Today we discuss advancements in web image standards and new CSS features. Topics include object fit, aspect ratio, border images, filters, clip path, mask-image, and backdrop filters, which offer alternatives to traditional image editing tools like Photoshop. The episode also covers HTML and CSS considerations, such as img and picture elements, alt tags, and loading attributes. New image formats like WebP and AVIF are examined, along with the use of SVGs for accessibility and performance...
Published 06/20/24
Published 06/20/24
In Podcast #376, guest Piccia Neri, a seasoned designer and long-time collaborator with WP Builds, discusses the evolution of her career and the critical role of accessibility in web design. Initially a book designer, Piccia adapted her skills to the digital age, emphasizing accessibility as essential for good UX. The episode explores the importance of starting web design with content and typography, driven by ethical considerations and upcoming legislation like the European Accessibility...
Published 06/06/24
The WordPress news from the last week which commenced Monday 27th May 2024. You can find it here: https://wpbuilds.com/2024/06/04/this-week-in-wordpress-298
Published 06/04/24
Today we're talking to Marcel Bootsman from Kinsta, discussing Kinsta's static site hosting. We get into the benefits, technical nuances, and environmental sustainability of static site hosting, highlighting its potential to enhance WordPress website speed and efficiency. Marcel explains how Kinsta leverages Cloudflare's global infrastructure and discusses the complexities involved. The conversation also touches on the developer expertise needed and the possibility of integrating dynamic...
Published 05/30/24
So this is like no podcast episode I've ever done. Normally it's me talking to one, perhaps two, other people... but not today! A few weeks ago I was on a call with Adam Warner and Marcus Burnette from GoDaddy, and we were trying to come with fun ways to celebrate the 21st birth of WordPress, which is on May 27th 2024. This podcast is the result. It's 21 voices from the WordPress world who recorded themselves speaking about their experiences of WordPress; the software, the community, the...
Published 05/23/24
Once more we bring you a podcast hijack in which the No Script Show takes over the WP Builds podcast, perhaps for the last time? I confess that I'm enjoying this new project very much indeed! We get into some of the new features that have been added to CSS and what they enable you to do, and how widely supported they are. If you've not listened to the previous 9 episodes, then you won't know that your browser is getting more capable and instead of hacking things together with frameworks and...
Published 05/16/24
The WordPress news from the last week which commenced Monday 6th May 2024. You can find the show notes here: https://wpbuilds.com/2024/05/14/this-week-in-wordpress-297
Published 05/14/24
Today we have the pleasure of hosting Alex Borto, a WordPress developer from France. Alex has been part of the WordPress landscape since 2011, educating and inspiring through his popular blog, wpmarmite.com, and a thriving YouTube channel with over 69,000 subscribers. In this episode, Alex will delve into his innovative project, WP Turbo Dev, which has been making waves by significantly enhancing the workflow for WordPress developers through the integration of AI technology. As the founder...
Published 05/09/24
The WordPress news from the last week which commenced Monday 29th April 2024. You can find the post here: https://wpbuilds.com/2024/05/07/this-week-in-wordpress-296
Published 05/07/24
Back in the day, all the browsers were enemies. They all went off and decided how they would do things with no regard for what their 'rivals' were doing. This was fun and gave us website developers the joy of having to make sure that what you'd built looked decent in most of the popular browsers. If you're as old as me and have been in this game for a while, you'll remember shouting at your monitor when things did not work out as planned - which was all the time. I even had a soft rubber...
Published 05/02/24
The WordPress news from the last week which commenced Monday 22nd April 2024. You can find the episode here: https://wpbuilds.com/2024/04/27/this-week-in-wordpress-295
Published 04/30/24
On the podcast today we have Stéphane Menet, a seasoned expert with a 20-year background in web strategy and business. He's not only the founder of WP Connect, but also heads a web agency that collaborates with freelancers to build dynamic project teams. His experience runs across a multitude of frameworks and CMS's, it's not all WordPress. We get into the evolving realm of no-code tools, and their impact on content management and web development. Stéphane has crafted a plugin, the Airtable...
Published 04/25/24
The WordPress news from the last week which commenced Monday 15th April 2024. You can find the episode here: https://wpbuilds.com/2024/04/23/this-week-in-wordpress-294
Published 04/23/24
So we’re back with another ‘podcast hijack’, in which the WP Builds podcast is temporarily taken over by a new podcast that I’m doing with David Waumsley. It’s called “The No Script Show”, and we’re getting back to the basics which we feel we’ve lost touch with, namely HTML and CSS. This week, it’s all about something called ‘component based web design’, but before that, a few words about what this show is about… Over the years our reliance on tools like Page Builders mean that we’ve not...
Published 04/18/24
The WordPress news from the last week which commenced Monday 8th April 2024.
Published 04/16/24
Today we're joined by Chris Badgett, who is a WordPresser with a rich background in e-learning and WordPress development. Starting in 2008 with a leadership blog, he transitioned to freelance work and eventually ran his own agency focused on learning management systems, memberships, and coaching. Identifying a lack of integrated tools in the market, Chris founded LifterLMS, a learning management plugin for WordPress that blends e-commerce, gamification, and membership functions. Now, nine...
Published 04/11/24
The WordPress news from the last week which commenced Monday 1st April 2023.
Published 04/09/24
So we’re back with another ‘podcast hijack’, in which the WP Builds podcast is temporarily taken over by a new podcast that I’m doing with David Waumsley. It’s called “The No Script Show”, and we’re getting back to the basics which we feel we’ve lost touch with, namely HTML and CSS. This week, it's all about something called 'component based web design', but before that, a few words about what this show is about... Over the years our reliance on tools like Page Builders mean that we’ve not...
Published 04/04/24
Today we have a conversation with Jonathan Jernigan, the co-creator of the Pie Calendar plugin for WordPress. Jonathan has been working with WordPress for many years. For 5 years he worked with Oxygen, and within the last year has made the switch to full-time GenerateBlocks and GeneratePress as his tools of choice. As if that were not enough, he's also the co-founder of Pie Calendar, which is the reason that he's on the podcast today. This episode gets into the philosophy and strategy behind...
Published 03/28/24
The WordPress news from the last week which commenced Monday 18th March 2024.
Published 03/26/24
Today we are talking about CSS container queries. These mark a serious advancement in what browsers will allow us to do, but we are asking what does that mean for us right now? CSS container queries off the potential for granular styling based on container size. We discuss the challenges overcome to make container queries possible, highlight real-world usage examples, and share our personal perspectives on their significance. We also hint at a potential shift in the show's focus for future...
Published 03/21/24
The WordPress news from the last week which commenced Monday 11th March 2024.
Published 03/19/24
Today we welcome Nenad Conic of Maksimer, to discuss some of the challenges and solutions in WooCommerce e-commerce projects. Maksimer, which has been at the forefront of WordPress and WooCommerce-based e-commerce solutions since its founding in 2009, has been creating large-scale and complex online stores. Nenad gets into the work required to operate a WooCommerce store with over 1.2 million products, and talks about how they developed a specialised platform for online medication management,...
Published 03/14/24
The WordPress news from the last week which commenced Monday 26th February 2024.
Published 03/05/24