你是否梦想拥有一个自由又丰盛的生活型态呢?你是否也想和Lily一样过上环游世界并且从事热爱的事业呢?现在,有一个全新的生活体验和工作型态即将席卷全球,热爱英语和生活的你,如果你也想过帮助别人学习一门技能和创造一个更美丽的生活经验就不要错过下周一、三、五(4/15、4/17、4/19),中午我将在线上和你分享。 来参与我们福来生活体验与成为福来教练的计划吧,这个活动将带给你一个全新的生活体验和工作型态。让你不需要等到退休才去做热爱的事,过上你想要的快乐生活!无论你是想要增加收入、实现个人成长,还是为社会和世界做出更大的贡献,这个机会都将让你实现梦想。 立即到 Fly with Lily 网站首页注册直播活动,与我们一同探索自由丰盛生活的新可能性! 今日格言: "Life's most persistent and urgent question is, 'What are you doing for others?'" - Martin Luther King Jr.  生命中最反覆不断和迫切的问题是,“你为他人做了什么?” Day 22 问题挑战 What does the...
Published 04/14/24
你是否梦想拥有一个自由又丰盛的生活型态呢?你是否也想和Lily一样过上环游世界并且从事热爱的事业呢?现在,有一个全新的生活体验和工作型态即将席卷全球,热爱英语和生活的你,如果你也想过帮助别人学习一门技能和创造一个更美丽的生活经验就不要错过下周一、三、五(4/15、4/17、4/19),中午我将在线上和你分享。 来参与我们福来生活体验与成为福来教练的计划吧,这个活动将带给你一个全新的生活体验和工作型态。让你不需要等到退休才去做热爱的事,过上你想要的快乐生活!无论你是想要增加收入、实现个人成长,还是为社会和世界做出更大的贡献,这个机会都将让你实现梦想。 立即到 Fly with Lily 网站首页注册直播活动,与我们一同探索自由丰盛生活的新可能性! 今日格言: "Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning how to dance in the rain." - Vivian Greene  生命不是等待风暴过去,而是学会在雨中跳舞。 Day 21 问题挑战: Write about what...
Published 04/13/24
你是否梦想拥有一个自由又丰盛的生活型态呢?你是否也想和Lily一样过上环游世界并且从事热爱的事业呢?现在,有一个全新的生活体验和工作型态即将席卷全球,热爱英语和生活的你,如果你也想过帮助别人学习一门技能和创造一个更美丽的生活经验就不要错过下周一、三、五(4/15、4/17、4/19),中午我将在线上和你分享。 来参与我们福来生活体验与成为福来教练的计划吧,这个活动将带给你一个全新的生活体验和工作型态。让你不需要等到退休才去做热爱的事,过上你想要的快乐生活!无论你是想要增加收入、实现个人成长,还是为社会和世界做出更大的贡献,这个机会都将让你实现梦想。 立即到 Fly with Lily 网站首页注册直播活动,与我们一同探索自由丰盛生活的新可能性! "The purpose of life is to live it, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for newer and richer experience." - Eleanor...
Published 04/12/24
你是否梦想拥有一个自由又丰盛的生活型态呢?你是否也想和Lily一样过上环游世界并且从事热爱的事业呢?现在,有一个全新的生活体验和工作型态即将席卷全球,热爱英语和生活的你,如果你也想过帮助别人学习一门技能和创造一个更美丽的生活经验就不要错过下周一、三、五(4/15、4/17、4/19),中午我将在线上和你分享。 来参与我们福来生活体验与成为福来教练的计划吧,这个活动将带给你一个全新的生活体验和工作型态。让你不需要等到退休才去做热爱的事,过上你想要的快乐生活!无论你是想要增加收入、实现个人成长,还是为社会和世界做出更大的贡献,这个机会都将让你实现梦想。 立即到 Fly with Lily 网站首页注册直播活动,与我们一同探索自由丰盛生活的新可能性! 今日格言: "Your life has purpose. Your story is important. Your dreams count. Your voice matters. You were born to make an impact." -...
Published 04/11/24
今日格言:  "Life is a gift, and it offers us the privilege, opportunity, and responsibility to give something back by becoming more." - Tony Robbins 生命是一份礼物,当我们变得更好的时候,它给了我们特权、机会还有回报我们家庭与社会的责任。 Day 18 问题挑战: What would make the world a better place to live in? What does a better world look like? 什么可以让世界变得更美好?一个更美好的世界是什么样子? I've always believed that the world needs more love, healing energy, and passionate young individuals. A better world is one where there's no division, where everyone cares for,...
Published 04/10/24
今日格言: "The purpose of human life is to serve, and to show compassion and the will to help others." - Albert Schweitzer  人生的目的是服务,表现慈悲和帮助他人的意愿。 Day 17 问题挑战: What injustices make you angry? How can you improve them? 什么不公正的事情让你感到愤怒?你如何可以改善它们? Because of my easy-going nature, there aren't many things that truly make me angry. However, I have felt upset in the past with situations where people were treated differently based on their level of willingness to pay for services.. Yet, I must...
Published 04/09/24
今日格言: "The purpose of life is to contribute in some way to making things better." - Robert F. Kennedy 生命的目的在于以某种方式促进事情变得更好。 Day 16 问题挑战 What does the world need? What causes do you care about? 世界需要什么?你关心哪些社会议题? The world needs more love, healing, and young people who are passionate about life. As for the social issues I care about, they include topics related to relationships, such as marriage and parenting, gender equality, LGBTQ+ rights and social status, as well as mental health and the...
Published 04/08/24
今日格言: "The mystery of human existence lies not in just staying alive, but in finding something to live for." - Fyodor Dostoyevsky 人类存在的神秘之处不在于活着,而在于找到值得活下去的东西。 Day 15 问题挑战: How would it feel to go to work knowing you are being paid to use your strengths? 利用你的优势去获得酬劳会是什么感觉? It would feel wonderful to go to work knowing that I am being paid to use my strengths. My strengths include being spontaneous, adaptable to new experiences, proficient in English, sociable, responsible, and having rich...
Published 04/06/24
今日格言: "Don't ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive." - Howard Thurman 别问世界需要什么,问你是什么让你感到活有活力,然后去做。因为世界需要的是那些有活力的人。 Day 14挑战问题 What are some examples of times you were paid to do something you are good at? 做你擅长的事情得到酬劳的一些例子是什么? Some examples of times I was paid to do something I am good at include: 1.Teaching English: I earned an hourly rate for tutoring. 2.Sales work: I earned commissions. 3.Creating...
Published 04/05/24
今日格言 "Your purpose in life is to find your purpose and give your whole heart and soul to it." - Buddha 你生命的目的是找到你的目标,并全心全意地投入其中。 Day 13 问题挑战 What are you good at that you can also be paid for? These are professions. 你擅长什么,同时也可以获得报酬?这些就是专业。 In recent years, I've found that I excel in several areas that also generate income for me. These include English teaching and mentorship programs, such as my early risers club where I guide individuals in establishing beneficial habits like exercise,...
Published 04/02/24
Published 03/31/24
今日格言 "The biggest adventure you can take is to live the life of your dreams." - Oprah Winfrey 你能踏上的最大冒险就是过你梦想的生活。 Day 12 问题挑战 What might you need to learn to improve a skill you could be paid for? 你可能需要学习什么来提高一个可以获得报酬的技能? I might need to learn more about marketing and branding, as well as how to effectively utilize social media to promote my services or products. Additionally, improving communication and interpersonal skills is crucial, as it helps in building customer relationships and...
Published 03/30/24
"The purpose of life is a life of purpose." - Robert Byrne 生命的目的就是有一个有意义的生活。 Day 11 问题挑战 What did you want to be when you grew up? Is this something you could be paid for today? 你小时候想成为什么?这是你今天可以获得报酬的工作吗? When I was young, I briefly considered becoming a lawyer because my father was one, but I realized it would require too much studying, so I gave up on that idea. Later on, I didn't have a specific career in mind; instead, I was more interested in trying various experiences and traveling the...
Published 03/29/24
今日格言 "Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful." - Albert Schweitzer 成功不是快乐的关键,快乐才是成功的关键。如果你热爱自己正在做的事情,你将会成功。 Day 10 问题挑战 What can you be paid for? What skills do you bring to the table? 你能获得报酬的是什么?你拥有哪些技能? Before starting my podcast, I worked in sales and teaching, acquiring skills through public speaking engagements. After starting the podcast, I realized that various skills I possessed could be leveraged,...
Published 03/28/24
"老爸逝世两周年,写信给老爸,竟然回复了" 不是灵异现象啦!!! 我用机器人ChatGPT给我的帮助,这个回复真像是老爸会给我回复的口气!泪目~~~ ~我的信~ 爸爸,今天是你逝世的二周年,我现在想到两年前,我还是感到有些愤怒和愧疚自己没有马上赶到高雄看你和陪伴你,虽然从你过世后每天都有去看你和陪你火化了,还是觉得有点晚。我希望你知道我有多么深爱着你,从小到大你就是我心目中的男神偶像,我感恩你给我的人格培养和当我的好朋友,能和我沟通明白事理!我虽然都在外面跑不爱回家,但我们每次相聚都变得很愉快,我真的很感激你的理解,而去总是能用简单的话语鼓励到我。 你走之后,我似乎更没有心里负担地又去环球了一圈,本来只是计划3个月在冰岛当志工,却变成了长达18个月跨越10个国家的旅行,今年过年我到姐姐家吃饭了,姐姐和男友还有侄子看起来就像一家人非常地和睦,让我也觉得很安心和开心!当我问姐姐说有没有想你,她和我说,不太会想到了。我听到那刻觉得很失望,但也很羡慕和理解姐姐,姐姐是爷爷带大,但你生前都是姐姐和你每天都生活在一起照顾你。我们俩还有十几年几乎是背贴背地相处在一起,但我长大后总是不爱回家。你...
Published 03/27/24
今日格言 "Life is never made unbearable by circumstances, but only by lack of meaning and purpose." - Viktor Frankl 生活从来不是因为环境而变得不堪,而是因为缺乏意义和目的。 Day 9 问题挑战 What might you have to start doing to embrace your passions? Stop doing? Why? 要拥抱你的热情,你可能需要开始做些什么?停止做些什么?为什么? In order to embrace my passions, I might need to start allocating more time and resources in my daily life to engage in activities that align with my passions, such as traveling, learning new languages, or connecting with people from...
Published 03/26/24
今日格言 "The meaning of life is to give life meaning." - Ken Hudgins 生命的意义就是赋予生命意义。 Day 8 问题挑战 How can you bring more of your passions into your daily life? 你如何可以将更多的热情融入你的日常生活中? I ask ChatGPT: 1. Schedule regular language learning sessions or practice conversations with native speakers online. 2. Explore local cultural events or join language exchange groups to meet new people and practice your language skills. 3. Plan weekend getaways or day trips to nearby destinations to satisfy your urge...
Published 03/25/24
回答听众的问题:如何和主播一样学英语环游世界? 看到一个听众的留言觉得好可爱,“一开始对主题感兴趣,也产生了想要学习英语和旅行的欲望,后来发现有1400集,不知到要从哪里开始听起,直接放弃。” 我的方法:做我最喜欢的事(学习、认识新朋友、旅行、融合工作)、尝试不同的方式(语言交换、学习语音、到那个国家生活)、线上事业(找到社群和成功的人直接学习) 4.1 《学英语环游世界》10周年庆,我会在台东都兰和大家一起见面,看见新视界,创造属于你的Fly生活方式,报名连结 https://flywithlily.com/10
Published 03/23/24
今日格言 "Life's true meaning is found in the pursuit of passions and the connections we make along the way." 人生的真正意义在于追寻热情,以及我们在这过程中建立的连结。 Day 7挑战问题 What do you love to do that you're also good at? These are your passions. 你喜欢并且擅长做的事情是什么?这些就是你的热情所在。 I have a passion for traveling and meeting new people. I tend to be quite spontaneous with my travel plans. Additionally, I enjoy learning languages, and I'm skilled at maintaining my proficiency in them. I believe that if I can continue traveling to...
Published 03/22/24
今日格言 "The only way to do great work is to love what you do." - Steve Jobs 做出伟大的工作的唯一途径是热爱自己的工作。 Day 6 挑战问题 What are your top accomplishments? What achievements are you most proud of? 你最大的成就是什么?你最自豪的成就是什么? My top accomplishments include establishing the first volunteer tour guide service in China and working in several Fortune 500 companies such as Accenture and EA Games. I'm also proud of creating a podcast and having visited, lived, or worked in over 40 countries. I believe I'm most proud of...
Published 03/21/24
今日格言 "The meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose of life is to give it away." - Pablo Picasso 生命的意义是找到你的天赋,生命的目的是将它奉献出去。 Day 5 挑战问题 What are your top strengths? How do you use your strengths at work or in life? 你最大的优势是什么?你如何在工作或生活中利用你的优势? My top strengths include being well-traveled and fluent in multiple languages such as English, Spanish, Thai, and Balinese. I am also very open-minded, outgoing, enjoy listening, and have a knack for seeing the good in others. I am spontaneous and...
Published 03/20/24
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Published 03/19/24
今日格言 "The purpose of our lives is to be happy." - Dalai Lama 我们生活的目的就是为了快乐。 Day 4 挑战问题 What are your core values? How do they support your decisions? 你的核心价值是什么?它们如何支持你的决定? My core values include love, freedom, gratitude, abundance, and exploration. These values support my decisions by guiding my actions and choices. When faced with a decision, I reflect on these core values to ensure that my decision aligns with what I value most. For example, I prioritize feeling good over being right, as it...
Published 03/04/24