Co-founders Meghan, a Yoga and Meditation Instructor and Jeanna Marie, a Law Enforcement Officer and licensed clinician joined Rich to discuss Wellness for Warriors. This TEAM is comprised of a wealth of diverse experiences that make them unique and able to accomplish their goals and mission. They simply want to help.... First Responders and their families, can utilize their free no cost services and have the confidence of anonymity and confidentiality. Check them out at:...
Published 12/23/20
We sit down with Emelie Nimtz for the final part of a 3 part series recapping what it's like, one year later, after the line of duty death of her partner.
Published 09/24/20
Frustrated with a number of issues placing Law Enforcement under siege, this episode provides insight from a nearly 40 year Law Enforcement veteran still serving on the front lines.
Published 09/09/20
We were fortunate to sit down and have a conversation with Tom. Tom is a retired Law Enforcement veteran who shared his perspective on several topics.There is a lot of negative attention given to Law Enforcement portrayed by many in the media today. Although this conversation could have certainly been negative, we found it interesting to note how Tom's attitude remained very positive and upbeat regarding the topics. 
Published 08/10/20
Nick Wilson of the Resiliency Project joined us to discuss mental health and the common theme consistently came back to leadership. It just goes to show whether you are talking about Florida, California, or anywhere in between, Leadership is CRUCIAL, especially these days. 
Published 07/30/20
Kaylyn, a college student who is not afraid to support Law Enforcement, shares some insight while working on a journalism project involving Law Enforcement and mental health. From speaking with Officers near and far, active and retired, the results are fairly consistent. Support is lacking and its taking a toll.
Published 07/16/20
We sat down with Teresa Kondek to share with us over five years later, how her husband, Charlie Kondek's legacy lives on. We also took the opportunity to hear what Teresa felt about some current trends involving her Law Enforcement Family.
Published 07/11/20
Less than two weeks before their Father's one year end of watch anniversary, Emelie Nimtz takes us through the last twelve months for Elizah and Tommy.
Published 07/10/20
Ten Eight Memes joined us on tonight's episode for a much needed break from the daily stresses of the job and everything else going on these days. They are on Facebook at Ten Eight Memes and Instagram at teneight_memes.
Published 06/16/20
On this episode, Emelie Nimtz takes us through the heartbreaking and difficult reality of receiving the dreaded knock on the door. Emelie shares what follows in the first week when our Law Enforcement Family are tragically killed in the line of duty...
Published 06/13/20
We are honored to introduce of our newest volunteers and Family Liaisons, Emelie Nimtz, wife of Benji Nimtz.  
Published 05/18/20
Rich was joined by the Florida Tour de Force's Vice President Kevin, Board Member Todd, and Board Member Q to share some exciting updates regarding the 2020 Florida Tour de Force. More information at www.FloridaTourDeForce.org 
Published 05/13/20
18 years in the profession... Whats changed and how do we stay motivated? Remember what Less Brown said, “When life knocks you down, land on your back. Because if you can look up, you can get up."
Published 05/10/20
Rich sat down with Caroline, Melissa, Claudia, and Kristen who combined, brought a lot of unique experience to the table. As Claudia said, "You might forget me when you hang up the phone or when you put away your uniform but I don't forget the sound of fear in your voice, your tears, the relief in your voice when it's a false alarm".
Published 04/20/20
We sat down with Jon and Lou Tuesday evening. Jon is a military veteran and an active Police Officer in New Hampshire. Lou is the President of his Local Union and an active Police Officer in New Jersey. It was interesting to discuss the similarities and differences facing these Law Enforcement Officers. Being "essential", everyone leaves their families at home to care for the communities they serve.
Published 04/01/20
An honest conversation about relationships with a First Responder. Emelie Nimtz, of the Benjamin Nimtz Hero Foundation, thought it was important to have a candid conversation with First Responders and not hold back. Emelie was joined by volunteers with TSF who bring a diverse background with varying experience and opinions.
Published 03/28/20
March 13th, 2016... Almost four years after that horrific date, we had the privilege of sitting down with Bev Perez. Thanks to Bev, this podcast was an amazing, honest, candid, open, direct, and blunt conversation. Bev shared a small glimpse into some of the ups and downs that she had experienced. We could not be more proud and honored to call Bev one of our sisters and see all of the great things yet to come.
Published 03/18/20
Huge thank you to Sam and Amirah for coming together and candidly discussing perception in today's communities as it relates to Law Enforcement. #BridgeTheGap #Policing #OneBigFamily #HumanizeTheBadge
Published 03/03/20
Meet our secretary, Christine. Our apologies for some technical difficulties with the audio.
Published 02/26/20
On tonight's show, we are honored to have Emelie Nimtz, the wife of fallen Broward Sheriff's Deputy Benji Nimtz with us. Emelie was kind enough to open our eyes and those who choose to listen by hearing a unique perspective not often considered.  
Published 02/09/20
Proud to introduce some of our great volunteers. Mike, our current Vice President, shares a little bit about himself.
Published 02/04/20
Truth behind the badge - Episode 2: We have to do better. Introduction, what you can expect from our podcast, and the importance on surrounding yourself with positivity.
Published 02/02/20
We'll be introducing some of our volunteers who make us who we are. We'll also have those in depth and difficult conversations that are needed to improve our profession and communities.
Published 01/06/20
We look forward to sharing the truth behind the badge with our podcasts.Additional information about us can be found at www.TeamSouthFlorida.org
Published 01/03/20