Stuart Crainer interviews Dan Pontefract on his books, Flat Army, The Purpose Effect, and now Open to Think.
Published 10/18/18
The Qi Effect: in our organizations, we design and implement processes, procedures and rules to control events and produce our desired outcomes. The problem is events are not as predictable as they seem to be, so we create new rules to deal with those problems. It creates a bureaucratic nightmare. The antidote? Qi. Qi (pronounced chee) stands for Quality Interaction and is a new way of thinking about strategy execution. At the heart of understanding Qi is understanding what it means to...
Published 09/12/18
In this podcast brought to you in partnership with the Brightline Initiative, Stuart Crainer is in coversation with Sheena Iyengar, professor of business at Columbia University, and best-selling author of “The Art of Choosing,” which was named one of the best business books of 2010 by the Financial Times. In this conversation, Iyengar discusses The Art of Choosing, a Columbia course called "Think Bigger", and a concept she has named "The Authenticity Complex."
Published 09/06/18
Howard Yu, author of "Leap: How to Thrive in a World Where Everything Can Be Copied", discusses the common pain point of executives whose products can be copied at any moment.
Published 08/14/18
In this podcast brought to you in partnership with the Brightline Initiative, Des Dearlove discusses Tendayi Viki's new report, Innovation Made Tangible. Viki maintains that in the last several years innovation has become the most important part of many business leaders' toolkit, and over 70% of C-Suite leaders view innovation as the most important capability for the future sustainability of their companies.
Published 06/28/18
Andrew Kakabadse explains how the Five Qs affect leadership and governance
Published 05/31/18
Andrew Kakabadse discusses MQ and EQ from the Five Qs
Published 05/17/18
Stuart Crainer and Andrew Kakabadse discuss the Five Qs: IQ, EQ, PQ (your political skills), RQ (your resilience) and MQ (your moral quotient).
Published 05/01/18
George Binney talks to Stuart Crainer about why he thinks leadership has become too managerial.
Published 04/06/18
Deborah Rowland's talk on how to lead change from the Thinkers50 2017 Gala event
Published 03/08/18
Stuart Crainer interviews Ricardo Vargas, the Executive Director of the Brightline Initiative.
Published 10/19/17
Des Dearlove interviews Scott Anthony, coauthor of the new book, Dual Transformation: How to Reposition Today’s Business While Creating the Future.
Published 10/12/17
Stuart Crainer interviews Susan David on her book Emotional Agility.
Published 10/05/17
John Mattone talks with Stu about leadership and executive coaching.
Published 09/21/17
Nilofer Merchant talks to us about her latest book, The Power of Onlyness: Make Your Wild Ideas Mighty Enough to Dent the World
Published 09/14/17
Globalisation strategies and how they affect business today
Published 09/07/17
Rita McGrath talks to us about strategic inflection points, how they come about, and what companies can do.
Published 07/06/17
Stuart Crainer interviews Jonas Ridderstråle about growing female talent, adhocracy, and more.
Published 06/22/17
Alf Rehn talks to us about innovation and the European Business Forum.
Published 06/08/17
Stuart Crainer interviews Mark Esposito on his latest book "Understanding How the Future Unfolds".
Published 05/25/17
Stuart Crainer interviews Andrew Kakabadse about his research in strategic thinking.
Published 03/16/17
Stuart Crainer interviews Margarita Mayo on authentic leadership.
Published 03/02/17
Stuart Crainer interviews Joseph Pistrui of IE Business School about entrepreneurship.
Published 02/16/17
Stuart Crainer interviews Enrique Dans about the influence of robotics and technology on work.
Published 02/02/17
Stuart Crainer talks with Chris Voss about his book Never Split the Difference: Negotiating As If Your Life Depended On It.
Published 12/15/16