safeguard fields and vineyards during harvest time. Planting and harvesting are a critical part of a prophet's...
Published 04/14/24
Understanding the role of a prophetic watchman is vital for our nation! A watchman is a chosen prophetic vessel picked and appointed by God to guard, guide, warn, and protect people. Prophetic watchmen are called to sounds the alarm, blast the trumpet, and cut off evil intrudes from getting inside the heavenly gates. Watchmen have keen discernment, they can sense evil lurking a mile away in the spiritual realm, when others can’t. Watchmen are spiritual security guards, and their...
Published 04/06/24
Are you an easy target for gaslighters? Gaslighting techniques can easily slide into your relationships ... thinking you're the crazy one! These psychological tactics undermines one's perception of reality, causing confusion and self-doubt. These kind of behavior patterns deeply affect your personal and professional relationships, targeting your sense of self-worth, and have a deep profound impact on your identity in Christ. Truth is, it's all about control! Control, wrapped up in...
Published 04/01/24
Striking our ego does not come from a thumbs up, smiley face, or heart on social media. Truth be told, for true healing to take precedent in our lives; internal healing must be initiated. Healing your wounded soul takes internal work, not superficial pictures of you flexing in the mirror. Yikes! It's more than external beauty. It's our inner beauty that counts. If you want to survive this evil and cutthroat world, healing with God is required! Look beyond superficial appearances and societal...
Published 03/25/24
It's a CHOICE to Believe God is HEALING you! Your faith must be activated, it must supersede head knowledge or any naysayer throwing doubt your way. The enemy's desire is to have you focus on your symptoms rather than your emotional and physical healing. Unfortunately, this kind of negative thinking only takes your focus off God! You must trust God's Word with all your heart, mind, body, and soul. You must believe God's Word over any doctor's report, the news. internet, or medical label...
Published 03/18/24
Many walk around oblivious that the spiritual realm is no big deal−a myth buster. I've been hearing the Lord whisper to me about deaf and dumb spirits blocking people's ears and eyes; an invisible veil over many minds and hearts. Yes, even Christians!  Essentially, the veil that covers our mind and heart needs to be removed when dealing with the spiritual realm. We must take off the veil that has robbed innocent victims of God’s holy truth! Otherwise, we can walk around zombie-like, oblivious...
Published 03/11/24
The Lord revealed two high-ranking territorial spirits affecting our nations! While both slithery serpents seem innocent and genuine ... underneath their scaly surface is deception and pride. Furthermore, Melia unpacks the global epidemic of demonic influence, particularly in Christian leadership, and its negative impact on marriages, ministries, and business deals. Find out what the Lord revealed in these dreams and learn how to protect yourself from these dark powers of evil!  Blessings...
Published 03/04/24
Ever wondered about the heavenly realms? Many scholars believe there are three heavens; I believe this to be true as well. The very first sentence in the Bible mentioned the word heavens. “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth” (Genesis 1:1). We must understand God’s Kingdom is highly structured. Satan’s kingdom is the sphere of demonic reign. God sends His angels, giving them specific duties and tasks to complete. So, does the devil using fallen angels. But the...
Published 02/26/24
The devil is trying to cut off our communication with others ... Put us more in isolation and cast a spirit of fear upon our lives! Covid worked for a bit, and now testing the waters again, with total isolation from our loved ones. The Lord gave me many prophetic dreams about the weather; hurricanes, flooding, and specifically 4 tornadas in Florida. This weather will affect our communication!  The Lord's already revealed a territorial spirt affecting Florda, Texas, and California. (I did two...
Published 02/22/24
Is Jezebel after your marriage, engagement or affecting your dating life? Be heedful, my friends! This demonic spirit desperately wants to take over your ministry and business, too! Let's not be surprised that this controlling spirit has a sneaky agenda to seek, kill, and destroy our personal and professional relationships. (See John 10:10). Jezebel is no lower-level demon! Find out the truth about Jezebel, learn your authority in Christ, and learn how to fight using God’s mighty weapons, not...
Published 02/19/24
Many innocent people run to New Age without even knowing it. Yet, the truth is: We cannot be knitted with the devil and God at the same time ... Healing doesn't work like that. In fact, New Age teachings and methods causes major strongholds in our life. Without knowing God's truth, we can be easily duped! New Age is not healing ... only clever trickery from the enemy, making you think you're healed and delivered from your strongholds. God says, "They are demonic spirits who work miracles and...
Published 02/12/24
Working on our mindset in good, but only part of what people truly need for healing trauma. Mindset coaching primarily focuses on helping individuals shift their thoughts and beliefs to achieve their goals. But, is that really enough to heal an individual's trauma? While mindset coaching can be beneficial in many areas of your life, people require more to heal "deep rooted" trauma! In most situations, additional support and guidance from a professional is necessary. Find our 4 reasons why you...
Published 02/05/24
In a chaotic world, where do you find peace and strength? During trials and tribulations how is your faith and trust in God? The Lord has power than over exceeds any of our feelings, thoughts, or negative mindsets... but ONLY if we allow Him. Don't settle for temporary illusions of peace, happiness, and stability that the world shoves down our throats. Know this: A vertical relationship with Jesus changes everything! He offers peace that the world cannot provide. Get to know Jesus as your...
Published 01/29/24
Ladies, are you still dating in a worldly way? We must omit secular dating advice and instead follow God's teachings to avoid toxic patterns in our relationships. Be beware of 'itching ears' when it comes to worldly relationship advice that align ourselves with fleshy desires instead of God's truth. Learn to break-free from toxic patterns and discover the importance of biblical principles on dating God's way and omit carnal methods.  Blessings xo- Dating "God's Way" Course->...
Published 01/22/24
"Exciting news!" A job offer is on the horizon for a woman in November for core cancer! Although this is exciting news for a special woman, this prophetic dream also hinted at the passing of a sister. What could this mean? Many times, the Lord will have me in position to carry the burdens of others ... While this dream has several meanings in the midst, it was clear, within great tragedy- God is working on our behalf.  NOTE: If this is you, I would love to hear from you! Blessings...
Published 01/16/24
Have you ever been told that you’re “too sensitive?” Truth is, you’re not just a highly sensitive person- you're a highly sensitive prophet who feels more deeply than the ordinary, plain Jane. You're a rare breed with a beautiful gift! The problem is many don't understand it or know how to handle their God-given gift. Being an HSP means that you pay more attention to your surroundings, notice little details, reflect on ideas longer, and pick up other people's feeling and emotions more deeply...
Published 01/15/24
Aren't parents supposed to be the spiritual covering for their children? Absolutely! So, what's going in this confusing world? The devil is after our children and many parents have no clue they can be opening doors for evil to operate in their children's lives. Melia highlights the spiritual attacks on our children and the need for the parents to be intentional in teaching godly values. Parental responsibility starts in the home; not the church, government, or education system to guard your...
Published 01/08/24
Did you know that pornography addiction affects both men and women? Most don't thing that Christ followers have any issues with sexual sin, but in fact, statistics show that even pastors and church leaders have strongholds in this area of concern. Pornography addiction can have a devastating impact on relationships. The prevalence of pornography addiction is alarming, but there is hope for healing and change. Join Melia as she delves into the origins of addiction and explore avenues for...
Published 01/01/24
Feel like giving up on your spouse? Let's face it... Marriage is tough, but that does not mean you throw in the towel when things get tough. The enemy's job is to divide and conquer your godly union. More than ever, you have to "step up" and fight for your marriage! Shift perspectives and take a look through God's lens rather than playing the blame game or running away from your marriage problems. Find out 6 ways to fight for your marriage! Blessings xo- Christian Counseling & Coaching...
Published 12/18/23
Another strong prophetic warning from God! The Lord will come back to being justice to nations so we better armor up! Secret agendas and false leaders will be exposed for our future generations to see the truth of God's Word. For years the Lord has been showing me about destruction coming from the north. It's been confirmed in Scripture. I've had dreams of tsunamis, tornadoes, hurricanes, floods, and fires in buildings, cities, and on streets, even dreams about bombs and missiles in our...
Published 12/13/23