What does it really take to successfully lead in the 21st Century? Leading well is difficult. If it were easy, more people would be doing it. Bad leadership results in disengagement, turnover, unhappiness, anxiety, stress, and poor performance.
Published 05/08/20
What does it really take to successfully lead in the 21st Century? Leading well is difficult. If it were easy, more people would be doing it. Bad leadership results in disengagement, turnover, unhappiness, anxiety, stress, and poor performance. Today’s workforce seeks a new type of leader, better equipped to navigate the speed and complexity of our digital workplace. Employees (59% of whom are Gen Y and Z) want to work in organizations with a clear sense of purpose, with leaders who connect...
Published 05/08/20
The Wall Street Journal recently reported that, “women today lead 167 of the country’s top 3,000 companies – more than double the share a decade ago, but still under 6%.
Published 05/01/20
The Wall Street Journal recently reported that, “women today lead 167 of the country’s top 3,000 companies – more than double the share a decade ago, but still under 6%.” “Despite all the attention and the one-off successes, the overall picture still looks bleak,” says,” co-founder of Her New Standard, Ellen Keithline Byrne. The problem is people are stuck in the old narratives about what’s holding women back and not shifting their perceptions to what the data shows. Denise D’Agostino,...
Published 05/01/20
What exactly is meant by trust-based leadership? What does integrity, the power of why, “like”, understanding plateaus, and sharing the mantle have to do with trust? “Trust is a critical link to all good relationships whether personal or professional.
Published 04/24/20
What exactly is meant by trust-based leadership? What does integrity, the power of why, “like”, understanding plateaus, and sharing the mantle have to do with trust? “Trust is a critical link to all good relationships whether personal or professional.” When present, the speed of things moves quicker and when trust is low or even absent, the results can be poor productivity and low energy. This show will dig into practical approaches for building long-sustaining trust.
Published 04/24/20
Everyone admires visionary leaders like Jeff Bezos and Steve Jobs, who look past the conventional wisdom of their day, foresee a different and better world, and mobilize others to join them in their quest to create it.
Published 04/17/20
Everyone admires visionary leaders like Jeff Bezos and Steve Jobs, who look past the conventional wisdom of their day, foresee a different and better world, and mobilize others to join them in their quest to create it. But few leaders understand the principles and practices that practical visionaries use. It is not just what they think but how they think that allows them to see so much farther and clearer. In this episode we will discuss: · How leaders can catalyze even the most complacent...
Published 04/17/20
Have you ever been on a highly talented team, but the team wasn’t very good? Have you ever been on a team where not every single member was a rock star, but something about the team just worked? We’ve all had these types of experiences.
Published 04/10/20
Have you ever been on a highly talented team, but the team wasn’t very good? Have you ever been on a team where not every single member was a rock star, but something about the team just worked? We’ve all had these types of experiences. Yet, it can be difficult to understand what makes one team successful and another one not. In this show we will dive deep into the ways great organizations build trust, collaborate, and operate at their peak level. While each team and organization have their...
Published 04/10/20
Master Your Mind; Counterintuitive Strategies to Re-focus and Re-energize Your Runaway Brain.
Published 04/03/20
Master Your Mind; Counterintuitive Strategies to Re-focus and Re-energize Your Runaway Brain. Fed up with trying to get ahead in business by working longer hours and continually racing your brain at a hundred miles an hour? Unfortunately, success in business is spelled M-O-R-E: better results, faster growth, more revenue, greater efficiency. Do more. Make more. Achieve more. And do it now. Master Your Mind offers an antidote to the endless (and pointless) cycle of "doing more" in order to...
Published 04/03/20
What does it really take to successfully lead in the 21st Century? Leading well is difficult. If it were easy, more people would be doing it. Bad leadership results in disengagement, turnover, unhappiness, anxiety, stress, and poor performance.
Published 03/27/20
What does it really take to successfully lead in the 21st Century? Leading well is difficult. If it were easy, more people would be doing it. Bad leadership results in disengagement, turnover, unhappiness, anxiety, stress, and poor performance. Today’s workforce seeks a new type of leader, better equipped to navigate the speed and complexity of our digital workplace. Employees (59% of whom are Gen Y and Z) want to work in organizations with a clear sense of purpose, with leaders who connect...
Published 03/27/20
What does it really take to successfully lead in the 21st Century? Leading well is difficult. If it were easy, more people would be doing it. Bad leadership results in disengagement, turnover, unhappiness, anxiety, stress, and poor performance. Today’s workforce seeks a new type of leader, better equipped to navigate the speed and complexity of our digital workplace. Employees (59% of whom are Gen Y and Z) want to work in organizations with a clear sense of purpose, with leaders who connect...
Published 03/27/20
What makes the difference between an effective leader and a dysfunctional leader? How can leaders maximize their effectiveness when they have a large span of control? The answer to these questions lies in an individual attribute that most leaders overlook: their mindsets. For decades, researchers have found that mindsets are foundational to and drive how individuals think, learn, and behave. Despite their foundational influence, few in organizations ever talk about or focus on mindsets. In...
Published 03/20/20
As today’s companies race to compete on data, algorithms and AI, they risk losing touch with something far more valuable: what’s human. Some companies are failing to meet this new challenge.
Published 03/13/20
As today’s companies race to compete on data, algorithms and AI, they risk losing touch with something far more valuable: what’s human. Some companies are failing to meet this new challenge. So what to do? In this show, Tobaccowala will define the challenge we’re faced with in a world that has too much math and too little meaning. Next, we will discuss how anyone in business can counterbalance the digital and the analog with practical techniques for counterbalancing screens, codes, and...
Published 03/13/20
Most companies think they have integrity…until they get boycotted, protested and skewered in the press. They’ll punish and apologize for lapses but have no clue about prevention.
Published 03/06/20
Most companies think they have integrity…until they get boycotted, protested and skewered in the press. They’ll punish and apologize for lapses but have no clue about prevention. Rob Chesnut is Chief Ethics Officer at Airbnb and knows first-hand what it takes to drive integrity into corporate culture. A former Federal Prosecutor who prosecuted spy Aldrich Ames, he went on to found the Trust and Safety Department for eBay and the integrity training program for Airbnb: two companies with...
Published 03/06/20
Do you ever blame or avoid others? Blame yourself? Or seek to collaborate even when others refuse? These destructive habits can keep you and others stuck in what Jennifer Goldman-Wetzler calls the "conflict loop.
Published 02/28/20
Do you ever blame or avoid others? Blame yourself? Or seek to collaborate even when others refuse? These destructive habits can keep you and others stuck in what Jennifer Goldman-Wetzler calls the "conflict loop." This show will address ways you can demonstrate true leadership and break this cycle. From observing your very own conflict habits and patterns, honoring ideal and shadow values, to imagining your ideal future, you can successfully break the conflict loop. Actively engaging conflict...
Published 02/28/20
Workers want and need to know that they are appreciated. New research shows that gratitude boosts employee engagement, reduces turnover, and leads team members to express more gratitude to one another – strengthening team bonds.
Published 02/21/20