Imagine getting front-row seats to the behind-the-scenes of a "hot damn mess" in the broadcasting world. This time, it's Eden that's baring all—from the chaos to the charm.  You'll hear how her passion for broadcasting took root in South Florida and how it blossomed into a full-blown love affair with radio at the University of Florida's Rock 104. But it's not all studio and soundboards; she has a parallel passion for pounding the pavement. Get inspired by tales of lacing up running shoes,...
Published 01/10/24
As we raise our glasses to the dawn of 2024, Eden Kendall and Christine Stone take you on a nostalgic trip back to the days of S&H green stamps and grocery store encounters that stitched the fabric of our community. Our latest heart-to-heart on Uncluttered and Unfiltered is more than just a walk down memory lane; it's a celebration of the milestones that have brought Christine to where she stands today. Unpack the tale of her evolution from the skies as a flight attendant to the shelves...
Published 01/03/24
The holidays are here and as we take a break to spend time with family, we send you are warmest holiday wishes! We hope you enjoy this trip down memory lane to our first ever episode of our little podcast for women over 50. It's all about decluttering your closet. It's a true must-listen! Join our ladies only Facebook group! Leave us a voicemail! To inquire about advertising  on Uncluttered and Unfiltered:  email  [email protected] Watch and Subscribe on Youtube Visit our website and...
Published 12/27/23
Ever wondered why your Gen Z nephew is surprisingly in sync with your Boomer mom's perspectives? Ever been annoyed by the incessant volume adjustments while watching TV? Well, we've got you covered. Join us as we navigate these contrasting viewpoints on everyday life, including technology, parenting and the irksome concert phone epidemic. Contemplate with us as we delve into why being present in the moment is more important than capturing every second on a 5-inch screen.   Face tattoos,...
Published 12/20/23
Get ready for an episode that's going to challenge your perspective on mental health. Let's tear down the walls of stigma together. We're joined by Sheryl Johnson, a remarkable woman who turned her personal tragedy into a beacon of hope. As the founder of Hearts 4 Minds, Sheryl is using her voice and experience to destigmatize mental health, a vital conversation that could change lives, maybe even yours. We know how isolating it can be to have a loved one in the throes of a mental health...
Published 12/13/23
Picture this: your home, free of clutter, your mind clear, and all set to welcome the holiday season.  We kick off by tackling the daunting task of decluttering our homes, offering insights on the top 11 things that need to go. From clothes and shoes that no longer fit to expired food in the pantry, we've got you covered. But why stop at homes? We extend our decluttering chat to the garage and garden area, advocating for the need to let go of broken holiday decorations and old gardening...
Published 12/06/23
Are you ready to crack open the Pandora's box of unique, heartfelt, and practical gift ideas this holiday season? We are excited to share our recent treasure trove of gift recommendations and wish lists – tailor-made for the fabulous women over 50! From foot clouds for soothing worn-out feet to air tags for those prone to losing their belongings, we've got you covered. We even have some interesting inputs from our ladies-only Facebook group to add to this exciting mix. The key here is to...
Published 11/29/23
Just a quick bonus episode to recap The Golden Bachelor for those watching! Even if you aren't sticking with the show....catch the first portion of this one, if just to hear Eden tell Christine about an encounter she had with someone who knows first hand about the incredible work Chris does in the community for the city's homeless families.  Enjoy two free weeks of on demand strength training with Coach Amy at ValleyFitAmy.com code: FREEFIT2
Published 11/20/23
People Magazine has named their Sexiest Man Alive and we are discussing the reasons behind this unanimous decision and the social media applause that followed. We don't stop there. Ever heard of the 'scrunch face' selfie trend?  Tune in to hear why we think this trend is less than flattering, especially for those in their 20s. We then switch gears and share our thoughts on the type of photo we can't resist - a candid laugh with friends, the purest and most frameable moment you can...
Published 11/15/23
Who says you can't learn from an 80-year-old’s life management skills? Join us as we share and discuss life lessons from  a woman who's lived eight decades. We discuss the magic of giving back, practicing kindness, and the importance of not taking on too much. As we dive deeper, we'll reflect on the joy that can come from simple acts of kindness, such as tipping extra during difficult times and the wealth of wisdom contained within the stories of our elders.  From understanding our worth to...
Published 11/08/23
Are you overwhelmed by an empty nest that's filled to the brim with clutter? Fear not! Organizer Christine Stone is  here to help you navigate through the chaos of disorganization, breaking it down into small, manageable tasks.  She believes  in the power of a peaceful, clutter-free space and are eager to share tips on maintaining such a calming environment. Plus, we've gathered some invaluable feedback from our wonderful Facebook ladies group and our voicemail app, giving you a variety of...
Published 11/01/23
Imagine harnessing the power of your subconscious mind to excel in sports, tackle mental health issues, and organize your life. In an enlightening conversation with Joni Neidigh, a distinguished psychotherapist and hypnotist, one thing becomes clear - hypnotism is no laughing matter. From debunking popular myths to discussing its transformative effects, we demystify this powerful tool and its potential to rewire the mind. Curious about bilateral stimulation and its role in calming the storm...
Published 10/25/23
Imagine if you could unlock a life full of boundless possibilities, just by writing down your heart's desires. Welcome to another enriching conversation on Uncluttered and Unfiltered, where we unwrap the intriguing concept of bucket lists. We let you in on our personal bucket list items and delve into the fascinating dreams and goals of people over 50. Our discussion is sprinkled with laughter as we talk about the joys of menopause, and the liberating feeling of setting your dreams...
Published 10/18/23
Ever wondered why a colonoscopy could feel like a spa day? Brace yourself for a roller-coaster ride of laughter, light-heartedness and serious discussions around health, aging and the surprising benefits that come with it. Our conversation begins rather unexpectedly – with the uproarious benefits of a colonoscopy. We debunk the taboo around it and emphasize its importance as a preventive measure. We also venture into our personal experiences with health decisions, influenced largely by our...
Published 10/11/23
In a world of swiping left or right, ghosting, and a significant array of dating apps, we shed light on the often complex world of dating after 50. We tackle the varying expectations of men and women, and reinforce the importance of self-confidence and self-care in this new chapter of your life. This episode also includes our review of "The Golden Bachelor", Gary. We delve into his charisma, emotional openness, and how he's grown more attractive with age. A Engagement doesn't stop at the...
Published 10/04/23
Are you footing the bill for your adult children's living expenses or just can't seem to stay our of their business? Or, maybe you think you should or could be helping them more! It can be tricky to navigate the challenges of supporting grown kids without encroaching their independence. We examine not only the financial implications but also the emotional tug-of-war that many parents face, and touch on the importance of setting boundaries to let go when it’s the right time. Whether you're...
Published 09/27/23
Ever feel like your closet is working against you, especially in your fifties? We've all been there, staring at a pile of clothes that just don’t seem to scream 'us' anymore. Well, that's about to change! .We believe in feeling comfortable in your own skin and that every woman should embrace her individual beauty and feel confident in her clothes, regardless of societal expectations. And that involves letting go of clothes that no longer serve us. We also discuss the value of investing in...
Published 09/20/23
 This week, join us as we ponder on the profound question of what it means to live a life with purpose post 50. From the significance of maintaining firm connections with our loved ones to the exhilarating thought of launching a second career, we traverse the intriguing labyrinth of life after 50. We dive into discussions about the importance of a variety of supportive friendships, and how reconnecting with old pals can infuse your life with joy and positivity. As always,  don't forget to...
Published 09/13/23
When the nest is empty, or the kids are older, it should be easier  to keep it simple in the kitchen and still manage to dish out delicious meals, right?  In this episode, Eden admits that she is struggling.  Christine  opens up her kitchen playbook, sharing her five-ingredient mantra and the bliss of grocery shopping. Born from her family tradition of having dinner together every night, Christine has managed to keep this alive even after her daughters moved out. She's a firm believer in...
Published 08/30/23
Navigating menopause can feel like walking through a mysterious fog, filled with unfamiliar symptoms and a rollercoaster of emotions. But what if we told you, you don't have to traverse this path alone? Join us on Uncluttered and Unfiltered as we candidly share our personal journeys through menopause. Ever wondered how menopause can impact a woman's confidence, or how it affects women's day to day lives? We delve into these topics, shedding light on the emotional upheavals that can accompany...
Published 08/23/23
Hold onto your hats, because this episode of Uncluttered and Unfiltered is a cornucopia of wisdom and insights from women over 50! We're serving up a smorgasbord of life advice submitted by our wonderful community of listeners- from listening to your intuition, to learning when to stand your ground and say no, to the surprising handiness of keeping ziploc bags in your car. We're tackling the dangerous myth that doctors are infallible, and we're reminding you of the age-old truth that actions...
Published 08/16/23
Are you finding it hard to let go of clutter, especially items with sentimental value? You're not alone.  In our anniversary episode, Christine discusses the problems and solutions she sees in the photos that, you, or listeners have sent in.  We talk about the common thread around all of the photos...that the senders are NOT alone in their embarrassment and anxiety about the area. Listen along and learn methods that you can employ on your own to declutter the spaces in your empty nest or...
Published 08/09/23
This episode covers multiple subjects including a recently compiled list of things that women over fifty feel they are just too old for! There's also  a look back at our recent event at Ikea, where Christine discussed organizing small spaces with future college students, and Eden joined in for talk of navigating the empty nest.  This episode offers additional commentary on the Barbie movie and why Christine has no plans to see it as well as her tips for keeping your smaller spaces organized....
Published 08/02/23
Ever felt pressured to have a hobby, or a tad bit inadequate because you don't? Well, it's about time we debunked those myths! This episode with Christine and Eden is a lively chat on the significance (or not) of hobbies. We'll discover the broad spectrum of interests, from jigsaw puzzles to wine tasting, and ponder on how our personalities reflect in these activities. Not to forget, you'll get a hilarious insight into the Golden Bachelor, the Bachelor franchise for senior citizens! The talk...
Published 07/26/23
On this episode of Uncluttered and Unfiltered, we explore the topic of things to let go of over 50. We discuss a variety of items and memorabilia that may be cluttering up your space and offer suggestions for decluttering.  The suggestions provided are not commands, but rather opportunities to create more physical and mental space in your life. One area of focus is organizing and downsizing old photos, a task that can be both time-consuming and worthwhile. We discuss the importance of using...
Published 07/19/23