In this episode, Abby & Jillian dive into the controversial topic of weight loss. Learn about the science behind weight loss and discuss the major issues that Abby & Jillian see arise with common weight loss approaches. Gain confidence in how to assess whether or not pursuing weight loss is appropriate for you, and identify if the strategies you’ve been using might actually be derailing your health and preventing you from seeing results. Understand the importance of pursuing aesthetic...
Published 01/02/23
In this episode, Abby & Jillian dive into the controversial topic of fasting. Understand the true definition of intermittent fasting and discuss the nuance around when fasting can be beneficial and when it can be harmful. Learn about the pros and cons of intermittent fasting, differences between men and women, and how the inappropriate use of fasting could be hurting your gut and hormones. Gain confidence in how to assess whether or not fasting is a health promoting tool for you and get...
Published 12/19/22
In this episode, Abby & Jillian dive into answering YOUR gut health and hormones questions. Questions they cover include… Are seed oils such as a sunflower and canola oil to be avoided?How to support hormones when on a hormone based med for something like endo? For early morning workouts - is it better to eat before or after?Hormones during peri-menopause and tools to minimize symptoms?Common causes and solutions for acne? I have struggled with acne my whole life.Gut health and eczema:...
Published 12/12/22
In this episode, Abby and Jillian open up and share their own gut and hormone healing journeys that brought them to where they are today. It's no coincidence that Abby and Jillian have so much empathy and compassion for their clients and this community, because they have been there and walked in your shoes.  Abby and Jillian’s health journeys were very different in terms of content, but very similar in terms of their personal realizations and the challenges they encountered along the way....
Published 12/05/22
In this episode, Abby & Jillian dive into answering YOUR gut health and hormones questions. Questions they cover include… Are you able to reverse PCOS or just manage?Is a GI map or advanced stool test  worth it for persistent bloat? First or last resort?How to decrease DHT naturally?How to support your thyroid postpartum?How long does it typically take for those with PCOS to see full healing results? Is there a chance that doing everything to heal your PCOS doesn’t work?Thoughts or...
Published 11/28/22
In this episode, Abby & Jillian dive into the topic sleep – specifically quality, quantity, sleep disruptors, and targeted strategies for troubleshooting sleep issues…all the things. Sleep is the most modifiable risk factor for virtually every health condition, and the most underutilized health tool. Learn about the importance of sleep and its profound impact on regulating the health of our gut, hormones, immune system, cognitive function and metabolism. Most importantly, discover...
Published 11/21/22
In this episode, Abby & Jillian discuss circadian rhythms and how modern society challenges our bodies' natural internal clock that ensures everything is happening in the right place at the right time of day in the body. Circadian rhythm is more than just light and dark exposure; it’s also about when we eat, sleep, and move our bodies.  Learn about the importance of circadian rhythms and its profound impact on regulating the health of our gut, hormones, sleep quality, immune system and...
Published 11/07/22
In this episode, Abby & Jillian introduce the concept of functional foods and discuss their powerful role in hormone regulation and gut health. Learn how to utilize specific foods and food constituents to troubleshoot your hormone and digestive symptoms and to preserve and maintain optimal health.  Enjoy this beyond the basics episodes as you learn to support your gut and hormone health through simple and targeted nutrition strategies that make a BIG impact.  Feel confident in exactly how...
Published 10/31/22
Detoxification is a trendy word these days - but unfortunately it’s often misunderstood and misused in its application. Diet culture has led people to believe that detoxification involves restrictive juice cleanses and skinny teas, while the anti-diet culture backlash to this messaging touts that if you have a liver and kidneys - you’re detoxifying. Both of these extremes are inaccurate and have the potential to cause harm. Our bodies are incredibly intelligent and while we do have built in...
Published 10/24/22
We all know that stress isn’t good for our health and that our modern world is full of stressors. But conversations around stress management often only highlight practices that end up feeling like another task added onto our already overwhelming to-do list. The stale and outdated conversations around stress and stress management practices might even be keeping you stuck in a stress spiral that’s preventing you from achieving the results in your health goals. In this episode, Abby &...
Published 10/17/22
If you want to heal your gut and hormones, you have to balance your blood sugar first! Balanced blood sugar is foundational for holistic health. When blood sugar is out of balance - also known as the blood sugar “roller coaster” -  this can exacerbate gut and hormone symptoms, but it is also powerful enough to be a stand alone root cause of chronic symptoms in many people's bodies.  In this episode, Abby & Jillian dive into the topic of blood sugar to help you understand how blood sugar...
Published 10/17/22
In this episode, Abby & Jillian discuss the importance of building a supportive foundation with your nutrition and lifestyle habits to support a successful gut and hormone healing journey.  It IS possible to resolve your gut and hormone symptoms naturally - but a broken healthcare system and trendy wellness fads make it more confusing than ever to navigate your health. Abby & Jillian cover the top 5 things that they see being commonly overlooked that might be preventing you from...
Published 10/17/22
Welcome to the Your Body Has Your Back Podcast! Join Functional Dietitians Abby Hueber and Jillian Greaves for honest, inspiring, and offbeat conversations on health. Abby and Jillian have over 20 years of combined experience supporting clients in healing their gut and hormone symptoms naturally, and finding optimal health in our modern chaotic world. Now it’s their mission to provide you with the tools that you need to strengthen your relationship with your body, to resolve your gut and...
Published 09/20/22