"Your voice is the thing about you that's so unique, that's going to make people crave the things that you're making. It's like a fingerprint. Nobody can replicate it." If you're feeling overwhelmed and stuck in a never-ending cycle of overthinking your first draft, and you're struggling to make progress on your book, then you are not alone! It's time to break free and find a writing routine that works for your real life. Let's get you on track to finish that first draft and move closer to...
Published 07/01/24
Published 07/01/24
Are you tired of being told that you have to be a master storyteller to succeed in business? You've probably been feeling the pressure to craft the perfect story, follow the hero's journey, and do everything the gurus say, only to end up with lackluster results.  Guess what? Your business communication can thrive without being a storytelling genius. Let's flip the script and what you thought you knew about storytelling for marketing! In this episode, you will learn how to: Uncover simple yet...
Published 06/24/24
Want to immerse your audience into your story, making them feel like they're living it rather than just reading about it? If you're a writer looking to enhance your storytelling skills, I've got the solution for you. Listen to this episode to steal shot styles from cinematographers to improve the imagery of your writing. Let's make your stories come to life! In this episode, you will learn how to: Master visual storytelling techniques to captivate your audience and bring your stories to...
Published 06/10/24
"I'm a business owner, not an influencer. So I'm not trying to just have random stories out there for no reason. I need to market myself in a way that grows my business in a way that my business is what I want it to be." Do you wish you understood how to create simple content that actually SELLS? Then you need to listen to this social media storytelling creator. Mackenzie Heflin is a content creator specializing in building online communities through strategic storytelling. With a background...
Published 06/03/24
The hardest part of creating a powerful story is knowing what to keep and what to cut? If you lose your audience's attention for just a second, most likely they are gone. But you also have to fight against a daily decreasing budget, and creative teams disagreeing, and all the other things that a business owner has to deal with when it comes to marketing. So what if I told you that I have an easy little technique you can use that I stole from a Pixar storyboard artist? Would you listen? And...
Published 05/20/24
"Your book is your movie. Your query is your movie trailer. Both of those things have to be super engrossing, hook you in, keep you moving, have a point, leave you somewhere. Beginning, middle, end." Do you want to know how to turn your big idea into a compelling book that sells and get signed by an agent? I've got the solution to help you achieve that. Let's dive into the process and make your writing dreams a reality. It's like having a friend guide you through the exciting world of book...
Published 05/06/24
What if I told you that turning case studies into compelling case stories could be the key to converting leads into enthusiastic clients? And what if I also shared a simple, four-step process to help you do just that? But here's the thing, it's not just about storytelling; it's about strategically guiding your audience through a journey that leaves them eager to take the next step with you. Join me as I reveal the secrets to transforming mundane case studies into captivating case stories...
Published 04/29/24
Have you been told to take big, overwhelming actions to make a difference, only to feel like nothing's really changing? If you're a filmmaker or content creator wanting to make an impact, you know how crucial those tiny actions by large groups are. Let's talk about how you can use those moments to not only tell inspiring stories but also drive real action. It's time to turn those tiny moments into big change. Zach Green is an environmental storyteller with a strong focus on rivers and their...
Published 04/22/24
Ever wonder how a laid-back, casual chat with a friend could skyrocket your storytelling game and transform your customer connections? Listen to this podcast to uncover the unexpected secret to possessing the power of a master storyteller and creating genuine connections with your audience. Neal Foard, a 30-yr advertising industry veteran, shares a touching journey of personal discovery and connection through the power of storytelling. His foray into TikTok was not a calculated business move,...
Published 04/15/24
If you're feeling frustrated because your branding efforts aren't getting the results you want, and you're stuck in a cycle of imitating big brands without success, then you are not alone! And this episode is going to help you. Bill Harper, an experienced branding strategist, emphasizes the emotive aspect of marketing and the importance of prioritizing the audience. His valuable insights on understanding customer needs and delivering genuine value without self-promotion provide a unique...
Published 04/01/24
Did you know that the key to creating a strong and authentic brand essence is like finding your soulmate? Yes, just like finding that perfect match, your brand essence is what will make your audience fall head over heels for your business. Let's dive in and uncover the magic behind building a brand that leaves a lasting impression. Get ready to unlock the power of your brand essence and create a loyal community that will sing your praises for the long-term. In this episode, you will learn...
Published 03/25/24
Want to unlock the key to overcoming your internal creative resistance and achieving your desired success? Discover the surprising connection between the four characters that appear in every story and how to use them to navigate your own journey. Once you do, you'll operate and move forward with an enhanced self-awareness to overcome internal obstacles and achieve creative success. In this episode, you will learn how to: Discover the impact of character roles in narratives.Conquer internal...
Published 03/11/24
What if I told you there's a secret to captivating your audience and making your brand truly stand out? It's a game-changing strategy that will help you overcome the villain of boredom and enliven your communication. If you're curious to unlock this powerful tool and make your stories unforgettable, visit businessofstory.com/abt. With nearly 40 years of experience in advertising, branding, and marketing, Park Howell is a seasoned expert in the storytelling arena. As the founder of an ad...
Published 03/04/24
Are you ready to learn how a single opening line can captivate your audience and keep them engaged until the very end? You've been told to start your stories with an attention-grabbing hook time and time again, but that feels gimmicky and your audience is on to it. They don't buy it. I've got a solution to help you achieve heightened audience engagement through impactful storytelling techniques. This isn't your typical storytelling lesson; it's a game-changer. In this episode, you will learn...
Published 02/26/24
Have you been told to share your business stories but feel like you're not getting the attention and connection you want? The pain of putting yourself out there and not getting the results you hoped for can be frustrating. Let's change that. Robert Tighe is a seasoned storyteller with a background in journalism and a passion for leveraging personal experiences to enhance professional communication. His background in sports and journalism provides a unique perspective, offering valuable...
Published 02/19/24
Hey there, content creators and marketers! Do you ever feel like you're following all the storytelling best practices, using proven formulas, and still not getting the results you want? It can be frustrating, right? You put in all this effort, but it seems like something's missing. What if I told you that the key to building a strong brand lies in understanding the power of storytelling in TWO very distinct and different ways? Let's dive into how storytelling can make or break your brand's...
Published 02/12/24
In a world where organizations struggle to share their stories, Mark Miller and Ted Vaughn revealed an unexpected twist. Their journey started with internal barriers hindering effective communication, but what they discovered was truly eye-opening. Tune into this conversation to uncover the transformative power of storytelling and culture on organizational success. Mark Miller and Ted Vaughn, co-authors of the enlightening book "Culture Built My Brand," bring a wealth of experience and...
Published 12/29/23
Does the feeling of being stuck and unfulfilled sound familiar to you? You may have been told to simply follow the traditional path of education and career, only to find that it hasn't brought you the personal growth and self-reflection you desire. The pain of feeling lost and disconnected from your true purpose can be overwhelming when you've followed the conventional wisdom without seeing the results you hoped for. But there is a better way. Deevo Tindall, a creative force with a passion...
Published 12/11/23
Does this sound familiar? You pour your heart and soul into your art, but self-doubt and fear hold you back from fully expressing yourself. You've been told to just push through and ignore the doubts, but deep down, you know that's not working. It's time to break free from these ineffective actions and discover the transformative insights that will empower you to overcome creative blocks and unlock your true potential as an artist. Steven Pressfield has become an influential figure in the...
Published 12/04/23
Discover the untold story that led Jill Riley on an extraordinary journey, transforming her family's history and inspiring generations to come. As she delves into the depths of her cattle ranching lineage, a surprising twist unravels, unveiling a truth that will forever change the way we see our own familial roots. Jill Riley is a passionate musician who has embarked on a unique endeavor to strengthen family connections and preserve ancestral stories. With a deep love for her wild and...
Published 11/13/23
If you're feeling frustrated and invisible amidst the sea of content creators, tirelessly producing content, but struggling to capture the attention of your target audience, then you are not alone! Instead of creating meaningful connections, your audience may be scrolling past your posts, unaware of the authentic stories and value you have to offer. Well, this is the episode for you. Alana Sparrow is a creative director and brand expert who knows how to captivate audiences and make a lasting...
Published 11/06/23
Do you want to unlock your potential as a writer and create stories that captivate and resonate with readers and viewers? Wondering how you can develop your unique voice in storytelling? Well then this is the episode for you. Paul Guyot is a veteran screenwriter (30 years in the biz!) who helps aspiring writers discard all the advice from the so-called "gurus" and instead focus on finding their unique voice. Paul believes that discipline is the key to success, but it's not about forcing...
Published 10/02/23
Do you want to create a thriving company culture that leads to maximum productivity and efficiency? Are you seeking a solution to shape a positive work environment that drives success? Look no further! Karen Eber is an author, consultant, keynote speaker, and thought leader on organizational culture. Having honed her skills in psychology, Karen took her insight to the business world, accelerating learning and performance in formidable companies such as HP and Deloitte. Deeply passionate...
Published 09/18/23
Does this sound familiar to you? You've been told to dream big and set goals, but somehow, taking action toward those goals feels like an uphill battle. You find yourself stuck in a cycle of frustration and unfulfilled potential. The pain of watching your dreams slip away while waiting for something to happen can be excruciating. It's time to break free from this ineffective approach and embrace the journey toward your goals by taking decisive action. Heather Parady is a tenacious trailblazer...
Published 08/21/23