Does this sound familiar? You've been told that building a successful business is as easy as posting on social media, but despite your efforts, you're not seeing the growth you desire. The frustration of investing time and energy into your venture without seeing results can be overwhelming. But what if we told you that success is attainable through hard work and dedication? In this episode of the TSP Show, Lamar explores the essential link between entrepreneurship and relentless commitment....
Published 06/12/23
Do you want to achieve financial stability and security for your future? Are you searching for sustainable ways to build wealth? Look no further! Today on The TSP Show, our guests, Amelia Thomas and Cassandra Cummings, are here to share the solution for achieving the result you desire. They will be discussing wealth building strategies that will help you create a solid financial foundation through sustainable investments. By following their expert advice, you can attain financial freedom and...
Published 06/09/23
If you're feeling frustrated and defeated because despite your efforts to prioritize health equity, you still see marginalized communities experiencing health disparities, then you are not alone! Today on the TSP Show we interviewed Darian McDaniel, a St. Louis native and now Atlanta-based entrepreneur. He is the co-founder and CEO of PROBLK HEALTH, a company dedicated to addressing health disparities within the Black community.  Darian's journey began with a life-changing experience at...
Published 06/07/23
Do you desire to establish long-lasting and effective business relationships? As an entrepreneur who values relationship-building, Lamar understands the importance of creating strong partnerships through consistent communication. Today on The TSP Show, Lamar will share the solution that will enable you to foster enduring business connections that yield fruitful results. He will show you how to cultivate enduring partnerships that thrive on consistent engagement and mutual trust. If you are...
Published 06/05/23
Does your business bring you joy? As an entrepreneur, making money is probably the primary focus of your business, but today’s guest speaks to the joy that his business brings him as a community leader. Today on The TSP Show, we hear from Darian McDaniel, co-founder of PROBLK Health, a vitamin supplement brand focused on raising the collective health of the Black Community. His approach to business is rooted in service and education, which has helped him grow his idea into a seven-figure...
Published 06/02/23
Entrepreneurs, have you been sold on these common myths about team building? You might have heard that team building is a waste of time, that you can build a successful business alone, or that team building is just a way to boost morale. But the truth is, these myths can hold you back from reaching your full potential. Today on The TSP Show, we've brought in team building expert Joy Pittman to debunk these misconceptions and share the real importance of team building for business growth and...
Published 05/31/23
Is your money mindset limiting your earning potential? Today on The TSP Show, Lamar emboldens you to unlock the next level of your financial success by letting go of your finite understanding of what is possible. The success of your business depends on your ability to level up. If you do not believe your business can make a million dollars, it won’t.  It does not matter if you are starting at ground zero or managing a six-figure business; there is always a new level to unlock. Money comes to...
Published 05/29/23
Are you struggling to do it all? Today on The TSP Show, Ronnie Tyler and Rita Egbele share how they balance motherhood, self-care, and entrepreneurship. Rita and Ronnie give you the tools to manage your time and communicate your needs without sacrificing your family or business.  Ronnie Tyler is the chief operations officer at TSP and a mother of four.  She shares how she shifted her expectations on the non-essentials so she could devote herself to the most important aspects of motherhood and...
Published 05/26/23
Can introverts dominate sales? The short answer is yes! Today on The TSP Show, Chris Kirkwood from Speak Your Way to Cash joins us to show how introverts can leverage their skills to make millions in sales. Chris gives you the tools to sell with confidence by shifting your mindset around money and relationships. Sales revolve around communication, and introverts are intrinsically great at one-on-one relationships. Chris teaches you how to lean into your strengths as an introvert so that you...
Published 05/24/23
Is your product a vitamin or a painkiller? Today on The TSP Show, Lamar teaches you the quickest way to evaluate the profitability of your product or service.  Entrepreneurs exist to solve problems, so you need to learn how to recognize your customer's pain points and provide the painkiller they will drop any amount of money to get their hands on.  To make six figures quickly, you must create a product that solves problems today! You can take or leave a vitamin, but nobody is walking away...
Published 05/22/23
Do you know how to get the most out of your expertise? Today on The TSP Show, Shana Campbell joins us to show you every avenue you can take as a corporate consultant. You can go beyond individualized mentorship and position yourself to coach entire companies.  In this episode, Shana gives you the roadmap to maximize your content through training, mentorship, and licensing. You can do more than coach a CEO! Understanding your client's needs enables you to provide value at a higher profit....
Published 05/19/23
Do you want to learn how to craft a six-figure beauty business? Today on The TSP Show, Gabrielle Allen shares how she shifted from blogger to hair stylist and cultivated it into a six-figure business. Gabrielle founded Strawberrii Curls Salon in New Orleans and now coaches inspiring stylists on how to do the same. In this episode, she discusses how she shifted her mindset about the client experience and how that completely transformed her business model.  If you want to charge more, you need...
Published 05/17/23
What will you be left with when the time comes to sell your business? Today on The TSP Show, Lamar reminds you of the importance of developing your exit strategy. Ask yourself if you want to be married to your business, or would you rather walk away with the ultimate payday? Entrepreneurs crave freedom, but many get trapped in the title of business owner for life. Financial freedom comes to the entrepreneurs who plan and execute their exit strategy. In this episode, Lamar teaches you how to...
Published 05/15/23
Do you feel uncertain of what your next step is? The road to success starts with action, so you have to decide to start even when you do not know what the next step is. Today on The TSP Show, Karen Baxter takes the stage to inspire you to develop your mindset and start your entrepreneurial journey. Karen is the founder and CEO of  Ms. Creative, a coaching program that helps you craft a six-figure business. Her mindset training allows you to conquer limiting beliefs and forge your own...
Published 05/12/23
Is life feeling like a series of obstacles you cannot overcome? What if you could navigate life’s challenges knowing every circumstance is temporary? Today on The TSP Show, we hear from Tronda Giles, co-founder of The Healthcare Game Plan. She shares her story of overcoming homelessness with dignity and how she never doubted that she would become a millionaire.  Tronda gives insight into her childhood experience as a homeless teenager in California. Although she lived in traumatic...
Published 05/10/23
Are you in control of your emotions? Today on The TSP Show, Lamar reminds you about the importance of self-control. You cannot control how people treat you, but you can control how you react.  As an entrepreneur, you are constantly under emotional stress from clients, partners, and even your own staff; however, if you allow them to control your emotions, they control you.  To maintain control of your business, you should maintain control of your emotions. One emotional outburst could destroy...
Published 05/08/23
Do you let perfection get in the way of progress? Today on The TSP Show, Shade Y. Adu joins us to inspire you to drop the ego and start creating content today. Shade is a digital brand strategist helping entrepreneurs step into their greatness. She destroys the myth that content should be perfect and shows you how to start increasing the value of your content today! You have a studio in your pocket! You do not need to wait for the perfect camera to start creating content, because waiting only...
Published 05/05/23
Do you know that authorship is the quickest way to elevate your expertise? The written word is the oldest form of media, and it still holds a high status in our society. Today on The TSP Show, Chanel Martin joins us to share how she entered the publishing space and how you can write a book in seven days. Chanel is an award-winning author and coach helping aspiring writers become published authors. In this episode, she gives you the framework to execute your ideas and accomplish your dream of...
Published 05/03/23
Do you ever feel like the bar is set higher for black entrepreneurs? Today on the TSP Show, Lamar brings attention to the fact that black businesses are often expected to achieve perfection, even among industries notorious for poor customer service. We live in a world where it's acceptable to go to Popeyes and leave with the wrong order, but black-owned businesses are expected to achieve a higher level of excellence or reinforce a stereotype. People are going out of their way to support black...
Published 05/01/23
Do you struggle to financially plan for expansion? As you grow your team, you need to know where their salary will come from and understand the financial capabilities of your company. Today on The TSP Show, Ephraim and Rita Egbele join us from the EFS Group, a team of certified accountants that serve business owners to reach their financial goals. Ephraim is the founder and managing director; his specialty is helping small business owners maximize their profits while lowering their tax...
Published 04/28/23
Do you know how to stand out against your competition? In a world full of AI content and Instagram entrepreneurs, you need to be different in order to survive. Today on The TSP Show, Audria Richmond joins us from UnCloned Media to teach you how to access your creativity and make your business extraordinary. Before Audria founded UnCloned, she was a serial entrepreneur, but there was something missing…marketing. Learning how to market herself changed the trajectory of her life, and today she...
Published 04/26/23
Do you know how to double your profits? Most entrepreneurs try to expand their customer base, but the truth is you don’t need to waste resources targeting new customers! Today on The TSP Show, Lamar teaches you a simple and effective way to double your profits in 2023. The secret is that the money is already there. If you start targeting your current customers, the people who already love you, and get them to buy one more item, or add one more service, you could double your profits without...
Published 04/24/23
Are you struggling to balance work and family life? No matter how much money you make as an entrepreneur, life will continue to throw you curve balls. Today on The TSP Show, Nikki Klugh and Brandy Woods Smith discuss the burden of mental illness on their families and how this community is breaking down the stigma of mental illness and creating a supportive community for parents in the entrepreneurial space.  Nikki Klugh founded Nikki Klugh Designs, a specialty design firm that creates sacred...
Published 04/21/23
Are you struggling to transition into the role of a CEO? Today on The TSP Show, Apryl Beverly joins us to discuss how she went from full-time copywriter to CEO of Word Stylistz. Her company provides compelling, cash-generating copywriting services that will transform your business. In this episode, she breaks down the essence of an effective copywriter and how she handled her transition into the role of a CEO.  Your time is valuable, but independent service providers often find it challenging...
Published 04/19/23
Are you willing to work your life away? You have been sold a lie, and it is costing you the best years of your life. Today on The TSP Show, Lamar inspires you to take action today so you can enjoy tomorrow! They teach you, that if you work your entire life, you can comfortably retire, but the truth is that the average American does not have enough money to sustain themselves in retirement.  Society doesn't want you to be free from the system, so it’s time to stop listening to the advice they...
Published 04/17/23