Published 01/15/22
Dan Toma and Stuart Crainer discuss the impetus of his book, The Corporate Startup. Is it possible for large corporations to understand the innovations lifestyle movement? How can innovation be accounted for so that its KPIs are meaningful?
Published 09/13/19
Published 09/13/19
Businesses are interested in sustainable development, but they don't know where to start. Hoek, author of The Trillion Dollar Shift, argues that "Business for Good is Good Business".
Published 07/26/19
Stuart Crainer and Michael Jacobides discuss ecosystems. Success is as much about helping other firms to innovate as it is about being innovative yourself. Companies need to change the questions they are asking. We are now shifting from a product that is defined in terms of its individual goodsand services to something that can cross the boundaries and create new firms and new types of competition.
Published 07/02/19
How should businesses allocate their spend between trying to disrupt markets, versus their core business. How has it changed over the last seven years?
Published 06/20/19
The future of customer experience is happening now, in China. What is causing Europe and North America to lag behind? What is the future of voice assistants, and how are smart companies using them to enhance and advance the customer experience?
Published 05/23/19
What is digital transformation? In this Brightline Initiative Podcast recorded in London, Stuart Crainer interviews Karolin Frankenberger, co-author of the book The Business Model Navigator. The two discuss digital transformation - not cutting edge technology,  or digitizing products or processes, but rather holistic transformation of businesses with significantly changed value creation processes.  What mistakes do companies commonly make in pursuit of digital transformation?  Frankenberger...
Published 05/01/19
In this Brightline Initiative Podcast recorded in London, Stuart Crainer interviews Steve Goldbach, co-author of the book Detonate. In the book, Goldbach observes that executives are very clear about their fears of disruption, and have done very little in the way of actually challenging orthodoxies within their organizations.
Published 04/11/19
Stephen Frost, CEO of the Inclusion Consultancy, Frost Included, in conversation with Stuart Crainer.
Published 03/28/19
Marshall Van Alstyne in conversation with Thinkers 50 founder Des Dearlove. The two discuss Fake News and how its ramifications run more deeply than most people acknowledge.
Published 02/28/19
In this conversation between Des Dearlove and Marshall Van Alstyne, Professor at Boston University and author of Platform Revolution, the two discuss the nature of platforms and the three requirements for something to qualify as a platform.
Published 02/24/19
Alex Hill, Cofounder and Director of The Centre for High Performance, discusses his research to discover seven long-lasting organisations.
Published 02/14/19
How are failures connected? How can complex systems be fixed and improved with simple tools?
Published 01/17/19
Would you buy a Jaguar if you knew it was 3D-printed? What other technological revolutions are underway that might radically shift power in corporations and around the world?
Published 11/27/18
Thinkers50's Stuart Crainer interviews Ricardo Vargas, Executive Director of the Brightline Initiative, about why we need to be aware of the gap between new business ideas and their implementation.
Published 11/07/18