The Biggest Reason We Don’t Stay on a Regular Exercise Habit BY LEO BABAUTA There are so many benefits to exercise, from cancer prevention to brain health, from heart health to better weight management, from stronger bones to less stress and more happiness … so why is it so hard for most people to stick […]
Published 06/19/16
The Get Fit For Summer Exercise Challenge BY LEO BABAUTA I’m a big fan of exercise challenges. I’ve used challenges to change my health and fitness habits, including: Pushup challenges with my wife & kids Burpee challenge with a friend Online group exercise challenges Workout and diet challenges with my wife (we got rewards if […]
Published 06/19/16
The Face Everything Technique: Why Avoiding Difficulties Doesn’t Work BY LEO BABAUTA We are, all of us, amazing at avoiding things. Our minds are less “thinking machines” than they are “avoiding machines.” And the incredible thing is that we aren’t even usually aware that we’re avoiding thinking about something. I’ll give you a few examples: […]
Published 06/19/16
This Moment is Enough BY LEO BABAUTA I was in a plane descending into Portland for a quick stopover, and I gazed upon a brilliant pink sunrise over blue and purple mountains, and my heart ached. Instinctively, I looked over to Eva to share this breath-taking moment, but she was sleeping. I felt incomplete, not being […]
Published 05/16/16
Relationship Salve: The Practice of Intentional Dialogues BY LEO BABAUTA A couple months ago, I started a daily practice with my wife Eva called the Intentional Dialogue process, aimed at helping us become better at talking about difficult issues. Now, Eva and I have a great marriage, and we love each other deeply. But like any […]
Published 05/16/16