"Your beliefs help to shape the lens through which you see yourself, the world, and how you perceive things. What do you believe? " Self-discovery is an inner journey that connects you with the truth of who you are.  Armed with this truth, you have the insights and understandings needed to create a life that’s aligned with your values, your purpose, and the things that make you happy.  So cultivate the courage to look within, reflect on your experiences, and peel back the layers.  Get...
Published 10/11/22
Published 10/11/22
"Having tools to lean on and support yourself when things get tough can be reassuring and empowering  because you feel as though you’re doing something proactive." Life is an up-and-down spiral. As a result, we get to experience the full spectrum of human emotions, which is both beautiful and challenging. But as we walk through life, we get to discover more about who we are because of the way we dance through the highs and hold ourselves through the lows.  The lows can be challenging and...
Published 10/04/22
How easy is it for you to make good decisions? Decision-making is an important life skill because the quality of your life is directly correlated "When a decision is more complex - such as a choice that will have a significant impact on your life's trajectory, it can feel more empowering to take that decision with a systematic approach. " Tune into this episode to hear us explore:  Why decision-making skills matter. The features of a good decision. How journaling creates the mental...
Published 09/27/22
"Are the things you’re chasing the things YOU want… or are they desires you’ve inherited from society?" Do your activities in the outside world leave you feeling fulfilled?  Or do you feel a sense of emptiness, a lack of fulfillment, and a nagging feeling that surely, there must be more to life than this? If you feel any of the above, know you’re not alone. It's not uncommon to feel confused either. After all, you thought you were headed in the right direction! Fortunately, there is a...
Published 09/20/22
In this week's episode, we explore how the art of writing can unleash passion, creativity, and a desire to make things happen. "The more you can architect your life so that you feel as though you're the one calling the shots, the more personal power you can uncover and reclaim."   Tune in now and hear us explore:  What are the two types of motivation?Why do we need to cultivate the ability to ignite motivation? The insatiable desire to explore, express, and create. How we leverage...
Published 09/13/22
"When things are changing, bringing the mental mush to the surface through your journaling is a powerful way to acknowledge and articulate your reality." How well do you know yourself? And what's your process for knowing yourself through change -- when an event or an experience has shifted and challenged what you know to be true. In this week's episode, we dive into the power of journaling as a tool for navigating change so you can redefine your identity with confidence, clarity, and...
Published 09/06/22
"Sometimes we deny, hide or edit what's present because we desire our reality to be different than what it is.  When we explore what's present, we bring more honesty into our experiences." This week, I'm revealing a journaling technique that can help open new doors of insight and knowledge. In this week's episode, we explore: Why it's powerful to explore what's present now? in our journal. The power of exploring what's actually there (not what you wish were there). The expansion of...
Published 08/23/22
"Each human is unique. Each soul is unique, and each soul does have a purpose, and that purpose goes back to the individual soul's experiences and where there are opportunities for additional expansion and learning." This week's guest is Jennifer Spor, an Akashic records channel, a soul-led business mentor, a strategist, and host of the Awaken Your Purpose podcast. Jennifer is a guide for Conscious Leaders who are here to illuminate the way for others through the awakening and embodiment of...
Published 08/16/22
"Self-love is a journey for most of us. It's not a destination because - as with anything in life - there are always opportunities and experiences that we can engage with to expand the way we experience self-love." In this week's episode, we focus on a journaling technique that can elevate self-love. Tune in now to explore:  What self-love is and what it looks like.The correlation between self-love and how we show up in the world.  Why a lack of self-love can spark people-pleasing...
Published 08/09/22
"Spending time alone helps us silence those external influences and get better at distinguishing between all the outside noise and our inner voice. In turn, you can get clearer and clearer on knowing what you really want."  What is it like to walk the path of curiously discovering who we are? This episode is inspired by this cool quote from the leadership coach and bestselling author, Robin Sharma. "The starting point of discovering who you are, your gifts, talents, your dreams is being...
Published 08/02/22
"Can you trust someone with your heart, your visibility, your realness, rawness, imperfections, and wounds - or do you need to build a wall and lock away the key ?" Intimacy defines a feeling of closeness and deep connection. Through intimacy, we can feel seen, loved, appreciated, and accepted. In some ways, intimacy offers external feedback on our value and worth. Through intimacy, we collect proof that we matter.  As humans, we desire feelings of intimacy. We want to be fully seen by...
Published 07/26/22
"When it goes off in another direction that you didn't expect,  that's true authentic connection and conversation."  This week's episode is Brad Walsh - father, husband, photographer, #1 best-selling author, and the host of the top-rated Empowerography Podcast. Brad's passionate about creating platforms that elevate women's voices. In under two years, he's amplified the voices of hundreds of women through his top-rated Empowerography podcast, multi-author books, and Facebook community....
Published 06/29/22
"If you can create a relationship with your journal where it becomes your trusted space where you can feel into the depths of what wants to be expressed, Journaling - as a practice - WILL take you back to the truth of who you are." Journaling as a tool, a practice, a ritual, a creator of sacred space is miraculous. Bring courage, creativity, and curiosity to the blank page and you'll open a receptacle that has the capacity to reveal YOUR truth back to you. Buried within is a voice that...
Published 06/28/22
"When you are in an abundance frequency, it means you are content. You are happy with where you are - even though you might be wanting more." This episode's guest is KaKi Lee who's an Abundance Coach, international best-selling author, and creator of The Abundant Goddess Academy. In her work, KaKi empowers women to get in flow with the US stock market so they can bring their dream life into reality. In this bold, brave conversation, KaKi and I dive deep into the energetics, beliefs, and...
Published 06/22/22
"Productivity is the art of getting more done in less time." With World Productivity Day just around the corner, I am bringing you a conversation about how you can use your journal to activate your most productive self. In this week's episode we explore:  Productivity isn't about doing more stuff alone. It's about creating more spaciousness to do more of the things we want.  Productivity as a mechanism to take more control over your life. PURGE & PLAN journaling techniques to boost...
Published 06/14/22
"Let your journal activate the wisdom that lies within." There's so much potency & power in learning how to hear your true self. This is not a path for the faint-hearted! Many of us have experiences or memories of when our expression was shut down. As a result, we learned to doubt or mistrust the voice within. The good news is you can activate this inner knowing -- and your journal can guide you there. Learning to hear your inner authenticity is a potent way to reconnect with your...
Published 06/07/22
"Everybody can write, we're born storytellers. Usually, it's just allowing and learning how to start trusting your instincts and your intuition... At the very core of it, it's letting go of, I'm not going to be good enough." This episode's special guest is Terrie Silverman, MFA -- a writer, solopreneur, and director. As writers, Terrie and I met in the most perfect way. We were both co-authors in the brilliant book Sacred Redesign. Terrie is also the founder of Creative Rites where she...
Published 05/25/22
I have a lot to say about this episode's topic because it's so close to my heart. Self-expression is a catalyst for more aligned opportunities. It's an invitation to know who you really are, and it's a tool for experiencing life in the most fulfilling of ways. Best of all, journaling is a tool and a practice that can elevate our self-expression - opening the doorway to all the gifts that show up when you can OWN your truth. "When we hold back, restrain, silence, and shrink, there are...
Published 05/17/22
"When we take to our journal to process a moment, we are SEEING ourselves and HEARING ourselves. We become the witness to our own experiences and we take back that place of empowerment."   Woohoo! This is episode 100! I'm so grateful to have reached this milestone. Thank you for being on this journey with me as we deepen into the truth of who we are through the power of the blank page.  In this episode, we're exploring the possibilities that exist when you make self-discovery and...
Published 05/10/22
"Bravery is about moving through our expansion and growth pains to tap into what's on the other side." Often the thing in the way is our thoughts, beliefs, and assumptions about who we are and who we can be. We can use our journal to elevate our courage, confidence, and bravery by writing our way to brave. In turn, the impossible can feel just a bit more possible and our dreams can become a reality. In this episode we explore:  What does it mean to be brave? The relationship between...
Published 05/03/22
One of the reasons I journal is to access and claim the truth of who I am. This type of journaling is deep work - sacred work even... But I'm fully aware that there are times I don't go deep enough. Maybe you experience this too? Moments when you step away from your journal too soon - or when you hold back from pulling away a layer because you can't 'allow' yourself to go there. When we stay in the shallows with our inner inquiries, we limit the wisdom we can uncover. In turn, we miss...
Published 04/26/22
This episode marks our 2-year anniversary! I'm so grateful for all the conversations we've had over this time. Thanks for being part of this beautiful journey. This week, we're exploring the power of accessing the NOW through your journaling. "The NOW is a great time to journal. Of course, we're always writing in the now,  but do we approach the journal with the energy of the now?"   How my solo trip to India showed me the power of NOW.    Leveraging the NOW as an anchor to what's...
Published 04/19/22
"I bring the three Cs to the blank page because I want to know myself through my journaling."   You are 1 in 6 billion. You are utterly unique. There's no one else on the planet who's experienced the same life as you in the same way that you have. In turn, your perspective is invaluable - because it's one of a kind. Your true self knows this. Your true self knows you have access to a unique reservoir of insight, wisdom, and knowing that can enhance your life - and benefit the world....
Published 04/12/22
How to start journaling? Have you noticed that sometimes the HOW is the 'thing' that can get in the way of us jumping into a practice or a habit that could be good for us? In this episode, I'm sharing some powerful tips that will help you start journaling in a way that's empowering and inspiring.  Let's get stuck in!   "Journaling is a tool for raw, unapologetic, authentic self-expression." In this episode we explore:  All the reasons I LOVE to journal. How old experiences with...
Published 04/05/22