An overview in early 2022 which Zambians are able to use to compare to the 2024 realities. Season 3 is focused on providing what was discussed with creatives, platform owners, art organisations, community organisers and IP rights owners or managers of those who create. All use the phone or/and Zoom. This episode looks at what engineer/producer Mwinga Chamundala sees and hears within his work as well as sound experiences. He speaks of the difficulties with microphones, audio interfaces,...
Published 03/14/24
Published 03/14/24
The introduction to Mwinga Chamandula is a 15 minute journey as he breaks down a timeline where his entry into music comes at a time when digital recordings are standard, even if equipment is hard to get your hands on. Recorded 2 years ago during an IP research project funded by British Council, Robyn of Sound Composed takes a back seat in the first part and listen to him outline his journey. His attendance of the workshops with UK's David Asomaning of DM Sound Design led to further sessions...
Published 03/12/24
Season 3 is kicking off with the additions of the research Decolonising Intellectual Property & Sound Rights. This had a focus on women in music and intellectual property for creatives in Zambia. Sound rights in Zambia have been problematic since its independence in 1964 and no master rights holder has ever received royalties in the territory as they are not collected. This means broadcasters and other users do not pay which impacts synchronisation licenses as well as all royalties...
Published 03/03/24
The creative musical cartoonist with the satirical flex, is back again in this taster where the questions are silent and he makes statements based on what he is hearing about the research and discussions had on creativity, heritage and a new peaceful and creatively rich way forward as we mine creativity.Roy Kazembe has often taken time from his busy schedule to chat, share and help visualise Zambian potential. The Luanshya link takes a musical back seat and his description of colonial...
Published 03/23/23
Copperbelt University dips in for a bite size bonus. We had a long chat and are due another but this is a taster. Listen to a Zambian musician turned educator say it like it really is. A direct and fun bit of storytelling outlining truths about remote, rural and urban realities, academics, creatives and the decision makers missing the mark when it comes to education, linguistics, arts and a whole new way of thinking. In eight minutes he breaks down the reason why decolonising and a cultural...
Published 03/23/23
RACP from Sound Composed speaks to an egg shell mosaic artist about his work. Listen to an artist build an audio visualisation of how he creates, what the challenges are and why he chose to work with egg shells. In this visual arts exploration the questions cover a range of topics based around how supported visual arts are in Zambia and the feelings around the appreciation of arts. There is an additional extra audio where he calls RACP to comment on questions over WhatsApp. The Artist's...
Published 03/18/23
This bonus episode was actually the earlier session that ran up to the main one. In this Hannah Nyambe delves more in to sadness, mental health and using music compositions as an outlet for recorded and live performances. A little more on where the love of musical stories comes from by talking family and the slow development of opening up about things that may be hard to discuss. One for anyone out there listening and empathising. The importance of reaching out and not shutting down.
Published 09/02/22
Powerful acoustic compositions birthed as singer songwriter Hannah Nyambe strums her guitar begin their life at home. Hannah speaks to Robyn of Sound Composed about her music, family life and the openness of an artist writing from the heart and soul. One unafraid to be different. They discuss within this episode and the bonus episode coming next the issue of navigating mental health and writing through challenges. Drawn to sadness and emotive works, music can communicate messages that can...
Published 09/01/22
THE LAST EPISODE And... the final episode on sound is here! Nothing is left out including the long farewell. This is simply invaluable for anyone who wants to improve the space they work in or wants to plan properly for a studio build. Avoid making those basic errors that prove costly in the long run and listen in. Do not be shy to get in touch. CLICK HERE TO GO TO VIDEOS Once again, David breaks it down in detail and helps those who want to set up know what to take in to account as well as...
Published 08/26/22
INVALUABLE 1 OF 2 The last two episodes do not hold back on knowledge share without using a lot of terminology. As composers, producers, sound designers and audio professionals both David Asomaning working as an educator and Robyn Phiri working on virtual instrument designs share their experience with film, music, sound and give a rounded view of sound experiences that may help those wishing to improve mixes, masters (and in the next episode facilities). Throughout the series Robyn of Sound...
Published 08/26/22
SOUND BASICS Continuing from where they left off. Robyn from Sound Composed and David Asomaning continuing to talk about sound in relation to music and beyond. The episode picks up discussing the broadcast standard 48khz 24 bits and why different outputs are required, why Robyn likes to begin work at 96khz then output at 48:24. David explains in detail how it all came about and how his system is set to deliver at 48:24 in order to get the best quality to clients. As both pros output to film,...
Published 08/25/22
THE ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM So far the information delivered has made it clear that the rights created by recording sound in Zambia are not dealt with properly within the ecosystem which is leading to a major leak of revenue set against inactive rights management and the need for a reset button to be hit. HOW CAN I PROTECT SOUND RIGHTS IN THE MEANTIME? For those looking for temporary protection of sound rights please do not be afraid to go online and look up PPL in the UK who do deal with...
Published 08/25/22
TIME TO HEAR THE TRUTH Listen in on a sound pro session where the first 23 minutes introduces highly qualified music and sound consultant and educator, David Asomaning of DM Sound Design UK to Zambians. For anyone listening from anywhere who is keen on improving their sound, learning about sound rights and receiving this free online consultation that breaks everything down in both technical and easy to follow language, then it does not matter if you are starting out or a pro, engineer or...
Published 08/24/22
ZAMBIAN PUBLISHER Prince Sumper is one of the few songwriting singers who has gone beyond working on his own voice and writing to self taught distribution, intellectual property and exploration to become a publisher for others. Introduced to the research by a young lady who remains anonymous in her own input, it was not difficult to see why she wanted this voice heard too. Prince has very strong views about what is going on with the music and IP in Zambia, how organisations are coping with...
Published 08/22/22
A casual chat between Robyn of Sound Composed and Roy Kazembe who is both a musician and visual artist whose works are drawn under the name Choklet. This allows listeners to hear more about both Robyn and Roy as they chat Zambian style with no barriers. Listen in and get to know how creativity and Zambians are influenced by their environments and what anyone can find in common with living life as a creative. How history impacts our futures and the painful truths lightened with humour so it...
Published 08/11/22
Continuation of the discussion with NAC Director, Maanka Adrian Chipindi and Robyn Phiri of Sound Composed. This one starts to get really juicy folks. Agree or disagree. The heritage of Zambians whether originally from the territory or settler communities is now blended and intertwined but should that be at the expense of our cultural industry whose underdevelopment appears stunted by remaining in the vision of the past while others who extract use it to create the future. Should that not be...
Published 08/10/22
The NAC Maanka Chipindi session continues with input from older creatives finding out how the errors they have experienced can be eliminated for a younger generation so they benefit from an improved infrastructure. Young artist manager Faith provides a solution to an issue which will be explored further in the later episodes. Arts council Director appeals to an older generation to begin to look at mentorship and other ways to support those coming up behind them in ways that they can provide...
Published 07/20/22
Sound Composed asks grouped questions and highlights areas where National Arts Council has yet to fully engage. Ladies go first as lawyer, Nkandu and creative practioner Nala ask questions and explain the young Zambian sectors they represent. Maanka Adrian Chipindi of NAC engages, interacts and provides an approachable side of the arts agency willing to work to deal with the service gaps and new engagement required by a younger more tech savvy generation who have been paving their own paths...
Published 07/20/22
There is a special heritage episode to come for this but... it is okay to lead with a meeting where creatives were allowed to the second session with Robyn of Sound Composed and able to sit in, interact, ask questions and arrange meetings. A big shout out to the ladies who represented well for newer art forms and a big hearty thanks to the arts council for accepting the invitation to roll up sleeves and get in to all the things people think but might not say. Thank you to all present from...
Published 07/20/22
A Nation of Creative Opinions. Zambian creative voices do not shy away from discussing what impacts them as they strive to turn their shared knowledge into new platforms for improving artistic and tech fields. The voices for change provide a sneak preview of interviews to come where solutions are provided for issues raised.
Published 07/14/22
Behind the scenes with Zambians as they weigh in on all memories, experiences, issues and thoughts in the arts and creative tech ecosystem. The platform is unapologetic about speaking one's truths in order to get to where things improve and the mindset shifts to raise communities and individuals alike.
Published 07/14/22
Hip hop royalty Zambian style as a down to earth and relaxed Cleo Ice Queen speaks to soundcomposed.com about her musical journey as a creative and storyteller. The behind the scenes 2022 phone and Zoom sessions treat you to everything from steppin' up to heritage and what's next for Def Jam Africa's hip hop artist and brand influencer. THE PHONE AND ZOOM SESSIONS Through the first six months of 2022, cultural composer/audio producer Robyn of soundcomposed.com has been speaking with creative...
Published 07/12/22