Sometimes the word co-parenting is a myth. We have our own beliefs about what co-parenting should be like and get frustrated when that isn’t the reality. My guest on this episode is Michelle Dempsey, the author of Moms Moving On: Real-Life Advice on Conquering Divorce, Co-Parenting Through Conflict, and Becoming Your Best Self. Episode Highlights: Setting realistic expectations about co-parentingWhat to do when rules are different for your kids in each homeHow oversharing and other types of...
Published 10/11/22
How many times a day do you hear a voice inside you that is putting you down? I hear it multiple times. It’s not really my voice, though. It’s a culmination of voices that I’ve heard over the years criticizing me.  My guest Jacquie Elliott has a name for it: abusive brain chatter. This episode will help you get the tools you need to find the loving voice that’s within you. Jacquie is a certified life, relationship, and spiritual coach who leads retreats that help women find their purpose and...
Published 10/05/22
Being a good listener is critical to building healthy relationships. It’s easy for us to think we are good listeners when, in reality, there is still a lot to learn.  My guest on this episode is Christine Miles, and she will help you transform the way you listen. Chistine is the founder of EQuipt, a training and consulting company that uses a method called The Listening Path to help improve organizations and create cultures of understanding. She has taught at various Fortune 100 corporations,...
Published 09/13/22
This discussion with the founders of Best Self Magazine will help you avoid parenting mistakes during a breakup or divorce. Bill Miles and Kristen Noel are the creators of the Best Self Intuitive Divorce Coaching Program, which focuses on achieving the best outcomes for kids during a divorce.  Together they help parents in the early stages of divorce avoid unnecessary pain and suffering, so they can take control of their divorce before it takes control of them.   Episode highlights: What it...
Published 09/06/22
When I got divorced, I felt like I didn’t know anything about finances because my husband had always managed our money. It was a scary situation, and I had no confidence in my financial  future. If you find yourself in a similar situation, my guest Rachael Burns has some solid advice for women on how to achieve financial independence after the loss of their partner.  Episode highlights: How to take control of day-to-day finances when you’re newly single The importance of taking stock of your...
Published 08/15/22
I remember the time in my life when I was at my lowest. I honestly didn’t know how I was going to get out of all the pain alive. Maybe you have been there or you are there right now.  My guest George Kalantzis has also been at that point. George is a combat veteran, a podcast host, and author of the book Nowhere To Go. He shares his story of overcoming a suicide attempt and finding a life of meaning, inspiration, and empowerment.   Episode Highlights: Why George decided not to commit...
Published 08/08/22
When we are triggered, our initial instinct is to fight back or stand up for ourselves using words that often come out as confrontational. Immediately after the trigger, we produce a negative thought, which leads to a negative emotion, which always produces a negative outcome. But if you use my ABC method, it will mitigate the negative thought from occurring, and thus, give you a much better outcome! “Always Be Curious” will help you put resentment and unresolved anger aside and give you the...
Published 07/29/22
What is happiness and how do we achieve it? My guest Mike Duffy actually has a formula for it, based on his research and the wisdom of thought leaders. Our conversation on forgiveness, especially, could help you get one step closer to being happy!  Episode Highlights:  Managing negative thinkingThe ‘purpose + progress = happiness’ formula and what it meansThe law of reciprocity and how it relates to happinessFinding your purpose Resources: Happiness Hall of Fame Mike Duffy Speaks Happiness...
Published 07/18/22
You meet someone for the first time. The passion is head-spinning. You feel like you’ve known them forever. But then, they begin to pull back. And just when you’re ready to say goodbye, they come back into your life. And the cycle keeps repeating itself.  I call this drunk love. In this episode, I break down the characteristics of a love addict and a love avoidant, and how you can be both. But more importantly, the key indicators for a healthy relationship, and how you can break the cycle of...
Published 07/11/22
I want to share with you an inspiring story of a warrior who overcame what she once thought was impossible. Susie Pettit went through a tumultuous divorce and knew she had to break a pattern of codependency if she wanted to create a life filled with happiness.  She is now taking the important lessons she learned during this difficult time and coaching others about setting healthy boundaries and breaking away from people-pleasing.  Our conversation might help you or a loved one identify...
Published 06/27/22
When we have a physical injury, like the broken foot I had recently, we usually take the steps needed to acknowledge the injury and heal it. Why is it then that we often take the opposite approach with our emotional wounds? We try to pretend they don’t exist and want to hide them from the world.  In this episode, I share how we can protect our emotional scars so that they can heal and stay healed. It is my hope that after you listen, you’ll be better equipped to get close to those people you...
Published 06/20/22
The majority of my listeners and clients are women. Many people think this is by choice and that I market specifically to women. That’s actually not the case. My theory as to why I have fewer male clients is that men often suffer in silence, especially when they are dealing with a narcissistic spouse or partner.  In my opinion, female narcissists can be far more covert and manipulative than male narcissists. Women can be verbally and emotionally abusive to men, but our culture often keeps us...
Published 05/31/22
Have you ever wanted to share your personal story either by writing a book or starting a podcast? Finding your voice and then being able to speak it authentically is what today's episode is all about. I'm talking with Jackie McDougall who is an expert on coaching people on how to find their voice from within and crafting a story that is uniquely theirs.  I'm incredibly passionate about this topic because if it wasn't for me finding my voice, and being able to share my story with you every...
Published 05/24/22
How many times a day do you find your inner critic getting in the way of your success, dreams, or relationships? Are you even aware of how much it sabotages your authentic self from rising and thriving in your life? Today I am talking all about the inner critic with Leadership Expert, Maureen Ross Gemme. Episode Highlights: Maureen’s unique approach to inner critic management begins with giving a name to your inner critic voice  Some of the ways the inner critic shows up in our livesWhat to...
Published 05/17/22
I have come to think of Mother’s day like Valentine’s Day. It has so much hype and hope, coupled with all the social media posts we see of happy people, happy couples, or happy families doing their thing… to me, Mother’s day is a huge setup for disappointment and hurt.   In this episode, I share how this year’s Mother’s Day was heartbreaking, and the lesson I learned in overcoming the pain. It’s a short but sweet episode, aimed to keep things real and recognize all you moms out there, who...
Published 05/10/22
Money coach, Morganna Rae, joins me for an eye-opening discussion about how to rebuild yourself financially and heal the rift between heart, spirit, and money. Have you ever thought about your relationship with money? Did you even know there was such a thing? If you are newly divorced or thinking about it, it's very likely your relationship with money is wrought with fear, scarcity, resentment, or another negative emotion.  Morganna explains the root cause of money issues and the connection...
Published 05/03/22
The most common question I get from my clients or readers is, “What if I'm the narcissist?” This is a question wrought with fear. And it often comes from the actual narcissist, accusing you of being a narcissist.  If you think you're a narcissist, then that means you are concerned about other people's feelings, as well as questioning your own behavior and taking accountability for it. This is the exact opposite of how a narcissist thinks and operates.   Your biggest problem with a narcissist...
Published 04/05/22
“When you take away the illusions and defenses you had to deal with growing up, the path to authenticity becomes very clear” -Dion, Breakup Breakthrough graduate.  Rarely do I get the chance to interview men who have overcome narcissistic abuse, because so few like to openly talk about it. But this week, I’m honored to have you meet Dion, my client and recent Breakup Breakthrough graduate, who shares his rise out of an abusive marriage and finding a life filled with peace and joy.    Dion...
Published 03/29/22
Today I’m sharing an unbelievable story about a miracle that happened in my life and its message of forgiveness. I share my experience in hopes that you can find a piece of my story that is relatable to you and your life.   In order to understand the present, I first need to take you back to the past. In this episode, I detail the traumatic event that happened when I was six years old and how it resurfaced in 2020, in more ways than one! The moment I was able to accept not knowing the truth...
Published 03/22/22
You may have heard of law of attraction principles such as “like attracts like,” or whatever you think, you will get. It’s that simple, right?  No, it’s not. Most law of attraction books and teachings skip over something extremely important: how the traumatized brain is in exact conflict of the laws we want to attract. In this episode, I explore how the ego, conscious mind, and subconscious mind coupled with trauma can impact (or even sabotage) the things we want to attract into our lives. I...
Published 03/15/22
Today we are going to talk about the authentic self versus the adapted self and how each type affects the way in which you show up in the world.  The authentic self is your innate being, your inner knowing. It encompasses your earliest thoughts, likes and dislikes, your passions, and your capabilities. Think of your authentic self as the way you shine for all to see.   The adapted self is the opposite. When your personality begins to develop around the age of four or five, you must learn how...
Published 03/08/22
This week we’re going deep into childhood traumas and how it affects your relationships. A few weeks ago, I was invited by my dear friend and colleague, Jennifer Hurvitz, to join her on her podcast, Doing Relationships Right.  The episode turned out great and Jennifer gave me permission to broadcast it on my channel so you can benefit from it too.  You have heard me talk a lot about childhood trauma in previous episodes, and it's something that's near and dear to my heart. It is also a huge...
Published 03/01/22
Narcissistic abuse is a heavy topic. It takes a special person to go into the hard discussions that many people don’t really want to talk about, and that is where Tracy Malone comes in. She takes on the nuanced difficulties of narcissistic abuse. She helps victims learn the strategies needed to get through divorce and move on to being “sur-thrivers.” In this episode, Tracy joins Lindsey to discuss narcissistic abuse and divorce.   Tracy is an internationally recognized expert on emotional...
Published 02/22/22
Late last summer, Michelle was in the middle of court negotiations with a high-conflict narcissist and she was in a toxic relationship post-divorce, but desperate to get out. Before she found me on my podcast, she was stressed out and could hardly focus on her life and young daughter. But Michelle made the best investment of her life by enrolling in my signature Breakup Breakthrough coaching program. And after just 8 weeks, she had such a remarkable outcome, I knew I had to bring her on my...
Published 02/15/22