Chelsea Jetér is a Board Certified Holistic Health Specialist, Naturopath, certified NAET practitioner, and NLP Master Trainer, and for the past 8 years she’s been focused on functional medicine, epigenetics, homotoxicology, Immunology, nutrition, and trauma informed care. She knows what it’s like to struggle with health issues and feel desperate for answers…  Now she’s become the person she really needed when she was...
Published 06/07/22
Published 06/07/22
Are you someone who suffers from migraines or chronic headaches?? This is the episode for you! CEO of Psalm Medical and Founder of Migraine Mastery, Dr. Tanya Paynter is a naturopathic doctor and migraine specialist. She graduated from the University of Washington with her Bachelor of Science in Cellular and Molecular Biology and a minor in Inorganic Chemistry. She attended Bastyr University and received her naturopathic medical degree in 2012. She has been treating chronically ill patients,...
Published 05/23/22
On todays episode, we discuss flexible dieting, macronutrients, etc. If you’ve ever been curious about what these things are, this is the episode for you! In May 2017, Olivia earned her Masters of Science in Nursing from Spalding University and became a certified Family Nurse Practitioner through the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners. Olivia has a strong faith base which drives her purpose. She uses her hobbies of fitness and nutrition to impact her practice by empowering her...
Published 05/16/22
Sandi Schwartz is an author, journalist, and mother of two. As the founder and director of the Ecohappiness Project, her mission is to inspire and educate families to build a nature habit to feel happier and calmer. Her work has been featured in The Washington Post, National Geographic, Library Journal, Yahoo!, Good Housekeeping, Chicken Soup for the Soul, Scary Mommy, and more. She began her career at the United States Environmental Protection Agency and National Academy of Sciences. Both...
Published 05/09/22
Heather Kent is a Registered Psychotherapist with a background in trauma assessment and clinical treatment. She is the two-time bestselling author of the books Heal from Your Narcissist Ex and I Left My Toxic Relationship – Now What? Much of her professional practice is focused on helping clients through the process of recovering from unresolved trauma and PTSD. Having survived her own journey through PTSD, Heather soon came to realize that many other people find themselves in the same...
Published 05/03/22
Shayna Meyer, Founder and Creator of The Enjoyment Method™, guides women to deep-rooted peace and ecstatic enjoyment in their lives! Utilizing a variety of tools and tactics including breathwork, herbal cleanses, a collection of meditations, effective education against various vices, and cutting edge thought processes, she creates a safe space where women can find true and lasting ecstatic levels of enjoyment in all the fibers of their lives through healing and community. Shayna has a...
Published 04/25/22
On today’s episode, I sit down with ultra-endurance athlete & coach Josh Elliott. He shares his story of alcoholism and how a 12 Step recovery program is changing his life for the better. Our discussion is all about breaking the stigma. So many people in this world suffer in silence because they feel like they are alone. Too many of us put on a front for friends and social media, but are truly broken and unhealthy inside. The overarching message in Josh’s story is that it’s okay to ask...
Published 04/11/22
Jennifer helps moms and families with Celiac Disease or gluten-intolerance live a healthy gluten-free lifestyle that works for their family and is sustainable in their everyday life. www.glutenfreemarcksthespot.com www.facebook.com/glutenfreemarcksthespot www.instagram.com/marcksjennifer https://www.pinterest.com/glutenfreemarcksthespot/ Join our Facebook Group: Gluten-Free Moms –Change Your Plate to Change Your Life https://www.facebook.com/groups/healthyglutenfreemoms/ GF Moms...
Published 04/04/22
Lisa Tahir is from New Orleans, Louisiana, where she became a Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW) in 2000. She expanded her practice to Los Angeles, California, in 2014, and attained her second LCSW license in California in 2016. She is additionally certified in EMDR level I, Reiki level II, and as a Thought Coach through the Institute for Transformational Thinking in Los Angeles, California. Lisa has private practice office locations and residences in both Los Angeles and New Orleans, and...
Published 03/28/22
Cristy Murray is a nurse practitioner and functional nutrition consultant. She balances functional medicine and functional nutrition to help women recover their health and fertility naturally. All without losing their minds, ruining their health, or their relationships. She does this without the negative side effects while using food and lifestyle as the first solution. She is the founder of Blueveilwellness, whose mission is to support women going through the difficult and heartbreaking...
Published 03/14/22
Alana Sharps is a multi-talented Business Strategist, Thought Leader, and Author. She is a graduate of North Carolina State University with a degree in Mechanical Engineering and a certified Six Sigma enthusiast in process improvement. She has coached C-Suite executives through continuous improvement processes that aligned with business strategies, increased operational efficiencies, and yielded millions in corporate-wide cost savings. Alana is also a survivor of a toxic marriage tangled in...
Published 03/07/22
Sherrie Dunlevy served the Wheeling, WV area for nearly 30 years both on television and radio. Today she is a best selling author, Inspirational speaker and the Founder of the Graduating Grief Academy and host of the Graduating Grief podcast. Her Number one best selling book “How Can I Help?” was written to to help people know exactly what to say and do when the people they love and care about are hurting. Sherrie helps women step out of the pain of their grief, so they can step into living...
Published 02/28/22
Jessica is the CEO/Founder of her private culinary and holistic nutritional consulting practice ‘Jessica Pecush Nutrition’ (based in Calgary, Alberta, Canada) and the Founder/Director of her online-based coaching methodology ‘The DI-JESS-TION Method’ – a holistic approach to diet and lifestyle that supports the root cause of gut issues and fuels the body, mind and spirit in powerful and therapeutic ways. A Culinary Nutrition Expert, Certified Holistic Nutritional Consultant™ and AIP...
Published 02/21/22
Amelia Sherry, MPH, RD, CDCES is a registered and certified dietitian nutritionist who specializes in working with families and children who are struggling with issues related to weight, growth, and diabetes via a New York-based private practice.  Amelia is also the founder of NourishHer, an online resource for moms who want to raise girls who have happy, healthy relationships with food, their body, and their weight. You can get tools and strategies for protecting girls from diet culture from...
Published 02/14/22
Today we discuss money and budgeting!! Karen brings a unique take on taking the stress out of your budget! We are John and Karen, parents of two incredible kids, who love family time, especially time spent walking on the beach or hiking in the backcountry, enjoying the beauty of the world around us. We are on a mission to show other family’s how they can achieve more, live more, be more, have more. Right Now. With the income you currently have. We were just like you, living a “normal”...
Published 02/07/22
Genevieve Joy is a Higher Self Healer and transformative guide for Warrior Women across the globe. During her personal journey from victim to warrior she overcame multiple debilitating chronic health conditions that experts said were incurable, left a 14 year abusive marriage and completely transformed herself from a suicidal abuse victim into an empowered woman who truly loves herself and her life.  She's on a mission to make the world a better place by ending the suffering of as many women...
Published 01/31/22
Welcome back to Season 2 of the Thrive and Shine Wellness Podcast!  Today is an episode with yours truly. I wanted to give an update on what has been going on the past year and to let you know what’s coming up on this season of the podcast!  I hope you enjoy this season as I bring you more topics in so many different areas of wellness! Follow me on Instagram at @thriveandshine_wellness www.thriveandshinewellness.org
Published 01/24/22
Dr. Debi Silber is the founder of the Post Betrayal Transformation Institute and is a holistic psychologist, a health, mindset and personal development expert, the author of the #1 bestselling book: The Unshakable Woman: 4 Steps to Rebuilding Your Body, Mind and Life After a Life Crisis and her newest book: Trust Again: Overcoming Betrayal and Regaining Health, Confidence and Happiness. Her recent PhD study on how we experience betrayal made 3 groundbreaking discoveries that changes how long...
Published 08/09/21
Elisabeth Kristof is an expert in using applied neurology to move people out of pain, unwanted behavior and stress response. She is the founder of Brain-Based Wellness, a revolutionary online platform that trains the nervous system and body to resolve old patterns, improve performance and increase well-being. Elisabeth is a certified applied neurology practitioner who has been in the fitness and movement industry since 2007. She works with entrepreneurs, athletes, leaders and creatives to...
Published 08/02/21
Natalie Jurado is the founder of Rooted In, a line of therapeutic magnesium infused moisturizers that actively calm and relax your mood. She is a sought after thought leader, educator and speaker and has worked at the forefront of the wellness industry for over 8 years. She’s considered an expert in all things magnesium and her mission is to spread awareness of this powerful mineral to all who struggle to live their most vibrant lives. Order your magnesium here:...
Published 07/19/21
Ashley’s journey hasn’t been easy and that’s what she’s here to tell us about today! Many people think weight loss surgery is taking the easy way out when in reality, it’s far from easy. Ashley was always an athletic person. But after having her daughter she found the struggle was very real to get the weight off. She tried every diet out there. She wanted something so concrete that helped her stay accountable and on track. So at 278 pounds, she chose weight loss surgery to aide in the...
Published 07/12/21
Kate is the author of Bulimia Sucks! It is an inspiring, practical book written to empower people to break through the barriers stopping them from taking that first step to freedom from bulimia. With astounding new approaches and techniques, to learn how to reprogram their mind to freedom. At the age of 18, Kate began her bulimic career in earnest. Fifteen years later and after much help. She eventually freed herself from the clutches of anorexia and bulimia. She then stepped out and...
Published 07/05/21
Emma is a Certified Advanced Hypnotherapist and Trauma Freedom Coach, Resilience Expert and International Bestselling Author known for achieving life-altering results for each of her clients. She is the creator of the ‘Transform from Trauma’ 7-Step Blueprint. She uses Advanced Hypnotherapy and Regression Therapy combined with her own unique Coaching techniques and genuine real life experiences to completely free her clients from past trauma and the destructive, stubborn patterns and...
Published 06/21/21
Lily Allen-Duenas is the founder of the Wild Yoga Tribe. She is a holistic health and wellness coach, yoga teacher, meditation guide, and Reiki Master Healer. She teaches Hatha, Vinyasa, Yin and Prenatal/Postnatal yoga. Endeavoring to help overwhelmed individuals reduce their emotional overload, Lily helps people find balance, breath, and space for self-care. Lily has taught yoga classes and wellness workshops all over the world. Living in France, she now offers private yoga classes and...
Published 06/14/21