In this episode, we're delving into a fascinating topic: the connection between family dynamics and our health. We explore how family constellations can shed light on deep-seated health issues, whether it's struggles with depression, addiction, or weight management. Through real-life case studies and examples, we uncover how patterns from our family's past can affect our physical, emotional, and mental well-being today. To dive deeper into any persistent health concerns and bad habits book...
Published 03/27/24
In this episode, Denise Barbosa breaks down how our family dynamics can shape our financial beliefs. Through simple stories and relatable examples, we uncover how our childhood experiences influence our ability to attract wealth and succeed in our careers. By understanding these hidden connections, it is possible to rewrite a money story, break free from old patterns of scarcity to embrace a life of abundance. Interested to find out more how to improve your relationship with money, work...
Published 03/27/24
Published 03/27/24
In this episode, we explore how family constellations shed light on the intricacies of love relationships. Through the lens of family dynamics, we uncover how our family history influences the dynamics of our romantic connections. Denise Barbosa guides us through the intricate web of family ties, illustrating how couples often mirror each other's family histories, sometimes unknowingly seeking out partners who reflect familiar patterns of loss, trauma, or exclusion. Through real examples,...
Published 03/27/24
Ever wondered why you have some unusual fears, habits and behaviours? In this episode, Denise shares how these fears can actually come from family history, like a grandparent's accident at sea. Using family constellation therapy, we uncover these hidden links, going beyond just DNA to explore shared beliefs and untold family stories. Denise's insights show us how our ancestors' tales shape our own lives in ways we might not realize. Many people come to therapy sessions puzzled by their...
Published 03/27/24
Bert Hellinger was a German psychotherapist and was once a priest and missionary. He laid the groundwork for Family Constellations during his time in South Africa, where he observed the harmonious dynamics of indigenous families. He identified three key principles. These principles emphasize the importance of inclusion, respecting each family member's place, and maintaining a healthy balance of giving and receiving within the family system. The concept of belonging, in particular, holds...
Published 03/27/24
In this episode we interview Sonia Ferreira, a movement-based mindfulness teacher. She talks about how integrating static and flowing movements can unleash creativity, enhance focus, and foster a deeper connection with your body. Sonia offers one to one sessions, bespoke corporate wellbeing packages including stress relief techniques, movement-based mindfulness. Click here to see Sonia's profile on Wowness Club and contact her for more information.
Published 03/12/24
In this episode we interview Joao Matos, a specialist in Human Design, a tool for self-knowledge that can help us to align to who we truly are on a soul level and make better decisions in life. Halfway through this episode, Joao shares how Human Design has helped to avoid a married couple getting divorced and also some insights on how learning our own Human Design can help parents to raise their child. If you like our content, support us by leaving your comment and follow our show :)
Published 02/12/24
In this podcast, we interview Nikki from Begin Within where she shares how Reiki and Nutrition has helped her healing journey of depression. She currently works as a Reiki Healer, Tarot, and she coaches self-love including nutrition coaching and movement for women. Nikki is a practitioner at the Wowness Club. You can find more details about Nikki's services here. https://shorturl.at/oBHK0 At Wowness Club Podcast we will be talking about all things holistic health and wellness including...
Published 09/20/23
This is another episode on the Healing Journey Stories. I interviewed Lee Davy, Cofounder of Coherence Newsletter, Creator of Unleash Yourself Summit, Origin Network and The Freedom Method, retreat host and breathwork coach. Lee shares his journey overcoming alcohol abuse and showing emotions as man as well as many valuable insights and lessons from his journey, including the disciplines, practices and medicine that helped him. On the 9th till 11th September, Lee will be hosting a FREE,...
Published 08/28/23
In this episode we interview one of our practitioners at Wowness Club, Kendra, founder of Self Love Journey, a heart coach, retreat facilitator and soon to be a Conscious Dance Facilitator. She shares how she started her healing journey from eating disorder that opened her awareness to self-love, mindfulness and journaling practices and heart connection. In this podcast, your host Maira Miranda and co-host Roberta Calabro, the founders of Wowness Club, will be talking about all things...
Published 08/22/23
In the Healing Journey Stories series, we aim to bring real authentic stories of healing for our day-to-day common struggles and challenges through alternative and holistic practices and methods. In this episode, Maira Miranda, the founder of Wowness Club marketplace and podcast shares her own healing story on how learning about balancing the masculine energy and ancestral relationship with her father helped her to overcome procrastination. Would you like to share your healing story...
Published 08/14/23
Gene Keys is a self-knowledge tool, a map, based on your date and city of your birth that helps you to understand what you came here in this life to learn and to teach. It helps you to align to your higher purpose. Our guest, Daniel Patino Aguilar, specializes in Gene Keys for business and organizations as understanding Gene Keys can be a powerful tool for recruiting the right talent for the right teams, keeping them engaged in the right roles according to the map. Daniel is one of our...
Published 07/26/23
In this episode, we interview ecstatic dance facilitator Eric Erman, to talk about ecstatic dance as a healing medicine and embodiment practice. Eric share his own transformative experience, both attending and facilitating ecstatic dance sessions. Ecstatic dance is a self-expression movement practice, and can be a powerful tool when properly guided to help us drop the layers of our own self-judgment. Getting us out of our head towards the body, helping us to release the stress while you're...
Published 07/09/23
In this episode, we interview Frances Trussell to share her knowledge and expertise around the stress and anxiety from a mindfulness perspective. Frances is a Zen mindfulness meditation teacher, a clinical hypnotherapist, a solution-focused therapist, a pioneer of mindfulness-based transformational coaching, and a member of the National Council of Integrative Psychotherapy.
Published 07/02/23
In this episode, we interviewed Tracy Hannigan, a qualified sleep therapist recognized by the Society for Behavioural Sleep Medicine. She works exclusively with adults with insomnia using evidence-based approaches. We will be talking about the relationship between sleep, stress and anxiety. Tracy shines a light on some common interesting issues caused by our modern society and lifestyle. One of them for example how sometimes obsession with improving, optimizing, and tracking our sleep might...
Published 06/25/23
Dr. Scanlon is a certified breathwork and meditation coach, having trained in in New York, New Mexico and California.
Published 06/18/23
In this episode, we talk about abundance with a Human Design Specialist, Juliana Nandra. She helps women to create a magnetic and feminine business through their human design. Juliana shares amazing insights about unlocking a life of abundance by learning our soul gifts and soul purpose.
Published 06/11/23
Maria Ximena Rodriguez, a psychologist and a Family Constellations Therapist shares her experience and some client cases on how the hidden dynamics from our family can affect our relationship with money, work and abundance.
Published 06/04/23
This interview with Clover Lam, a Holistic Money Coach, shares her perspective about turning our mindset from crisis to abundance. Clover guides her community to their authentic abundance, so they can live and enjoy the present while building the future.
Published 05/28/23