In this episode of the Anger Secrets Podcast, host Alastair Duhs explores the most common reasons people resist participating in anger management programs. These reasons are: skepticism towards these programs' effectiveness, concerns over the lack of personalisation, fears of a lengthy time commitment, financial constraints, and difficulty navigating technology. Alastair shares two personal stories demonstrating how refusal to seek help can lead to devastating consequences. In the last...
Published 12/17/23
In this episode of the Anger Secrets Podcast, host Alastair Duhs shares a candid interview with Paul, a 54-year-old man who decided to join The Complete Anger Management System following an ultimatum from his girlfriend. Having struggled with anger issues all his life, Paul opens up about his journey towards controlling his anger, the strategies he has adopted and the noticeable changes he has made so far. This episode highlights the importance of acknowledging anger issues and seeking out...
Published 12/10/23
Episode Overview: In Episode 57, Alastair Duhs delves into the complex relationship between alcohol and anger management. This episode is invaluable for anyone grappling with anger issues and seeking to understand how alcohol consumption might be impacting their emotional regulation and behavior. Key Topics Explored: 1. Understanding the Influence of Alcohol: Alcohol as a depressant affects the nervous system and brain function, leading to relaxation but also intensifying negative emotions...
Published 12/03/23
Episode Overview: In this insightful episode, Alastair Duhs shares his extensive experience in anger management and offers three practical strategies for controlling anger. Drawing on over 30 years of helping thousands of individuals, Alastair provides a roadmap to mastering emotions and fostering calmer, more positive relationships. Key Strategies Discussed: Recognize The Early Warning Signs of Anger: Understanding personal triggers and physiological signs of anger, such as a racing heart or...
Published 11/26/23
Episode Overview: In Episode 55, Alastair Duhs revisits a crucial topic from Episode 6: understanding the nature of abuse and violence in relationships. This encore episode provides a comprehensive analysis of different forms of abuse and their impacts, emphasizing the importance of recognizing and addressing abusive behaviors in oneself and others. Key Insights: Defining Abuse and Violence: Alastair underscores that abuse and violence are the same, encompassing behaviors intended to control,...
Published 11/18/23
Episode Overview: Join Alastair in Episode 54 of the Anger Secrets Podcast as he delves into the vital topic of resolving relationship conflicts. This episode is a goldmine for anyone looking to strengthen their relationships, learn effective conflict resolution techniques and manage anger more constructively. Key Points Discussed: The Impact of Anger in Relationships: Alastair discusses the profound effects anger can have on relationships, including the loss of respect, friendships, and even...
Published 11/11/23
In this enlightening episode of the Anger Secrets podcast, we delve into the transformative journey of Cameron, a once-angry father and husband who turned his life around through our online anger management program. In the episode, we explore: Cameron's Initial Struggles: We discuss the incident that led Cameron to realize the negative impacts of his anger on his family and his subsequent decision to seek help.The Anger Management Program: Details about The Complete Anger Management System,...
Published 11/04/23
In this enlightening episode, we take a deep dive into the harmful effects of unresolved anger on our loved ones. We discuss the atmosphere of fear and discomfort anger creates and how it can lead to emotional or physical harm. We also talk about the negative influence anger can have on the self-esteem and confidence of those around us. Highlighting real-life accounts from our listeners, we share their transformative journeys as they understand and admit to the devastating effects of their...
Published 10/28/23
Welcome to episode 51 of the Anger Secrets Podcast: "You Create Your Anger". In this enlightening episode, we delve into an essential aspect of anger management—understanding that our thoughts, not external events or people, create our anger. We share real-life examples of how our clients, Lisa and Richard, have successfully managed to change their thinking patterns and control their anger, creating calmer and more respectful relationships in their lives. Hear firsthand how this shift in...
Published 10/21/23
In this milestone 50th episode of the Anger Secrets Podcast, "The Key To Anger Management", we delve deeper into the vital role of self-awareness in managing anger. We explore the concept of "Early Warning Signs" of Anger – the physical, behavioral, emotional, and mental indicators that signal escalating anger. Hear firsthand testimonials from Dan, Kyle, and Ross, who have successfully harnessed the power of awareness to transform their relationships and their lives. Key Takeaways: Becoming...
Published 10/14/23
Welcome to episode 49 of the Anger Secrets Podcast, "Anger Just Does Not Work." In this episode, we delve deeper into how unchecked anger can lead to negative outcomes and disrupt healthy relationships. We share a real-life story of Richard, a man who struggled with anger but ultimately learned to control his emotions, transforming his life and relationships. We also hear from Jason and Josh, two individuals who have successfully completed the Complete Anger Management System – an online...
Published 10/07/23
Welcome to Episode 48 of the Anger Secrets Podcast: "I Wish I Could Take It Back: Leon's Story." In today’s episode, you'll hear Leon's personal journey of addressing his anger issues, gaining self-awareness, and how he successfully changed the way he interacts with those closest to him. Key Takeaways from this episode: How Leon went from being skeptical to a staunch advocate of the Anger Secrets course.The significance of self-awareness and the 'Tension Scale' in identifying and addressing...
Published 09/30/23
In this episode of the Anger Secrets Podcast, Anger Expert Alastair Duhs delves into a common, destructive pattern known as the "Blame Game". Discover what the "Blame Game" is, how it manifests in your everyday life, and most importantly, how to escape it. This episode provides five actionable tips to help you stop blaming others and start taking ownership of your actions, with an emphasis on self-awareness, responsibility, empathy, avoiding "shoulds", and effective communication. If...
Published 09/23/23
In this thought-provoking episode, Anger Expert Alastair Duhs delves into the efficacy of anger management programs. Backed by over 30 years of experience and countless success stories, Alastair offers a resounding yes to the question, "Do anger management programs work?" Alastair shares insightful studies that support the transformative effect of anger management programs, providing compelling evidence of their influence in reducing anger arousal, controlling aggressive behavior and...
Published 09/16/23
In this eye-opening episode of the Anger Secrets podcast, Anger Expert Alastair Duhs delves into the destructive "Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse" – the four relationship behaviors that often lead to divorce as identified by Dr. John Gottman. Alastair takes a close look at each behavior, providing clear examples and explaining why they can be so damaging to relationships. But it's not all doom and gloom. Alastair also discusses practical antidotes to these behaviors, helping you transition...
Published 09/09/23
In this enlightening episode of the Anger Secrets Podcast, Anger Expert Alastair Duhs shares seven actionable tips to craft an effective apology. These strategies can help you acknowledge your wrongs, express genuine remorse, understand the impact of your actions, and commit to not repeating the mistake. Alastair emphasizes that a sincere apology can play a vital role in relationship repair and personal growth. Learn how to offer to make amends and how to accept the response from others....
Published 09/02/23
In this enlightening episode, Anger Expert Alastair Duhs delves into the world of problem-solving within relationships. Learn the practical and effective 3-step LNC method designed to help couples tackle their issues in a healthier, more constructive manner. Alastair breaks down each step: Listen, Negotiate, and Choose. Remember, successful conflict resolution often requires active listening, creative brainstorming and a willingness to find a mutually beneficial solution. It's not about...
Published 08/26/23
In today's episode, "The Power of Compassion", you will learn how understanding and empathy can transform anger into compassion. In this enlightening episode, Anger Expert Alastair Duhs shares an impactful story about a man named James, who had a life-changing encounter that taught him the crucial role of compassion in managing anger. Remember, you never truly know what's going on in another person's world that's causing them to act or behave a certain way. Do you want to learn practical...
Published 08/19/23
Anger is a powerful emotion. It can come on suddenly, overwhelming you and often leading to reactions you later regret. While it's normal to get angry, learning to manage anger effectively, especially in the heat of the moment, is vital. In this episode, I'll share five potent strategies that you can use to control your anger immediately when it strikes. These tips will equip you with practical tools that you can use to keep your cool and handle anger effectively. So, if you've ever struggled...
Published 08/12/23
Arguments are a natural part of almost all relationships. It's not uncommon, for example, for couples to disagree about how to manage their finances, how to raise their children or even about something as simple as whose turn it is to do the dishes. It can be easy to feel like your disagreements are a sign of something wrong in your relationship. It's normal, for instance, to wonder if your arguing is indicative of a deeper problem or if it's simply a normal part of being in a...
Published 08/05/23
Anger is a normal human emotion that everyone experiences from time to time. However, when anger becomes a recurring or destructive force, it can damage relationships, cause stress and anxiety, and even lead to physical health problems. But what if there were some practical, actionable steps to help you control your anger? What if you could stop your anger from controlling you and, instead, use it as a signal for growth and change? In today's episode of the Anger Secrets podcast, I'll reveal...
Published 07/29/23
Vulnerability in a relationship isn't always easy to do. It requires courage, trust, and a willingness to expose your innermost thoughts and feelings. It can be challenging to let down your guard and be more open with your partner. But what if there were some practical tips to help you be more vulnerable? And what if these tips could transform your relationship into a deeper, more intimate bond? That's exactly what I will explore in today's episode. In this episode, I'll delve into the top...
Published 07/22/23
What does it mean to be a man? This is a question that has been asked for centuries in many cultures. Of course, there is no single answer to answer to this question. However, one thing is certain: Just like everyone else, men wear various masks to cope with societal expectations, personal insecurities, and their ever-changing roles. But what if those masks become a prison? And what if a man is so used to wearing his mask that he forgets who he truly is and what it means to be a man? In this...
Published 07/15/23
Listening well is essential to help you control your anger and create calmer, happier and more loving relationships. But how do you become a better listener? After working with thousands of couples, I know that mastering the art of listening can be more complex than it appears. Being a good listener requires focus, empathy, patience, and a genuine interest in grasping another person's viewpoint. Often, it also means setting aside your thoughts and emotions to truly tune into the words being...
Published 07/08/23
Creating a happy, loving and successful marriage isn't always smooth sailing. It requires effort, patience, understanding, a lot of love and sometimes a few difficult conversations. It can be hard to make marriage work and to maintain the spark that brought you together in the first place. But what if there were a few key steps to creating a successful marriage? And what if you could learn to apply these steps to your marriage, almost guaranteeing a fantastic relationship? Well, that's...
Published 07/01/23