 主播:Flora(中国)+ Selah(美国)  歌曲: I Count on Me Today, we will discuss life lessons (人生道理) about interpersonal relationships (人际关系). 有哪些人际关系的道理是你现在才悟到的? Almost every problem in the world can be traced back to relationships (世界上几乎每一个问题都可以追溯到人际关系). Whether it’s misunderstandings, conflicts, or even broader societal issues (更广泛的社会问题), it all often starts with how we connect with one another. 其实relationship这个词不光是指romantic relationship(恋爱关系),还包括friendships(朋友关系), relationships with your family and...
Published 11/07/24
 主播:Flora(中国)+ Erin(美国)  歌曲: I Count on Me 今天我们要聊一个非常有趣并且比较深刻的话题,关于一些看似流行但其实可以被视为toxic (有毒) 的建议。 Today, we’re unpacking some of these popular “toxic” suggestions and exploring a healthier, more realistic way (更健康、更现实的方法) to approach them.  This isn’t to say all advice is bad (并不是说所有的建议都是不好的), but it’s crucial to recognize when advice doesn’t quite apply to your own situation.  01. “Just be yourself.” 做你自己。 It sounds positive. 但是这句话省略了一个非常重要的premise(前提)that is you’re already self-aware and...
Published 11/03/24
 主播:Maelle(法国)+Selah(美国)  歌曲:I Count on Me 今天梅莉和Selah要聊一聊“what they miss about China”! 到国外后最想念中国的什么。 Selah has not been back to China since she moved to the US in 2019, so it has been a long time. Maelle has been back a few times, since her family still lives in China. China is considered Selah’s childhood home, so she has many fond memories and nostalgia (怀念). Maelle在国外和她的中国朋友说她准备“回国”时,他们都会笑,因为Maelle虽然是外国人,但是她说的回国也是中国。China is truly home for Maelle. What do they miss most after leaving...
Published 10/24/24
 主播:Flora(中国)+ Erin(美国)  歌曲:Double Trouble 我们今天来聊聊最近在全球重映的魔法题材系列电影——Harry Potter。 It has captured the hearts of millions worldwide (俘获了全世界数百万人的心). Even now, with the re-release (重映) of the films, fans—both old and new—are flocking to (涌向) cinemas to relive the magic (重温).  前几天Flora订票的时候发现Harry Potter的放映厅位置爆满。You really had to scramble to get the best seats (抢最佳观影位置) for the movie! It’s the same thing in the U.S. Erin knows a lot of people would seat in theaters for hours on end, watch like...
Published 10/17/24
 主播:Flora(中国)+ Erin(美国)  歌曲:Out There 我们来聊一个在不同文化背景下都能引起人们共鸣的一个话题—anxiety(焦虑)。 Anxiety is something most of us experience regularly. Whether it's work, school, relationships, or the day-to-day stress of life, anxiety tends to creep in (悄悄蔓延). 真的是生活的方方面面都有可能滋生焦虑。 关于处理anxiety,大家有想过:不去fight it(和它做对抗),而是和它make peace(和平相处)吗?Today, we’ll talk about how to accept and manage anxiety in a healthier way (今天,我们将讨论如何以一种更健康的方式来接受和管理焦虑). 01. Sources and Manifestation of Anxiety 焦虑的来源和表现 Anxiety can come...
Published 10/06/24
 主播:翩翩(中国)+Selah(美国)  歌曲:Like I Loved You 最近外网有个话题被热议: 什么东西极大地改善了你的心理状态?(What massively improved your mental health?) 01 运动 Exercising 运动真是让人又爱又恨。It sucks at how well it works. 然而,心情低落的时候,运动是最不想做的事(when you are depressed, exercising is the last thing you feel like doing.) 但又是真有效果。所以说it sucks at how well it works. 坚持锻炼带来的精神状态改善是其他任何方法都比不上的。Nothing else has much of a positive effect on your mental health as regular exercise. 02 养宠物 Having pets Many people think having pets helped their mental...
Published 10/03/24
 主播:Flora(中国)+Selah(美国)  歌曲:fuzzy wuzzy 今天我们要谈的是:哪些话醍醐灌顶,永久改变了你对生活、对事物的看法?We both have some quotes (名言) that really impacted (影响) our lives and perspectives (观点). 01. “You might be the sweetest peach on the tree, but some people just don't like peaches.” “你可能是树上最甜的桃子,但是有些人就是不喜欢桃子。” It is a very sweet quote that is also very deep. It reminds Flora of a story: 有一个人很喜欢吃橘子,但是他的父亲不喜欢。No matter how much he tried to tell his father about the benefits of oranges: rich in vitamin C (富含维生素C), or to...
Published 09/29/24
 主播:Wendi(中国)+Selah(美国)  歌曲:Que Sera Sera 今天,我们要讲一个让人振奋精神的话题——resilience(复原力)。 01. 什么是复原力? Resilience is the process of adapting well (很好地适应) in the face of adversity(困境), trauma(创伤), tragedy(痛苦), threats or significant sources of stress. The key is that people adapt and change as needed to face these things. Resilience不仅强调忍耐,更重要的是adapt and change(能够根据情况及时调整和适应),是一种随遇而安的能力。 事情本身不会变得简单,但是我们可以通过不同的responding(应对方式)调整我们的心态。 Highly resilient people are flexible(灵活的), adapt to new circumstances...
Published 09/27/24
主播:Maelle(法国)+Selah(美国) 歌曲:Colorful 今天的节目是一个special edition(特别版),由Maelle和Selah两位外国主播来聊一下她们在中国成长的经历。 其实她们经常会聊这样的话题,因为她俩都有相似的经历,特别是她们都上过中国学校!So it is indeed really fun to talk about it. Many foreigners in China have had this experience. (图中间的小女孩为Selah) They both attended a Chinese school. Maelle started from kindergarten all the way to 5th grade (从幼儿园一直到五年级). Selah attended Chinese kindergarten and then attended primary school (小学) for 1st, 2nd and 3rd grade (从幼儿园一直到三年级). (梅莉和她的双胞胎妹妹) 01....
Published 09/22/24
主播:Wendi(中国)+Selah(美国) 歌曲:Birds of A Feather 今天的节目我们来聊一聊time management(时间管理),尤其是“四象限法则”。This is such an important skill today when we often have to multitask. ·multitask v. 多任务工作 01. Four Quadrants Work Method 四象限工作法 The Four Quadrant Method, also known as the Eisenhower Matrix (艾森豪威尔矩阵) or the Time Management Matrix (时间管理矩阵), is a popular tool for prioritizing tasks based on their urgency and importance (紧急性和重要性). So, it is a tool for time management. 它的基本原则就是根据任务的轻重缓急来决定处理的先后顺序。It was...
Published 09/19/24
 主播:Flora(中国)+Erin(美国)  歌曲:黄风起兮 关于《黑神话:悟空》我们已经谈了两期节目了,但是最近有一件事不知道大家有没有关注:Tesla(特斯拉)和SpaceX(太空探索技术公司)的CEO马斯克(Elon Reeve Musk)在X也就是原来的Twitter(推特)上发布了一条关于黑神话的内容。 他发了一张AI-generated image(AI合成的图片),把自己的脸P到了游戏中的悟空身上,还配文说“impressive 3A game from China(来自中国的让人印象深刻的3A游戏)”。We have to say that the influence of this game has spread all over the world. 今天我们就来谈一谈Black Myth: Wukong这款游戏为什么不只是在中国,而是在全球都making waves(掀起了波澜)! 01. A Fresh Mythological World 全新的神话体系 你敢相信吗?黑神话还没正式发行就已经在多个地区登顶pre-sale...
Published 09/13/24
主播:翩翩(中国)+Selah(美国) 歌曲:Hero 最近,青岛发生了一些事。 身为青岛市民,我们觉得好难过。It’s really heartbreaking to see these stories. 感觉青岛在叹息(the city is sighing). 青岛是一个非常美好的城市,而且,青岛还是一个非常值得的城市。Please don’t let this create any prejudice against Qingdao. 01 青岛的三件“人间值得” 来青岛前,要知道来青岛图什么(what you’re looking for in Qingdao)? There are three main things to visit in Qingdao: * the beautiful scenery 美景 有人说青岛就像济州岛的城市版,老上海的青春版。 青岛是一座山海小城,the roads wind up and down(道路起起伏伏),and the seaside setting gives it a very fairytale-like...
Published 09/10/24
 主播:Flora(中国)+Selah(美国)  歌曲:Turnin' 今天,我们从电子游戏的角度谈一谈不同的人对《黑神话:悟空》等游戏的看法。 01. Impressive video games Some things you should know about Black Myth: Wukong is that it has many achievements, like being the first 3A game in China (中国的第一部3A游戏). 此外,关注游戏的朋友可能知道Gamescom(科隆游戏展)——世界上最大的游戏盛会。而Black Myth: Wukong正是在这个展会上获得了“Best Visuals(最佳视觉效果奖)”。 该展会呈现了the latest trailers (最新的预告片) and announcements (公告) from the international games industry,由Geoff...
Published 09/05/24
主播:翩翩(中国)+Selah(美国) 歌曲:Love Story Selah recently got engaged!!! Selah最近订婚啦!!! 今天,我们一起来盘点一下外网热议的话题:the best relationship advice we have ever gotten (你听过哪些最好的恋爱建议)。 1. 常感恩 (Show appreciation often.) Never take each other for granted. Show appreciation often. “我从来不会把对方的好当作理所当然,我会经常对我爱人表达感激、肯定与欣赏。” 2.吵架时,你俩也是一伙的。(You are a team) When you are resolving an issue, you and your partner are a team, not people fighting against each other. It is the two of you versus the problem itself....
Published 09/01/24
 主播:Flora(中国)+Erin(美国)  歌曲:云宫迅音 今天距离《黑神话:悟空》正式发售已经有一周多了,但是它的热度依然不减。这期节目我们就聊一聊中国首个国产3A游戏大作——Black Myth: Wukong。 01. Introduction of the Game 游戏介绍 This is actually the first 3A game in China. 其实,3A游戏是类似于影视作品中的大片的概念。It’s a 3A title, which means it’s a super high-budget (高预算的) game with top-tier production values (有着顶级的制作价值). Some people say "3A" stands for (代表): a lot of time, a lot of money, a lot of resources. 同时,它创下了中国single-player game(单机游戏)的新纪录。 ·tier /tɪr/ n. 一层 Also, it is particularly...
Published 08/30/24
 主播:Flora(中国)+Selah(美国)  歌曲:Stray Nights 今日,中元。中元节又叫“鬼节”。其实除了中元节之外,万圣节、亡灵节也被称为“鬼节”。今天我们就来聊一聊不同的“鬼节”分别体现了什么样的“生死观”。 On Chinese Zhong Yuan Festival (中元节), we usually float river lanterns (放河灯) to honor our ancestors (祭祖). It’s also known as the "Ghost Festival (鬼节)." · ghost /ɡoʊst/ n. 鬼,幽灵 其实很多国家也都有“鬼节”,像Halloween (万圣节), Day of the Dead (亡灵节)等。关于万圣节的传统,相信大家都比较熟悉,比如:雕刻南瓜灯(carving pumpkins)、不给糖就捣蛋(trick or treating)。今天我们重点聊一聊亡灵节(Day of the Dead)。 01 Day of the Dead 亡灵节在墨西哥是一个非常重大的节日。People...
Published 08/18/24
主播:Flora(中国)+Erin(美国) 歌曲:Monster 巴黎奥运会期间,“饭圈文化”引发了人们的热议,今天,我们就来聊聊由奥运会引发的饭圈文化讨论。 01 何为“饭圈文化”? “饭圈文化”(Fandom culture)的“饭”是英文单词fan(粉丝)的音译,所谓的“饭圈”就是一些特定的人群,他们devote themselves to supporting their favorite stars(全身心地支持他们最喜欢的明星),这些明星可能是athletes(运动员),singers(歌手)或者是actors(演员)。 Fandom culture很容易lead to intense rivalries(引发激烈的争议或对抗)以及significant social media influence(产生巨大的社交媒体影响力)。因为当粉丝们对明星的devotion(忠诚)turns into blind loyalty(变得盲目忠诚时),they will see anyone who stands in their idol’s way as an...
Published 08/15/24
 主播:Flora(中国)+Selah(美国)  歌曲:How to Be Alone 01. 什么是“松弛感”? Selah has often seen the Chinese phrase "松弛感" on the Internet. What is it? 其实,松弛感我们可以说 “a sense of relaxation (一种放松的感觉)” 或者 “a chill vibe (一种松弛的氛围)”。 Basically, on Weibo, a lot of people are posting pictures with the phrase "sense of relaxation" on them (发布配文有“松弛感”的照片). 最近关于the Paris Olympics(巴黎奥运会)的新闻也有一些带有“松弛感 (a chill vibe)” 的文案。 Actually, a lot of people are looking for a sense of relaxation (寻找一种松弛感) these days. "Chill vibe"...
Published 08/08/24
 主播:Wendi(中国)+Selah(美国)  歌曲:Helpless 今年奥运会开幕式(the Paris 2024 Olympics opening ceremony)的很多创意都来源于一些French plays(法国戏剧)。今天,我们来聊一聊中西方戏剧的对比。 01 历史起源和剧种分类 法国是an important source of plays(戏剧的重要来源)。法国戏剧起源于medieval religious dramas(中世纪的宗教戏剧),这是一种有关宗教题材的戏剧。如mystery plays(神秘剧),它演绎的是选自《圣经》的一段神秘的故事,miracle plays(奇迹剧),一般是关于某个圣徒的奇迹,还有morality plays(道德剧),目的是教给人们某个重要的品德。 · morality /məˈræləti/ n. 道德,品行 They often performed in churches or public spaces (经常在教堂或公共场所上演). The French Renaissance (法国文艺复兴) brought...
Published 08/04/24
主播:Anne(中国)+Erin(美国) 歌曲 :Call You Mine 转眼已是三伏天,很多网友们说夏天是一个lose weight(减肥)的好时候。所以今天咱们来聊聊how to lose weight in the summer! 01 很多人喜欢夏季减肥 虽然很多人为了look better in summer clothes(夏天穿衣服更好看)而减肥,不过主播们personally wouldn’t recommend people to lose weight just for the sake of looking pretty(个人不太支持大家单纯为了看上去好看而减肥)!尽管会有一些潜移默化的beauty standards(审美标准),不过主播们并不认为thinner is better(人越瘦越好)。 for the sake of 为了…… 很多人会feel the societal pressure to be thin(感受到来自外界社会的要变瘦的压力),尤其是women and girls。所以主播们并不promote(提倡)that...
Published 08/02/24
 主播:Flora(中国)+Erin(美国)  歌曲 :can you hear me? (by Munn) 今天我们来聊一聊最近的一部关于“中式教育”的电影——《抓娃娃》(Successor)。 01. 影片名《抓娃娃》和Successor Successor意为“继承者”,指影片中父亲马成钢培养儿子马继业为自己的“继承者”。而“抓娃娃”则为“抓孩子”或者抓孩子的education(教育)。 02. 《抓娃娃》的影片内容 There was a tycoon(富翁) named Ma Chenggang who had two sons. 由于长子(his elder son)在优渥的条件下(under the favorable conditions)没多大成就,马成钢将此归咎于the living conditions were so good that he did not appreciate them(生活条件太好,所以他并不珍惜)。他觉得大儿子没能“成才”肯定是因为没有艰苦条件的磨炼。 Then he decided that he would make...
Published 07/28/24
 主播:Anne(中国)+Vip(澳大利亚)  歌曲 :If Today Was Your Last Day 上期节目提到(戳链接�《原子习惯》这本书,让你无痛建立新习惯!),building a good habit(建立一个好习惯)必不可少的是一个好的system(系统)。这期节目,咱们就继续来聊聊——如何设计一个“坚不可摧”的习惯系统。How to design a habit system that is indestructible? indestructible /ˌɪndɪˈstrʌktəbəl/ adj. 坚不可摧的 01 Four Stages 习惯的4个步骤 Before we actually build the system for a habit, we need to understand what a habit is. 在建立习惯系统之前,我们先要去深入认识习惯的本质。 每一个习惯的养成(when a habit is...
Published 07/26/24
 主播:Anne(中国)+Vip(澳大利亚)  歌曲 :Smile To build a habit(养成习惯)对于很多人而言是the hardest part(最难的部分)。今天,我们跟大家聊一本能帮助你真正养成习惯的书——Atomic Habits《原子习惯》,它的作者是James Clear。一提起习惯指南,这本书就会成为大家的go-to book(首选)。 书名中的atomic意思是“原子的”,作者的中心思想其中之一就是you need to start with very small changes,你要从非常小的改变开始做起,不要想一步登天。 要想养成习惯,我们要先搞清楚习惯的定义。习惯就是你日常生活中做出的small decisions(微小的决定)以及actions,这些决定和行为不需要你刻意思考或纠结。但是大多数人对于习惯都有误解,今天我们先来看看three common misunderstandings that most people have about habits(人们对于习惯的三个误解)。 #人们对于习惯的误解一  Small but...
Published 07/21/24