As a 19-year-old cadet at the US Air Force Academy, Nicole Kerr had a transformative near-death experience. As she recovered, health became Nicole’s primary focus, inspiring her to explore the overlooked domains of emotional, energetic and spiritual wellbeing. Today, Nicole is an award-winning wellness expert with 30-plus years of experience helping thousands of people make realistic, meaningful choices for lifelong health. Nicole is also the bestselling author of You Are Deathless: A...
Published 12/27/23
Would you like to take your relationships from good to great? The quality of our relationships has a direct impact on our happiness. And yet, most of us hesitate to ask for help in this area of our lives. Marie Kane is the family therapist, corporate consultant and relationship coach behind Relationship Magic for Couples, a platform that helps couples create a better future for themselves and for generations to come. Marie has 40 years of experience helping people create healthy,...
Published 12/13/23
Aspiring leaders tend to approach communication by considering what we want to say. But if we want our message to influence others, we’ve got to put our audience first: Who are they? What do they need to know? What do we want them to do with the information? Then we can reverse engineer our message to make sure it gets through. Dr. Laura Sicola is a leadership, communication and influence expert, author of Speaking to Influence: Mastering Your Leadership Voice and host of the podcast,...
Published 12/06/23
Change is happening faster than ever. And businesses must innovate to keep up. But most organizations are stuck in habitual thinking. So, how can leaders learn the creative problem-solving skills we need to make better business decisions in this rapidly changing world? Ellia Harris is Chief Innovation Coach at The Potential Center, where she specializes in demystifying creating thinking and innovation to help organizations solve sticky problems faster than ever before. An international...
Published 11/29/23
Are you chasing someone else’s definition of success? Doing what you think you should rather than trusting your own instincts? Tabitha Scott is a former executive in three multibillion-dollar companies. She was on the Forbes Business Council and is the award-winning author and speaker behind the bestselling book, Trust Your Animal Instincts: Recharge Your Life & Ignite Your Power. She brings over 20 years’ experience leading business transformation, innovation, sustainability and...
Published 11/22/23
Walking a spiritual path starts with internal change. But it cannot stop there.   Living a truly spiritual life means acting in love to create an external shift in our circumstances as well.   It’s about advocating for what we believe in and changing the systems that cause suffering.   Marianne Williamson is a Democratic candidate running for the office of the President of the United States in 2024. She is also a successful entrepreneur, bestselling author, political activist and...
Published 11/15/23
Wren Farris survived two life-threatening car accidents in her late 20s.    But her doctors said that her injuries were irreparable, and for three years, Wren couldn’t do so much as lift her head.   So, she made a pact with God: If she could heal herself, she would devote her life to sharing the gift of healing with others.   That’s what inspired Wren to build the multimillion-dollar business Soak on the Sound, an award-winning bathhouse featuring private saltwater soaking tubs and...
Published 11/08/23
What if you could create heaven on earth in this lifetime? Yes, challenging, character-building experiences are part of being human. But we don’t have to suffer.  And the Akashic Records are one of the many spiritual tools available to guide us in recognizing future possibilities and manifesting our dreams. Master Akashic Records Teacher Amy Robeson is the Founder of Sacred Awakening, a platform that empowers people to unlock their inner potential and experience transformation through...
Published 11/01/23
We criminalize sex work under the guise of protecting people, particularly women and children, from exploitation. But what are the true consequences of law enforcement’s efforts to prevent human trafficking? What if the fastest way to trap someone in a life of prostitution is to arrest them for it? Have you considered the broad spectrum of reasons why someone might choose to be a sex worker? Or purchase sexual services? Kaytlin Bailey is Founder and Executive Director at Old Pros, a...
Published 10/25/23
Imagine a world where human beings return to living from the heart. Where we ascend to a higher state of evolution, recognize our divine essence and return to our full potential. How extraordinary would it be to clear our primal fear energy and awaken into the next level of consciousness? Viviane Chauvet is the Advanced Arcturian Hybrid Avatar and Spiritual Teacher behind Infinite Healing from the Stars and Producer of the Infinite Star Connections Podcast. An expert in 5D consciousness...
Published 10/18/23
Don't let fear of a challenging project hold you back from exploring the unknown and taking that first step. Our guest on this episode, understands that trying something new can be difficult, and it's easy to come up with excuses not to start or pursue your dreams. Gina Casazza believes that "every single excuse is valid," but "you only get one life, so why not explore and try everything you want to try."  On today's episode of the Wickedly Smart Women, Angel B. Harwell sits down with Gina...
Published 10/11/23
In a divorce where there’s a lot of money on the line, people hire a forensic accountant to expose any hidden assets that should be considered in the settlement. But what if you don’t have $10,000 to hire a forensic accountant? What can middle class women do to access information about their financial situation and secure the settlement they deserve in divorce? Tracy Coenen is the Forensic Accountant behind Fraud Coach, a platform that helps women have better financial outcomes in divorce. ...
Published 10/04/23
What in the world would change if you said what you wanted to say? What’s stopping you? Jessica Sato is the Business Strategist behind Jessica Sato Consulting, a firm that helps female founders use their voice to express their big idea and use it as their competitive advantage in their business. Jessica is also a TEDx speaker coach, helping entrepreneurs and other thought leaders step onto the stage with confidence, clarity around their big idea, and a commitment to change the world. On...
Published 09/27/23
If you’re living through a challenging time, it may feel like this is the end of your story. But Maria Costanzo Palmer contends that the most beautiful part of a tiger is their stripes. And living through difficulty is how you earn those stripes and develop the resilience it takes to be successful. Maria is the coauthor of the 2021 Page Turner Award Finalist On the Rocks: The Primadonna Story, a book about the rise and fall of her father, an A-List restauranteur. Maria is also a...
Published 09/20/23
Is life happening to you? Or are you in the driver’s seat? We all have the power to lead with intentionality and design a life we love. But how do you take the first steps? Shana Francesca is the creator of Concinnate, a platform that focuses on intentional leadership and life design. Shana believes our present and future are transformed when we infuse our lives with intention, honor our place as part of a global community and accept ourselves as the author of our story. On this episode...
Published 09/13/23
When people find out that Gina Mitchell’s son, Sam, is autistic, they often say, ‘I’m so sorry about that.’   And that bothers Gina. Yes, having a neurodivergent child is challenging. But Sam is not broken, and his differences are nothing to be ‘sorry’ about. So, when Sam’s podcast started to gain attention, Gina saw an opportunity to help people understand what autism is—and what it isn’t. Gina is a career educator and President of Autism Rocks and Rolls, a 501(c)(3) dedicated to breaking...
Published 09/06/23
What are the benefits of being multilingual? If you ask Thouria Benferhat, learning a language opens you up to the culture and allows you to embrace a whole new group of people. And anytime you greet someone in their own language, they open up to you in a new way. Thouria is a polyglot language teacher, translator and writer who has served Arabic, French, English and Spanish language learners of all ages since the 1970s. She taught Arabic for the United Nations Language Program at its New...
Published 08/30/23
Smart, successful women know how to use our heads. But getting stuck in the thinking mind often prevents us from experiencing healthy sex and pleasure. So, how do you get out of your head and into your body? Tilly Storm is a holistic sex and intimacy coach for female millionaires and millionaire wives seeking epic sex and connected relationships. Host of The Multiorgasmic Podcast since 2017, Tilly is recognized as one of the Top 20 Sex Coaches in the World. On this episode of Wickedly...
Published 08/23/23
How is unprocessed trauma impacting your life? For many women, trauma manifests as triggers in our closest personal relationships.   And trying to suppress the emotions that come up when we’re triggered leads to mental, emotional and physical exhaustion.   But what if there’s a way to see trauma an opportunity? Sunitha Sandeep is a trauma-informed transformative coach who helps high-achieving women overcome anxiety, overwhelm, burnout and fear to achieve professional success and deep...
Published 08/16/23
As entrepreneurs, we’re pressured to keep leveling up. To grow from five to six to seven or even eight figures. But how is this never-ending pursuit of MORE working for you? Are you starting to feel exhausted? How do you continue to make money without sacrificing your health in the process? Business Strategist Emily Kristofferson helps entrepreneurs get to the next income tax bracket without burning themselves out. Emily has ten years of experience supporting online businesses, and she is...
Published 08/09/23
Are you looking for new ways to market your business? One powerful strategy for promoting your products and services is to create a community among your clients or customers, cultivating a space where they can gain new insights and share ideas with one another. But what does that look like in practical terms? And how does building a community like this help grow your business? Jack Foster serves as Chief Marketing Officer at WorkRamp, the leading all-in-one Learning Management System or...
Published 08/02/23
Are you stopping your small business from growing because you’re worried about having employees? Yes, there are legal requirements associated with hiring, as well as tax implications and other compliance issues. But a basic knowledge of human resources or the support of an HR specialist can help you expand your business without getting into hot water! Julie Waters has 20 years of experience as an HR professional, serving companies in Virginia, Massachusetts, Florida and Washington. Julie...
Published 07/26/23
Consistent bullying not only affects a child’s academic performance and school experience, it has a lasting emotional and psychological impact. Left untreated, bullying can even be detrimental to their physical health and make relationships more challenging. So, what is the most effective way to address bullying? Patricia Stahl is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker with 40 years of experience as a therapist specializing in social anxiety. After years of hearing clients talk about their...
Published 07/19/23
Truck drivers are a gravely underserved community in the health and wellness space. And solutions that work for the rest of us simply aren’t practical for someone who spends most of their time on the open road. Hope Zvara is the yoga, movement and lifestyle expert behind Mother Trucker Yoga, a program that has helped thousands of drivers go from being in pain and out of options to feeling good again. A leader in the trucking industry, Hope’s pragmatic approach to health and fitness offers...
Published 07/12/23
Are you living in alignment with what you say you want for your life? Or are you making excuses? What if the only thing really stopping you is YOU? Karen Briscoe is the life and productivity coach behind the 5 Minute Success Podcast and author of Real Estate Success in 5 Minutes a Day. Karen also happens to be a top-performing real estate agent, serving as Principal Owner of the Huckaby Briscoe Conroy Group, one of The Wall Street Journal’s Top 250 Realtor Teams in the US. On this episode...
Published 07/05/23